Stay Connected to the Healthy Schools Movement in BC
There are plenty of ways to stay connected to the healthy schools movement! Follow DASH on social media for all your healthy schools news and happenings.
Grant Opportunities
View other healthy school grant opportunities
Video of the Month:
Redesigned Curriculum
As the new school year brings new approaches to learning for schools through the redesigned B.C. curriculum, the core competencies, which are evident in every area of learning, are an integral part of this learning experience. Click
here to watch the short overview video about the core competencies.
Have a Great Story? We Want to Hear It!
We want to hear your healthy schools story! Educators, students and community members across the province are working hard to create healthier schools. Sharing your stories can help support and inspire others, and viewing stories from other schools can do the same for you. Check out the
Healthy Schools Stories Map
Submitting an Article for the Newsletter |
How would you like to promote your organization's message to members of the health and education sectors across BC? To learn how to submit an article for the Healthy Schools BC Newsletter, please visit the Healthy Schools BC website
here for submission dates and guidelines.
The Healthy Schools BC Newsletter is brought to you by DASH BC. Our vision is that ALL children and youth in BC will realize their full potential as healthy learners who feel connected and engaged in their community.
We are a non-profit society that inspires our partners and stakeholders to improve the health and learning of students in BC by promoting, supporting and facilitating a healthy schools approach. Visit our
for more information
Get Your School Ready to Walk and Be Active
Register for Walk and Wheel to School and more!
DASH BC is excited to present the 9th annual Walk and Wheel to School Week from October 3rd - 7th, 2016, as part of
International Walk to School Month (iWalk). This week-long provincial event held every year in October encourages students, parents, staff, and community members to celebrate the many benefits of walking to school. Click
here to learn more.
Opportunity for Leaders of Children's Art Programs
After School Sport and Arts Initiative (ASSAI)
ASSAI arts programs encourage children to discover arts and culture as a tool for creative expression and imaginative problem solving. DASH is working on a project that will make high quality training available to leaders of children's arts programs. This work is being done in partnership with BC Recreation and Parks Association and HIGH FIVEĀ®, a national standard committed to supporting children along the path of healthy development. Click here to read about this opportunity.
Looking for Healthy Living Resources?
Check out the Healthy Schools BC website
The Healthy Schools BC website contains resources and tools to support schools and community partners in addressing healthy living, such as the Physical and Health Education (PHE) within classrooms and throughout the school environment. You can access grants, programs and resources for various healthy living topics, read inspiring stories from BC schools and get all the recent healthy living news and updates. Click here to visit the website.
Action Schools! BC Update
Coming Soon - Action Schools! BC
Updated and better than ever
The wait is almost over! Your favourite physical activity and healthy eating program is coming back. Over the coming weeks, the revised Action Schools! BC program will be available to schools across BC. Click here to read more.
Social & Emotional Learning in the New Curriculum
Sharing highlights from the Mental Health Summer Institute
The start of the school is always a time of promise and new beginnings. That sense of promise is heightened this year for teachers, students and their families as the new BC curriculum is implemented for Grades K-9. At the recent Promoting Mental Wellness in BC School Communities Summer Institute, discussions about the new curriculum, and the changes it brings, filled the air. Click here to read more.
Promoting School Wide Physical Literacy
Captain James Cook Elementary School
Captain James Cook Elementary School in Vancouver has a goal to ensure that every student becomes physically literate and continue to value healthy living throughout their present and future years. Through an inquiry-based approach, supported by a Healthy Schools Network grant, the school focused on engaging a student leadership group to promote healthy living. Through this initiative the school was able to accomplish a healthier school environment that valued a healthy lifestyle and, in the process, they strengthened the school community. Click here to read the full story.
Stop Wondering Start Knowing
A mental health video resource for schools is pleased to offer Stop Wondering, Start Knowing: A Mental Health Video Resource for Schools. This resource includes a facilitation guide, video stories from youth with personal experience with mental health challenges, and links to additional resources and supports. It is designed for grades 8 to 10, but can be for used for other groups at the discretion of the educator. Click here to read more.
First People's Principles of Learning
A respectful and holistic approach to teaching and learning
The First People's Principles of Learning are an excellent resource to integrate Aboriginal ways of knowing into the classroom and school environment, as they reflect a respectful and holistic approach to teaching and learning. Educators can use the First Peoples Principles of Learning to address the new curriculum, as well as the core competencies, such as the Personal and Social core competency. Click here to read more.
Apply for a Mini Food Grant
Inspire healthy eating in your school
Would you like to use food in your classroom to inspire your students to be healthier eaters? Every year, the BC Dairy Association awards teachers with Mini Food Grants to purchase food to enhance nutrition education efforts in the classroom. Click here to read more about the Mini Food Grants.
Eddie and the Air Out There
An elementary resource about environmental health
Health Canada is pleased to provide this free online resource to teach children from Kindergarten to Grade 3 about the health effects of air pollution. To access this interactive, environmental, adventure-based game, click here.