February 24th, 2023

photo courtesy of David Sanders. Outdoor Street Puppets, representing each; from left to right; poet Tato Laviera, poet Miguel Algarin and small business owner/entrepreneur Adela Fargas. Made at The Loisaida Center

Hello The Loisaida,

We continue to build on our legacy as a vibrant, diverse Puerto Rican/Latinx community hub that has become a Culture & Arts advocate and connector within and outside the Lower East Side of Manhattan. We learned from experience how the Nuyorican, Puerto Rican, Latinx expressions of arts and advocacy for social justice, characterized the unique history of Loisaida, Inc. for almost 40 years, a history that is up to us to preserve.

Loisaida, Inc. Arts & Culture Center continues to grow in presence and impact within our broad Lower Manhattan community bridging solidarity through sustainability as we aim to improve the quality of life in the Lower East Side with intention and resolve. Our open-door approach to serving the needs of the our residents informs the development of innovative, relevant and timely initiatives and partnerships at the intersections of arts and culture, technology and media, community development and education as well as, health and wellbeing.

Furthermore, nothing can be accomplished without collaboration and intent; Loisaida, Inc. is proud to represent our neighborhood on each of these important coalitions:

  • LMNC - Lower Manhattan Neighborhood Council
  • WECAN - Whitney Education Community Advisory Network
  • LxNY - Latinx Arts Consortium of New York

Finally, but certainly not least, Save the Date! Sunday, May 28th, 2023 for The Loisaida Festival!

Pepe Flores is en la casa

@latinxprojnyu NEW on Intervenxions

"Last March, Pepe and his long-time friend, Lyn Pentecost, founder and emeritus director of the Lower Eastside Girls Club, were able to secure a storefront space just below the apartment where Pepe was living to house La Sala de Pepe and Foto Espacio. When you walk into the space, the first thing that strikes you is the homey feel—it’s literally a sala, from your memory of salas past, sans the plastic slipcovers on the furniture.”

Pepe Flores is en la casa

by Ed Morales

Read the full article here

La Sala de Pepe

73 Avenue C - Loisaida Ave. & 5th St.

Film Screening: "EL CARRAO"

celebra la vida del cantante Juan De Los Santos Contreras

hosted by:

Mafer Bandola's PAPIRIS NIGHTS

música llanera

Saturday, February 25th at 7:00 pm

Únase a nosotros en La Sala de Pepe el sábado 25 de febrero a las 7 p. m. para la proyección del documental El Carrao, que celebra la vida del cantante Juan De Los Santos Contreras, reconocido por su estilo musical folklorico del joropo venezolano. (Esta película está en español con subtítulos en inglés).

Join us at La Sala de Pepe & Foto Espacio on Saturday, February 25th at 7pm for a screening of the documentary El Carrao, which celebrates the life of Venezuelan joropo singer Juan De Los Santos Contreras. (This film is in Spanish with English subtitles).

"Música Llanera, as it is often called, is not well known outside of the country - it is played on cuatro, maracas, bass, harp and bandola - and draw from hybrid traditions including African, indigenous, criollo and Spanish traditions."

-Mafer Bandola



(max. 2 tickets per person)

There will be another room opened at The Loisaida Center if La Sala reaches capacity.

Be sure to reserve your ticket!

Saturday, Feb. 25th - 7pm


Guided Art Workshops for Super-Adults ¡En Español!

in partnership with: The Whitney Museum

Tuesday, February 28th - 10:30 am.


Loisaida, Inc. Center hosts hybrid guided drawing sessions and exhibition tours inspired by "no existe un mundo poshuracán: Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria", currently on view at the Whitney Museum.

Join us at Loisaida, Inc. Center - 710 East 9th Street. No experience needed. All materials will be provided. Lead artist: Jano Cortijo

Join Virtually Via Zoom!

La Cocina de Loisaida: Cena Puertorriqueña

March 15th & March 18th

In this class we're going to enjoy an amazing Puerto Rican dinner! Our menu consists of Carne Mechada, Trifongo, and Dulce de Coco. The dishes we will make are a phenomenal combination of traditional Caribbean Flavors! Learn how to make it with the one and only Maria Bido in this month's sessions of La Cocina de Loisaida on Wednesday, March 15th and Saturday, March 18th!

Buy your ticket now!

ECOLIBRIUM acknowledges the generations of work invested in creating and preserving the 47 community gardens in the Loisaida neighborhood, and invites everyone to re-visit Gardens Rising, the Lower East Side Community Gardens Green Infrastructure Study and Master Plan, performed in 2015 in response to Super Storm Sandy.

