New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition

Summer, 2023

News and Views

Pursuing Bipartisan and Evidence-Based Immigration Policy

Coalition Urges

Federal Action to Maintain U.S. Leadership in Attracting International Students and Scholars

The ability of U.S. colleges and universities to recruit top student talent from around the world is one of the least appreciated achievements of both the American higher education system and the U.S. economy. Although most students return to their countries of origin, a significant number qualify for temporary or permanent visas allowing them to remain in the U.S. and to contribute their skills and entrepreneurial energy to the larger economy.

Their record as innovators and job creators is truly remarkable. For example, there are 143 U.S. billion-dollar start-up companies with a founder who attended a U.S. university as an international student.

U.S. leadership in this area, however, is under serious challenge. More countries are recognizing the vital importance of international students and scholars to their economies and devising policies to attract and retain these students. Although the U.S. still draws the highest number of these students, its share of the global population of international students declined from 28% in 2000 to 15% in 2022.

During a recent Coalition program on this topic, university representatives and national experts suggested a number of policy reforms to restore American leadership in this area. The Coalition endorsed a number of these reforms and communicated its position to the New Jersey congressional delegation.

To read the full Coalition statement on this topic, click here


The U.S. is facing a labor shortage -- immigration is the solution

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Greater Immigration Can Alleviate Troubling Skilled Nursing Shortage

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Aging Americans Face Bleak Futures Unless We Let New Immigrants Help

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Immigration slowed in COVID-19 pandemic, but migrant jobs not filled by U.S.-born

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Immigration can be fixed. So why aren't we doing it?

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Visa Refusals and Unwise Immigration Policies Lead to Fewer International Students

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Business groups in Nebraska press for smaller-scale immigration fixes

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Preserving the diversity visa helps the U.S. counter Chinese and Russian influence in Africa

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Let's Stop Arguing About Immigration --

And Let It Help Us All

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Canada's ploy to use U.S.-trained immigrants to benefit their economy

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Canada ranked the most attractive destination for immigrant entrepreneurs in 2023

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The mythical tie between immigration and crime

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Unlocking the Potential of High Skilled Immigrants to Support the U.S. Economy

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Michael Bloomberg suggests ways that Biden & Congress can fix the immigration crisis in American cities

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Research of Interest

Report Calls Attention to the Remarkable Role of Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Industry

Immigrants have founded or cofounded nearly two-thirds of the top AI companies in the United States, according to a new report from the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP).

The report lists the names of these immigrant founders, their countries of origin, and the number of employees in their companies.

Many of these founders began their careers as international students at American universities. Forty-two percent (18 of 43) of the top U.S.-based AI companies had a founder who started out as an international student. Remarkably, 70 percent of full-time U.S. graduate students in fields related to artificial intelligence are international students. In light of these findings, the author emphasizes how important the retention of international students in this field will be for the future of America’s leadership in artificial intelligence.

The report ends by reaffirming the policy recommendations in the 2021 final report of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. These include: providing a separate pathway to permanent residence for immigrants with Ph.D.’s from U.S. universities in STEM fields and doubling the annual limit on employment-based immigrant visas.

The countries with the highest number of immigrant entrepreneurs in top AI firms are India (10 founders), Israel (3), the U.K. (3), Canada (2), China (2) and France (2), but founders also come from 15 other countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Iran, Kenya, Lebanon, Taiwan, Syria, and Poland. 

To read the full report, click here

2023 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

Albert Einstein Award

for Innovation

Given to Chao Yan

of Princeton NuEnergy

The Coalition presented its 2023 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year awards at the New Jersey Multicultural Business Expo on June 27. Among this year's winners was Chao Yan, founder and CEO of Princeton NuEnergy, who received the Albert Einstein Award for Innovation.

Mr. Yan's company -- a Bordentown-based innovative clean-tech company spun out from Princeton University in 2019 --specializes in the direct recycling of lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles and consumer electronics. The company recently received a $12 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to promote the commercialization of its battery recycling work.

Born in China, Yan received a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the NJ Institute of Technology.

