
Indigenous Knowledge Library

Indigenous knowledge offers solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues, from environmental crises and declining biodiversity, to equity, justice, and holistic health systems. For centuries, however, Indigenous knowledge has been criticized, banned, erased, and destroyed, in favor of Western, euro-centric views and modern science. Learn how centering Indigenous knowledge can reverse harmful development patterns to advance health equity for all people, and explore hundreds of newly curated resources on this important topic.


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New Topic: Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how the body breaks down food into energy. About 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes, and about 1 in 5 people with diabetes do not know they have it. Racial disparities in the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes are stark, with the highest among American Indians/Alaska Natives (14.7%). Learn more about diabetes and explore dozens of newly curated resources on this emerging topic. 


Understanding the Social Wellbeing Impacts of the Nation's Libraries and Museums

Libraries and museums engage with and affect the social wellbeing of their communities. This report highlights how they adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic to continue meeting communities' needs. Explore case studies from museums and libraries across the country and learn more about their role in building communities, economies, and support networks. 


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How to Make Sure City Budgets Can Prioritize Racial Equity

This article explores how government agencies can take meaningful steps toward racial equity by making sure city budgets reflect community values. Recommendations include defining equity, exposing and tracking inequities through meaningful data, assessing the success of investments in equity, and including the voices of diverse communities in budget discussions. Learn more about these action steps and what they looked like in different cities that employed their use. 


Minimum Wage is Not Enough: A True Living Wage is Necessary to Reduce Poverty and Improve Health

Employees working full-time at minimum wage cannot afford basic necessities, such as food, housing, transportation, childcare, and healthcare in any location across the country. This policy brief makes the case for increasing the federal minimum wage to better reflect the cost of living in the U.S. Learn more about the projected impacts of increasing minimum wage and policy recommendations for getting there. 


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Nonprofit Impact Measurement

Measuring nonprofit impact is notoriously difficult, as is quantifying impact for stakeholders. Nonprofit impact measurement is essential for backing up the purpose of a nonprofit and defining future goals and allocation of resources. This article explores how nonprofits can better measure impact with more powerful analytic and story-telling tools. Learn more about common metrics for measuring impact and how to use them to inspire action.


Achieving Racial and Ethnic Equity in U.S. Health Care: A Scorecard of State Performance

This analysis from the Commonwealth Fund finds that health care systems are failing many people of color in every state. Even in states with high-performing health systems, many people of color receive much worse health care than white people. Learn more about the causes of this important issue and what policymakers can do to bridge these gaps. 


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Hypertension, Race, and Ethnicity: Decreasing the Disparities


Respiratory Diseases


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