The importance of Green Infrastructure as a means to manage stormwater needs to be re-examined and valued so that unrealized and potential new projects in the LES receive the funding and investments needed to succeed.

Stay tuned for an upcoming Lower East Side Community Gardens Town Hall, where we will hear from community gardeners about their works with nature-based solutions that improve the lives, health and wellbeing of LES residents, and their many challenges.

Please take our quick survey!

Do you know what green infrastructure is?
Do you understand why capturing storm water is valuable?
Are you a community gardener?
Are you interested in volunteering in a community garden?


Check out The Lyrical Legacy of Jean-Michel Basquiat playing now on LoisaidaTV

Loisaida, Inc. was invited to the Nuyorican Poets Cafe to witness a lyrical tribute to Jean Michel Basquiat by the Cafe's new Director, Caridad de la Luz, as she sat down with Basquiat's niece Sophia Lorenz Herneaux to highlight the prolific visual artist's connections to Loisaida, cultural and artistic contributions and its Afro-Caribbean heritage.

New Partnerships, Coalition Building & Solidarity

Loisaida, Inc. is proud to join the Latinx Arts Consortium of New York, a collaborative peer network of organizations serving Latinx communities and artists across New York City.

Read more.

Loisaida Inc. has partnered with the Whitney Museum to create customized programs for older-adults to actively engage with the museum's exhibitions, share ideas, and relate what they learn to their own lives and experiences.

Read more.

Loisaida, Inc. is part of the Lower Manhattan Council advising the Neighborhood Support division at Trinity Church Wall Street to take a holistic, place-based approach to family and community wellbeing.

Read more.

Loisaida, Inc., as a part of the Lower Manhattan Neighborhood Council did some extraordinary work in defining the issues of greatest need that helped inform the final assessment conducted by the Neighborhood Support division at Trinity Church Wall Street. It also made meaning of the needs and developed a comprehensive grant making strategy to have funding support where is most impactful.

Learn more.

Click below for more events happening in our extended community!

View our Community Events Calendar

Founded in 1979, Loisaida, Inc. offers year-round, accessible arts & culture programming that celebrates the rich heritage of the Lower East Side and its Puerto Rican and immigrant communities. Through its multi-purpose space, the Loisaida Inc. Center provides opportunities to emerging artists and creators working in diverse disciplines, promotes a vibrant social and community life, and serves as an incubator for self-sustainable initiatives.

Stay Connected!

Facebook  Twitter  Instagram  Youtube  

Loisaida Inc. | 646-726-4715 | info@loisaida.org | loisaida.org

710 E. 9th Street New York, NY 10009

Loisaida Inc. programs are supported in part by public funds from the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA), the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus (BLAC) in partnership with the City Council and the office of the New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and the New York State Legislature, City Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, NYS Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, the Manhattan Borough President's Office and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

We would like to acknowledge the support of the Hispanic Federation, Trinity Church Wall Street. The Howard Gilman Foundation, The Stonewall Foundation, The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation, The Promesa Foundation, and MOSAIC Foundation at the New York Community Trust.

Thank you!

Loisaida Inc. Center Staff:

Alejandro Epifanio - Executive & Artistic Director

Paul Garin - Ecolibrium Program Coordinator

Catiria Ayende - Administrative Assistant

Yarani del Valle - Program Manager

Alex-Nicole Edwards - Marketing Associate

Julián Garnik - Videographer & Editor

Melvin Audaz - Photographer

María Torres - MUJER Program Coordinator

Teaching Artists:

Lucrecia Novoa, Rénoly Santiago, Andy Martinez,

Julia Justo, Stefen Reed, Roxana Torres, Pedro Alomar, Rosa Velez, Espartaco Albornoz and Marta Rosario-Dann

Acacia Network Staff:

Lymaris Albors - Chief Executive Officer

Raul Russi - President

Angel Santini - Special Programs VP

Gabriela González - Communications Director

Acacia Network Inc. - Finance & Compliance

Loisaida Inc. Board:

Kaleb H. Sanchez, Wilfred Renta, Anthony Rivera, Angel Cruz, Angel Audiffred and Deborah Quiñones

You are receiving this email because of your outstanding commitment to the Puerto Rican and LatinX Cultures and the preservation of our heritage in New York City. Thank you.

Arts & Culture = Social Services

Consider supporting our work by making a tax-deductible donation today.

Click here to make you tax-deductible donation today!

Loisaida Inc. is a federally certified 501(c)(3) charitable organization and an affiliate of the Acacia Network