New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition

Spring, 2023

News and Views

Pursuing Bipartisan and Evidence-Based Immigration Policy

Business Groups Come Together to Sponsor

New Jersey's first Multicultural Business Expo

The first ever "Multicultural Business Expo" in the State of New Jersey will take place on June 27 at the Pines Manor in Edison, NJ. The Expo will provide an opportunity for immigrant and minority business owners to network and showcase their products or services. The Expo will also shine light on the culinary and arts traditions of various cultures. Restaurants from diverse cultures will provide samples of their cuisine, and artists from various folk arts groups will perform.

The event is statewide in scope and has multiple sponsors. The local organizer of the Expo is the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce. According to Lina Llona, President of the Chamber, "the Expo will create connections and open up opportunities stemming from New Jersey's remarkable diversity."

The NJ Business Immigration Coalition is pleased to use the Expo as the venue for announcing this year's immigrant entrepreneur of the year award winners. The awards ceremony will be held at the beginning of the Expo. The featured speaker at the ceremony will be Prof. J. Daniel Kim, Assistant Professor of Management at the Wharton School -- a national expert on immigrant entrepreneurship.

For more information about the Expo, click on this link

Will the U.S. continue to attract the world's top student talent?

One of the great accomplishments of U.S. higher education has been its ability to attract top student talent from all over the world. Whether international students remain in the U.S. after finishing their studies or return home, they have gained remarkable distinction as innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders in their respective fields. They also often serve as strong advocates for democratic values in their home countries.

Maintaining U.S. leadership in this important area, especially in the face of growing competition from other industrialized nations and troubling declines in international student enrollment in the U.S., was the theme of the May 11 program of the Garden State Immigration Policy Institute. With two national experts in the field, and panelists from five New Jersey colleges and universities (Bergen Community College, Kean University, Montclair State, Rowan University, and Rutgers University), the program reviewed both supportive policies and disincentives for study in the U.S.

To watch a video of this program, click here


Moving the national immigration conversation forward requires including conservatives in the conversation

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How immigrants are saving the economy

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Tech workers choosing Canada and the U.K. over U.S. due to immigration hassles in America

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Experts push Congress for more high skilled immigrants to compete with China

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The U.S. lost 45,000 college grads to Canada's "Express Entry" visa program from 2017 to 2021

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Many undocumented immigrants are returning to their countries of origin after decades in the U.S.

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Expediting immigrant labor certifications: updating Schedule A is an important short-term option

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The US should select immigrants based on skills, not family ties

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USCIS updates its policy manual in an effort to attract more entrepreneurs to America

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Asylum debate snarls efforts to forge an immigration deal in Congress

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It's time for Biden to out-Trump Trump on immigration

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Research of Interest

Human Resource Professionals

Speak Out on the Need for Immigration Reform

In January of this year, the Research Institute of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) conducted a survey of human resource professionals at over 2,500 companies around the country to understand how employers perceive the U.S. immigration system. Companies of all sizes and industries were included in the survey.

Nearly half of surveyed companies were experiencing workforce disruptions because of shortages of available workers. Almost 75% of respondents felt that increased immigration would encourage economic growth and make the U.S. more globally competitve.

Over half (54%) of respondents thought that the U.S. was losing top talent to other countries because of long-standing defects in the American immigration system.

Given the uncertainties, delays, and unpredictability of the current system, over half of employers did not want to waste time and money in trying to recruit foreign-born talent.

To learn more about the SHRM survey, click on this link

Last Call

for Nominations

2023 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

The Coalition continues its tradition of honoring immigrants who have made outstanding contributions to New Jersey’s economy. The deadline for submitting nominations this year is June 1. One reason why immigrants gravitate to entrepreneurial work is their tolerance for risk, reflected in their decision to migrate and create new lives for themselves in America. Through the companies they have established, they have created job opportunities for millions of Americans.

For information about the six different award categories, click here

To place a name in nomination, click here

Immigrants occupy 32% of all healthcare positions in the State of New Jersey, almost twice the national average.

Click here for more information

37% of all physicians and surgeons in New Jersey are immigrants, one of the highest state percentages in the nation

Click here for more information

Although New Jersey has the second highest percentage of immigrants to total population of any state in the nation (23%), its percentage of legally admitted refugees to total population is among the lowest in the nation (42nd out of 50). Only 2,967 refugees were resettled in the state over the last 10 years.

Click here for more information


Check out our NJ Business Immigration Coalition policy platform here and if your company or organization (or you as an individual) agrees with our principles for immigration reform, sign up as a member of the coalition. There is no fee to become a member.

Share your thoughts on the immigration reform challenges facing the United States. How is your industry affected? What specific reform proposals are you championing? Write us at:

The New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition,
c/o Einstein's Alley, P.O. Box 175, Plainsboro NJ 08536,
Newsletter Editor: Nicholas V. Montalto