February 10, 2022
Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 10, 2022 – The Community Foundation of Nova Scotia is requesting community-based organizations in and around Yarmouth County to submit applications to the newly launched Reciprocity Health Fund. Organizations supporting health-related activities and preventative health projects are encouraged to apply.
The Reciprocity Health Fund is an endowment fund made possible by an anonymous donor who wanted to have a positive impact on the health of people in and around Yarmouth County. The goal of this fund is to reduce health inequalities in Yarmouth, Digby and Shelburne by providing organizations with the opportunity to expand or create new health-related services and activities. Given the potential size of the grants that will be awarded, organizations will have to ability to apply or re-apply on an annual basis.
“This is the time for applicants to think outside the box and dream big for preventative care in the region,” says Daniel Holland, CEO of Community Foundation of Nova Scotia. “Our review panel is looking forward to receiving and considering these applications for projects and programs that will improve broader population health with the hope that these might lessen the burden on acute care needs in the future,” adds Holland.
Applications for the Reciprocity Health Fund closes March 18th, 2022: https://cfns-fcne.ca/reciprocityhealthfund/

About The Reciprocity Health Fund
This fund will support preventative and community-based health projects rooted in an understanding of the social determinants of health. 
Projects should take place in Shelburne, Yarmouth, or Digby Counties and must be led by a qualified donee organization (I.e., registered charity, municipality, post-secondary institution, etc.) 
Proposed projects should focus on improving health and reducing health inequities. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal aligns with these objectives in their application.


Emma Kay Sarty
Grants & Engagement Manager, Community Foundation of Nova Scotia
Phone: 902.490.9916