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PEG 6th Congressional District Newsletter 362

Thursday, March 28, 2024

New PEG Section!

We would like to Introduce you to a new recurring segment in the PEG Newsletter leading up to the Presidential Election on November 5, 2024. Inspired by Alabama's Supreme Court Ruling, the new section is called "This vs. That," where we analyze and compare the notable distinctions between the two potential candidates. This is for all those "lesser of two evil" folks out there so please SHARE if you know anyone who might benefit from these scenarios.

For example, we might focus on language. Specifically, how do the candidates address each other and their supporters?

  • Biden: Refers to his Republican Opponent and their Allies
  • Former MAGA Republican: Labels Joe Biden as Crooked Joe, Sleepy Joe, and his "very bad fascists."

Today's This vs. That sections are around Social Security and Medicare Benefits AND a special Planet on Fire!

Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits vs. Negotiate Drug Pricing & Increase Tax for Wealthy Individuals

A few weeks ago, Donald Trump admitted he would cut Social Security and Medicare if reelected. “There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements.” He then tried to walk back his comment. And if you recall, during his term he wanted to eliminate the payroll tax, the tax that pays for Medicare and Social Security. Whether under Trump or not, there is a new tax cut for the wealthy: Republicans feel that due to an aging population, a change such as raising the Social Security age or cutting benefits is in order.

On the other hand, President Biden asserts in his new budget that Social Security (and Medicare) can remain solvent by raising taxes on high incomes rather than by cutting benefits, and by lowering the high cost drugs through The Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act gave Medicare the authority to negotiate prices for high-cost drugs, lowering costs for seniors and people with disabilities.

Planet on Fire: Biden's Environmental Policies vs. Donald Trump

The Biden administration is attacking climate change head-on. On March 22, it issued a ruling requiring all new cars and trucks be electric or hybrid by 2032. Announced President Biden, “half of all new cars and trucks sold in 2030 would be zero-emission.” Biden’s historic move would save our planet seven billion tons of greenhouse gasses over the next thirty years.

In contrast, Trump rages against electric vehicles. He predicts they will kill the American car industry and pledges to do away with Biden’s ruling. Biden’s ruling has caused the predictable opposition: the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers has begun what it calls a “seven-figure” campaign against electric cars. Car dealerships, whose repair services are highly profitable, also oppose electric vehicles, which have fewer parts and hence fewer repair bills. In support of Biden’s environmental policies, The League of Conservation Voters announced they are donating $120 million to his campaign.

Events and GOTV (Getting Out the Vote)


Easter 1941

Sunday, March 31. Easter Sunday

Easter is often considered to be a Christian Holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, Easter traditions date back to celebrations of Spring, Sun, and Peace. Today, we have added the Easter bunny, Spring fasion, and (lots of) chocolate to these traditions!

Check out this throwback video of what Easter looked like at the White House in 1941.

However you choose to spend your Sunday, enjoy it!!

April Happenings with the Washtenaw County Democratic Party

  • Saturday, April 6. WCDP Monthly General Membership Meeting and panel of Democratic candidates for Washtenaw County Sheriff. Washtenaw County Learning Resource Center, 4135 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor. Register here. 9:30 am—12 pm ET 
  • Sunday, April 7. Young Dems Spring KickOff. “Forward Together: Uniting Young Dems for Washtenaw’s Future,” with Eli Savit and Victoria Burton-Harris, Washtenaw County’s prosecutors. Ann Arbor District Library, Westgate Branch, 2503 Jackson Avenue. Register here. 2—4 pm ET 
  • Sunday, April 14. Fundraising concert by pianist Louis Nagel. First Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 4001 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, Ann Arbor. Also streamed online. Register here. 4 pm ET

Wednesdays at 8 pm. America at a Crossroads Virtual Series

  • April 3. Martin Baron with Patt Morrison: “Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos and the Washington Post.” Register here
  • April 10. Ruy Teixeira with Madeleine Brand: “Political Demography - Where Have All the Democrats Gone?” Register here
  • April 17. Barbara McQuade with Henry Weinstein: “Attack from Within - How Disinformation is Sabotaging America.” Register here
  • April 24. Yaroslav Trofimov with Max Boot “Russia’s War on Ukraine: An Update from Two Leading Journalists.” Register here
  • May 1. Norm Ornstein with Larry Mantle: “The 2024 Presidential Election - How to Increase Public Confidence in the Legitimacy of the Results.” Register here

Thursdays. Ballot Curing Training for the August Primary & the November General Elections

When a Michigan voter's returned absentee ballot is rejected, the voter has until the end of the day on election day to correct, or "cure," any errors or vote a new ballot. At this ballot curing training, you will learn the mistakes that require curing and what to tell voters. One will mostly leave messages on how voters reach their clerk to fix their errors. Register here to learn how to help them. 6—8 pm ET

The Aftermath of Michigan Gun Violence

Gun violence is so prevalent in America that it often goes unnoticed and unreported. The public hears about mass shootings, but not individual shootings. The public does not and cannot begin to understand the physical and emotional impact on the survivors.