For information about our other 2023 award winners, click here

Legislation Introduced in Congress to Advance the

U.S. Registry Date

For almost 100 years, the America’s immigration system has operated with something called a “registry” date. If you lived in the U.S. prior to the registry date and met other conditions, you could apply for permanent resident status.

The first registry year was 1921 -- later advanced by Congress to 1940, then to 1948, 1958, and 1972. Since 1986 when the 1972 update was approved, Congress has failed to further update the registry date. As time has gone by, fewer and fewer people qualify for registry (less than 1,000 in the 2010s).

Having entered the country by a certain date is not the only requirement for registry. An applicant must be a person of “good moral character,” without any kind of criminal record, and someone who has lived continuously in the U.S.

A more current registry date could make millions of undocumented immigrants eligible for green cards. One study estimates that moving the registry date to 2010 would make 6.8 million undocumented immigrants eligible to apply.

Proponents of this legislation (H.R. 1511) believe that immigrants who have rooted themselves in the country while keeping a clean record and filling a niche in the economy should be granted legal status. What do you think?

Republican Congressman Tony Gonzalez Introduces Bipartisan Immigration Reform Legislation

Seeking to take a modest step forward in reviving a bipartisan consensus on immigration policy, Texas Republican congressman Tony Gonzales has introduced the HIRE Act (H-2 Improvements to Relieve Employers Act). The legislation has been cosponsored by 15 Republican and Democratic congressman, including Congressman Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey.

The bill would streamline the H-2A agricultural worker program and H-2B seasonal worker program, extending visas to three years and reducing burdensome paperwork for employers, who suffer from chronic labor shortages.

The legislation has been endorsed by a broad spectrum of organizations, including the American Farm Bureau Federation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Immigration Forum, the National Association of Landscape Professionals, and the American Hotel and Lodging Association. Gonzalez's house district stretched from San Antonio to El Paso along the southern border of the U.S.

For further information about the HIRE Act, click here

U.S. Chamber of Commerce works to advance bipartisan immigration reform

In recent years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has become increasingly active in championing the cause of immigration reform.

In May of this year, the Chamber and more than 440 national, state, and local business associations joined together to launch the "Legal Immigration and Border Enforcement Reform This Year" (Liberty Campaign). Campaign members argue that decades of Congressional inaction have worsened the situation at the southern border, as well as the problem of workforce shortages caused by an antiquated immigration system.

The Chamber has created an Immigration Data Center that gathers together information showing how our legal immigration system, created more than 50 years ago, fails to meet the needs of today's economy.

How Canada is taking advantage of the dysfunctional

U.S. immigration system

Guest blog of James Barrood, Founder & CEO of Innovation+

(Essay originally published in NJBIZ)

I was recently in Montreal and caught up with an old friend. She moved back from France during the pandemic and works in the innovation space in the health care sector. I complained to her about how Canada was taking advantage of our immigration bureaucracy and stealing away brilliant talent.

She agreed, and also mentioned a new program that was loaning employees $15,000 to start a side hustle. I was incredulous. And jealous as I learned about this progressive and novel initiative that was even sponsored by the government.

As all the research reveals, America’s ability to attract talented immigrant entrepreneurs and innovators has long driven economic growth and technological advancement across our state and nation. However, contrasting policy shifts in the United States and Canada are redefining their ability to attract and retain such talent.

To continue reading, click here

New Jersey has the 5th largest population of Black immigrants in the United States. These 225,205 immigrants play an increasingly important role in our economy and political landscape.

Click here for more information

There are ways that employers can support, and even retain, DACA recipients if pending litigation results in the loss of their work authorization.

Click here for more information


Check out our NJ Business Immigration Coalition policy platform here and if your company or organization (or you as an individual) agrees with our principles for immigration reform, sign up as a member of the coalition. There is no fee to become a member.

Share your thoughts on the immigration reform challenges facing the United States. How is your industry affected? What specific reform proposals are you championing? Write us at:

The New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition,
c/o Einstein's Alley, P.O. Box 175, Plainsboro NJ 08536,
Newsletter Editor: Nicholas V. Montalto