Second Sunday of Easter - April 7, 2024

New Here: Epiphany is Growing

"I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth" (I Corinthians 3.6). In the last year and-a-half, the average number of people attending church at Epiphany on any given Sunday has climbed by almost 30 percent. That is a lot of growth for any church in a short amount of time.

To be honest, I don't have a grand theory as to why this is happening. There are things I can point to. I think COVID is finally fading out of our Sunday morning decision making. I know more people are inviting their friends to come to Epiphany with them. I see an excitement about the ways we are encountering God through our church.

These are all great things. They are all things God is doing through us. I am grateful to get to experience a season like this here at Epiphany. At the same time, new seasons do call for new skills. Here are two things I hope we can focus on together as we grow together.

  1. Take time to introduce yourself to people you haven't met before: I want to ask this particularly of those of us who are longtime Epiphany attenders and comfortable with the connections and friendships we already have. Remember what it was like when you were new, here or somewhere else, and take a moment to say hello to someone you don't know. If you are new to Epiphany, I know introducing yourself can be hard, but just remember, people want to meet you and are so glad you are here. They also might be Epiphany newcomers as well!
  2. Invite, invite invite: Epiphany has more than a dozen small groups and Bible studies, multiple helping and serving ministries, many ways to pray for each other, and several music and worship ministries. If you are in a group or ministry that is feeding your soul and allowing you to give back to Epiphany or the broader community through Epiphany, share something about it with others you meet at church. Invite them to join you. If you are a ministry leader, and would like to briefly share about your ministry on Sunday morning during the announcements, send me a note, and we can get something scheduled.

Friends, this is fun - God has given us this time. Let's thank Him for it. New friends, we are so glad you are here. Our great desire is that together we encounter God at Epiphany. He is here. He gives the growth.

P.S. Epiphany's clergy will each be offering an adult education class in May. For my part, I'll be teaching Anglicanism 101 again, which is a great way for newer attenders at Epiphany to get to know our church and our way of being Christian. You can read more about all three classes we are offering below. Look for a sign up in the fellowship hall this Sunday.

When and How and Why to Alleluia

"Apostle" Magazines Available

The most recent edition of our Anglican jurisdiction's magazine, "The Apostle," are available to pick up in the entryway and fellowship hall at church. Pick one up and learn about what is happening among Anglicans throughout North America.

Three Adult Education Classes in May

This May, Epiphany’s clergy will be teaching three adult education classes from 9:15 to 10:00am each Sunday.  Fr. Peter will be teaching Anglicanism 101 which introduces our way of being Christian and is a great way for newcomers to learn more about Epiphany.  Mtr. Pamela will be teaching Knowing and Going.  By the end of this class you will be able to know and share the most important points of the Gospel with others.  Deacon Sally will be teaching Writing a Lament which will help us express the griefs in our lives to God.  Sign-ups for all three classes are in the fellowship hall.  Classes will begin on May 5 and run through May 26.

Coates Weekend Food Bags - Thank You!

Thanks to many helping hands we were able to deliver 50 weekend food bags to Coates Elementary School this month. Please bring your donations of individual food items or packed gallon bags by Sunday, May 5 for our last delivery of the school year. We have a special need for lunches and dinners that will fit in the one gallon bag. Questions about what to donate? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Bea Long ( 

Join Stand in the GAP Prayer Ministry

We are in the last month of our four month commitment to pray for the leaders of our church. It is time to sign up once more (no one is automatically signed up - you have to sign up for each four month period) to pray for our Vestry and Staff from May-August.    Will you consider signing up again to pray, or perhaps you have taken a break and it is time to come back to this ministry. Perhaps you have never participated in this program - consider trying it for this next session. There are no meetings and you pray wherever you are.

If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact Jan Reiter at or call 703-620-1118. Our leaders really need your prayers.

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Apr. 12 - Apr. 21

Friday, April 12

9:00am Morning Prayer

6:00pm Young Adult Prayer Time

Saturday, April 13

9:00am Band of Brothers

1:00pm Protecting Children Training

Sunday, April 14

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

1:15 & 2:00 Worship at Chantilly Heights

Monday, April 15

9:00am Morning Prayer

9:30am Ladies Morning Bible Study Library and via Zoom

Tuesday, April 16

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, April 17

12:00 Simple Eucharist

6:00pm Crossover Rehearsal

Thursday, April 18

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, April 19

8:30am Men's Ministry in Library and via Zoom

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, April 20

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, April 21

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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