According to the Brady Center, 327 people are shot in America every day. But there is another side to the story that rarely gets told: what about all the shootings we never hear about? What happens to the survivors? What do they go through in the next year, or even beyond?

Jeff Seidel, a writer for the Detroit Free Press, crafted a poignant and detailed five-part series chronicling the journey of Amedy Dewey, who was shot in the face by her stepfather when she was a teenager in 2018. The series delves into the profound impact of the shooting on every aspect of Dewey's life as she continues to recover six years later. Dewey has endured 20 surgeries thus far to reconstruct her face, and spent five months at the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons Training Center in Kalamazoo, where she learned to live independently. Despite her ordeal, Dewey is determined to share her story and be a catalyst for change. Her message is unequivocal: "Look at me. Hear my story. Try to understand what it means to be a survivor of a shooting."

It is worth your time to read the series: explanation of series; 

article published 2/25/24 and updated 3/2/24;

article published 2/25/24 and updated 3/1/24;

article published Feb 27, 2024 and update 3/2/24;

article published 2/28/24 and updated 3/2/24;

and article published 2/29/24 and updated 3/2/24

This is a list of countries by estimated number of privately owned guns per 100 people. The United States tops the list with 120.5 firearms per 100 as compared with the Falkland Islands, listed as number 2, with 61.2 firearms per 100.

Action: You can actually make a difference with gun violence!! 

Become a Community Educator and receive training on gun violence and the four new Michigan gun laws: safe storage of firearms in homes with children; Extreme Risk Protection Orders (who is eligible to file them and how); universal background checks and how to use them; and new protections for domestic violence survivors. Sign up here for online training: Thursdays April 18 and May 16 at 8 pm ET

Sign up for online training
Visit the PEG Events Page for more upcoming events at!

Good News

Activism Works! Ronna McDaniel will NOT work for NBC News!

A few days ago, NBC News hired former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel to be an NBC/MSNBC political analyst. As an election denier and supporter of the insurrection, McDaniel was hired because NBC sought “the diverse perspectives of American voters.” 

There was an outcry by journalists and viewers who objected to her hire as a threat to truth and to the network’s credibility. On Monday, Rachel Maddow argued that NBC News and its parent company could show strength by admitting the McDaniel hire was a mistake and ending their deal with her. Maddow said, “take a minute, acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the right call,” she said. “It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong. And our country needs us to be strong right now.” 

This story has a happy ending: as of Tuesday afternoon, NBC News reversed its decision and Ronna McDaniel is no longer working for them. Activism works!!

ACE Act Would Protect Wetlands

The America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization (ACE) Act is moving forward in the Senate. It is a bipartisan bill that will protect birds and fish by providing funding to conserve wetlands in North America. “Wetlands not only provide critical habitat to birds and wildlife,” observes Jesse Walls, senior director of government affairs at the National Audubon Society, “they also serve as a natural solution to reducing carbon emissions and protecting against climate threats.” If the ACE Act passes in the House and Senate, it is very good news for the planet.

statue-of-liberty-no-text-dark-blue transparent.png

A special thanks to our Newsletter contributors: 

PEG Cartoon of the Week

Lisa Kamil, Bette Cotzin, Bernie Banet, Linda Bennett, Kayla Conrad, Ellen Halter, Leslie McGraw, Leslie Kamil, Molly Boren, and Chuck Newman for their contributions and help preparing our newsletters. Special shout out to Mieko Preston for her dazzling designs. Follow us on IG, FB, & X!

Write us at if you would like help create our weekly newsletter OR if you would like to be a guest contributor! It’s fun and no ongoing commitment is required.


PEG is a (somewhat) non-partisan volunteer organization whose mission is to assure that our government will treat all Americans with equality and acceptance. PEG's work is primarily done by recruiting, educating and nurturing supporters for worthy organizations, actions and events that reflect our beliefs. The weekly PEG Newsletter typically goes out each Thursday. To subscribe to this free newsletter, go to our sign up form by clicking here.

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