Volume 135 | January 2021
NEW 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines Recommend Whole Grains for Kids
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) for 2020-2025, released earlier this month, includes age-specific recommendations for infant and toddler nutrition for the first time. Specifically, they recommend that children 12-24 months make upwards of ⅔ of their total grain intake whole, along with recommending at least half of all grains as whole grains for older age groups.
Join Us to Learn about African Heritage Whole Grains
As part of our African Heritage Recipe Celebration throughout Black History Month, we'll be hosting an Instagram Live with acclaimed Chef Pierre Thiam, a pioneer in popularizing the grain fonio throughout the US. Tune into the @ATasteofHeritage Instragram account on February 11 at 1:30pm ET to go live with us.

Sneak Peak at WGSD 2021:
Foolproof Tips to Perfectly Cook Whole Grains
Being a great cook often means working smarter, not harder. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can perfectly cook whole grains every single time.
Spread the Word: Whole Grain Sampling Day 2021
Help us get the word out about Whole Grain Sampling Day. Get free social media graphics to share (including the most adorable grain you've ever seen!), and let's join together to encourage everyone to get ready to #SampleWholeGrains on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
3 Ways to Use Oats
This easy-to-make muesli, featuring January's Whole Grain of the Month, is packed with flavor and heart-healthy walnuts. Garnish with raisins, grated apple, and top with yogurt or kefir and a touch of honey if desired. It can also be mixed with milk. Make a batch on the weekend for delicious breakfast all week long.

Recipe and photo courtesy of California Walnuts
Overnight oatmeal is the perfect grab-and-go breakfast. Try experimenting with different fruits and flavorings.

An Oldways Whole Grains Council recipe and photo
Oats and mozzarella add moisture to these delicious turkey burgers. Make sure to pair them with whole grain buns!

Recipe and photo courtesy of Quaker Oats