New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition

Pursuing Bipartisan and Evidence-Based Immigration Policy

Winter, 2023-2024

News and Views

Exploring the Vital Role

of Immigrants in the

NJ Healthcare Sector

In a special program on December 5, 2023, the Coalition took an in-depth look at the role of immigrants in the New Jersey healthcare sector. Immigrants make up almost 30% of all healthcare positions in the state, including 41% if physicians, 30.2% of surgeons, and 29.7% of registered nurses. They also make up more than half of the home health aides in the state. The state's need for immigrant workers in the healthcare sector will likely intensify in the years ahead.

For more information and to watch a video of the program, click here

Border Chaos and

the Failure of Congress

to Enact Long-Overdue Immigration Reform

Blog post by Nicholas V. Montalto,

January 17, 2024

Any effort to reform the legal immigration system seems stalled or blocked pending resolution of the southern border problem. What some people on the left don't seem to appreciate is that there are large numbers of people who are prepared to exploit our current system in order to gain admission to the U.S. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather knocking on the only legal door available to them. What some people on the right don't appreciate is how reforms to the legal immigration system can alleviate pressures on the border. Unless the two sides recognize the validity of these two positions and find ways to address these problems, there is little hope for a lasting solution to the current border crisis.

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More than 100 Business Organizations Sign Onto Letter Urging Congress to Reduce the Waiting Period for Asylum Seekers to Obtain Work Permits

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China is Suffering a Brain Drain, but the U.S. Isn't Exploiting It

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Immigration could be the key to American success in our economic competition with China

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Large-scale immigration -- likely from Africa -- is the only thing that can prevent Europe from becoming an empty amusement park

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Two Ways of Looking at the West's Population Dilemma

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Small businesses need a special allocation in the H-1B lottery

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Study finds that the diversity brought to America by immigrants made the U.S. an innovation superpower

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One Million International Students Contributed $40 Billion to the U.S. Economy

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Providers hail immigration bill that seeks to reissue visas to healthcare pros

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Edison mayor's comments about migrants spark controversy

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How to Fix America's Immigration Crisis

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The Importance of Research

in Immigration Policy-Making

The worldwide growth of migration is a pressing and complex issue requiring careful study and analysis. Unfortunately, we live at a time when fear mongering and the rejection of expertise are fairly common. In order to counter these trends, the Coalition has uploaded to its website summaries of more than 50 recent research studies on a wide range of immigration policy issues. We invite you to scan these studies to deepen your understanding of migration and its special place in the American economy.

To visit our website and learn more

about these studies, click here

Nominations Open for 2024 Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year Awards

In recognition of the special role that immigrants have played in boosting New Jersey's economy, the NJ Business Immigration Coalition is soliciting nominations for its 11th annual Immigrant Entrepreneur of the Year awards competition. The Coalition confers awards in six categories: growth, advocacy, innovation, nonprofit entrepreneurship, rising star, and entrepreneur of the year. This year’s awards will be presented at the statewide Multicultural Business Expo of the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce on June 25.

To make a nomination, click on this link

Report from the

Bipartisan Policy Center Sees Immigration as a Solution to the Nation's "Demographic Crisis"

The U.S. is in the midst of a “demographic crisis” due to its aging population, according to the authors of this report. The average age has been increasing each year, leading to a smaller workforce and slower economic growth. Statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau show that between 2000 and 2021, the national median age in the United States increased by 3.4 years from 35.4 years to 38.8 years. Between 1944 and 2013, the percentage of American citizens 65 years and older doubled from 7% to 14%. The authors argue that immigration policy can help address the economic challenges associated with these changes by helping to offset the decline in the working-age population; by filling important gaps in the labor market; by bringing new knowledge, innovative ideas, and expertise that can benefit native-born workers and businesses; and by paying taxes to help pay for Social Security and Medicare. Immigration, they conclude, will be a “vital tool” for the federal government to achieve its economic goals in the future.

To read the full report, click here

Are Declining Birth Rates Good or Bad for the world?

As birth rates decline and life expectancies increase, some regions of the world are now experiencing a net decrease in population, raising the question of whether such a development is good or bad for the world. An increase in immigration is often proposed as a way of counteracting this trend. Last year, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs arranged a podcast debate on this question.

The two participants were Stephanie Feldstein of the Center for Biological Diversity and John Ibbitson, author of the Empty Planet.

To listen to the podcast or read a transcript of the discussion, click here


Important Developments

  • The Biden Administration has issued an executive order detailing new ways to attract top international talent in the AI field.

(Read More)

  • The Department of Homeland Security has proposed new rules governing how H-1B work visas are issued and what rights they convey to foreign nationals.

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  • New study summarizes available research on the impact of climate change on human migration.

(Read More)


Check out our NJ Business Immigration Coalition policy platform here and if your company or organization (or you as an individual) agrees with our principles for immigration reform, sign up as a member of the Coalition. There is no fee to become a member.

Share your thoughts on the immigration reform challenges facing the United States. How is your industry affected? What specific reform proposals are you championing? Write us at:

Welcome to New Members of the Coalition

Cape May County Chamber of Commerce

Carpenter Coordinator Trust

Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce

Home Care and Hospice Association of New Jersey

New Jersey Pride Chamber of Commerce

St. Peter's Healthcare System

The New Jersey Business Immigration Coalition,

c/o Einstein's Alley, P.O. Box 175, Plainsboro NJ 08536,

Newsletter Editor: Nicholas V. Montalto