Coalition on a Mission
a monthly newsletter of the Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico
September 2016
625 Silver Avenue SW, Albuquerque NM 87125  | 505.255.3643
New Home, New Start, New Life
"Life is what you make it, what you do with it is on you. I don't want anything more than to be successful." ~ Carla
For most 17 year olds life is relatively carefree and the biggest worry they face is what they are going to do on after graduation or how to afford a car. For 17 year old Carla, one night changed her entire life and led to the terrifying possibility of becoming homeless with her young child.

Carla was living a quiet life, raising her son with family that loved her and where she felt safe. However, after making the choice to go with some friends and her older brother to a party, the next few hours turned into a tragic event that permanently changed the lives of many people and ultimately led to Carla being incarcerated in juvenile detention for nearly 3 years. "One night changed my life so suddenly, I was young I never thought of being homeless, I came from a stable home life," Carla explains.
Help SHC-NM End Homelessness
Helping Young Adults Get A New Start
Carla was able to find help from SHC-NM and the Transitions Program through New Mexico CYFD.  Transitions Permanent Supportive Housing  is a program offered to young adults ages 18-21 aging out of foster care or coming from juvenile detention who need help finding and keeping a place to live. It is based on the Housing First approach that centers on providing rental housing first and services as needed. SHC-NM is a proud partner with NM CYFD and the New Mexico Behavioral Health Collaborative in the Transitions Program, housing young people since 2007. Check out the 2008 video that describes the program and our partnership that still remains in place today. 


2016 Strike Out Homelessness
Our bowl-a-thon teams have sold out but you can still  help us do what we do! You can help Strike Out Homelessness with your one-time or recurring donation. Make your donation online at or mail your check to P.O. Box 27459, Albuquerque, NM 87125
Kim Jew is helping us out again this year! Your $99 donation now comes with a $500 gift certificate to Kim Jew! Mail in or go to to get this offer!


Choose from 15 incredible packages! Here's a sample!

We are so grateful to all the Sponsors, Corporate Teams, and Friends & Family Teams that have committed to striking out homelessness this year.  We welcome your sponsorship! Find sponsorship levels at Please join us in thanking the major sponsors for our event: