April 2021
Central Vermont Council on Aging
Appoints New Executive Director

Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA) announced the appointment of its new executive director, Douglas Bouchard of Glover, Vermont. The search for CVCOA’s new leader comes after a several-month process that included input from staff, board, and external stakeholders to find the talent needed to build CVCOA to the best-in-class agency it aspires to be.

“Mr. Bouchard comes to us rich with experience in capacity building, a most important skill for the future of CVCOA” said Board Co-Chair Emily McKenna. “We are well aware that CVCOA must be readied for a steadily increasing number of older Vermonters who will be seeking our services. Planning for that future today will poise our agency to fully meet those needs. Doug is the right person to take us there.” Read More

Volunteer Eleanor with Elizabeth
Central Vermont Council on Aging Honors Volunteers
During Volunteer Appreciation Week, April 18th - 24th

Every April we honor our nation’s volunteers, and this year Central Vermont Council on Aging could not be prouder of the many Vermonters who very willingly donate their time and efforts for CVCOA’s clients and the aging community, including older Vermonters volunteering through SeniorCorps programs such as RSVP and Senior Companions.

These wonderful and dedicated volunteers work directly with older Central Vermonters to provide companionship, offer respite, prepare a garden bed or stack wood. Volunteers lead wellness classes, deliver Meals on Wheels and groceries, and provide coaching for art projects. During the pandemic, not only did these volunteers continue to serve our clients and communities, but they also adapted under very difficult circumstances including adopting new safety protocols, making friendly phone calls and learning to deliver Zoom activities classes, providing much-needed connection and support. Central Vermont Council on Aging could not be prouder of our volunteers. We salute all of you!

If you are interested in volunteering at CVCOA, please visit volunteering at CVCOA for information and an application or email Dante Denault at americorpsmember@cvcoa.org.

WellnesScape Silent Online Auction
Ends on Sunday, May 2, 9pm!

Do not miss the opportunity to bid (or bid again) on the amazing auction donations from many of your favorite local businesses, artists, and wellness practitioners. This auction is designed to uplift and enhance your wellbeing (and fun!) as we lean into spring while also supporting CVCOA aging services. Here are some of the amazing items you will find:

Handmade Bowed Psaltery- this unique Archie Smith bowed psaltery (stringed musical instrument of the harp or the zither family) comes with bow, hard carry case, tuner key, resin and wall hanger. 

Health and Wellness - Massage, Acupuncture, 
AroMed Essentials; Pilates, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Bio-feedback,
Spa Salt Room Session

Performance Arts- Flute/Saxaphone Lessons;
Tom Rush Concert Tickets at the Barre Opera House, Guitar Sam

Yummies: Laughing Moon Chocolates, Red Hen Bakery,
Northland Maple Syrup; Thompsons's Flour Shop

Beautiful Things: Acryllic Painting by Arthur Zorn; Hand Crafted Pottery,
Cheshire Cat Clothing; Art Quilt

Garden: gift certificates from your favorite spots

Dining:Sarducci's,Cornerstone Pub and Restaurant;
Harrison's Restaurant; The Meltdown Grill Cheese & Tap Room

Sports: Smuggler's Notch; Darn Tough Socks
and much more....

All proceeds will benefit older Central Vermonters.
CVCOA Receives Governor’s Award for
Excellence in Worksite Wellness 
We are pleased to announce that Central Vermont Council on Aging was one of several Vermont employers honored at a virtual Governor’s Award for Excellence in Worksite Wellness ceremony on April 8. Hosted by the Vermont Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the state Department of Health, the event showcased adaptions to employee wellness initiatives.

With more people working from home during the pandemic and restrictions on in-person gatherings, keeping workers connected, positive and healthy can feel challenging. Vermont employers piloted innovative programs during the past year, from virtual group walks and mental health webinars to delivering healthy snacks to workers’ homes. 

CVCOA’s Office Manager Sarah Mason leads a team that has been dedicated for several years to offering opportunities for CVCOA employees to focus on personal and professional wellness. Even throughout the pandemic, CVCOA continued to provide opportunities for employees to deal with the stressors of working remotely while also coping with added caregiving and remote learning duties for school aged children. “We pay more than lip service to employee wellness at CVCOA,” Sarah Mason explained. “We actively encourage and provide opportunities for employees to maintain a healthy lifestyle. After COVID-19, we continued to adapt existing wellness programs by providing opportunities for Zoom wellness workshops and partnering with Employee Assistance Programs. We supported and encouraged employee self-care, including putting a team together for the COVID-19 safe Corporate Cup challenge.” Congratulations to the CVCOA Wellness Committee including Sarah Mason, Chris Shaw, Rhenee Placey, Marie MacDougall, Diane Leuschner, and Megan Thomas.
CVCOA's 2020 Corporate Cup Team
Vaccination News for Older Vermonters
All Vermont residents age 16 and older are now eligible to be vaccinated.

CVCOA has worked hard to identify those of us unable to access the vaccine. If you are an older Vermonter and struggling to gain access to the COVID-19 vaccine, call please call (833)722-0860 or call CVCOA's HELPLINE at (800)642-5119.

-Registration for COVID-19 Vaccinations is ongoing. Please visit: Information and Registration
-Can't make an appointment online? You can make an appointment by phone:

-If you need to speak with someone in a language other than English, call the appointment number, and then press 1.

Spotlight on
Twin Valley Senior Center/Meals on Wheels
by Rita Copeland, Executive Director

“Proud of its accomplishments through the years…”

In 1968, a group of people from Marshfield and Plainfield dreamed of forming a Senior Citizen Center--a place where older people could gather, have a hot meal, and socialize. The main function of the center was to serve the older community through activities, crafts, and special programs with outside speakers. Senior issues were also a topic of discussion. Sometimes there would be the opportunity of a day trip.

Eventually, Twin Valley Senior Center, now located in East Montpelier, expanded to serving older people from Plainfield, Cabot, Marshfield, Calais, Woodbury and East Montpelier. With funding from Central Vermont Council on Aging under the Older Americans Act as well as fundraising events, Twin Valley started a Meals on Wheels program in 2008.

Twin Valley Senior Center is very proud of its accomplishments through the years. The doors of the center are open to anyone no matter their age. We serve both younger and older people and try to collaborate with many different organizations locally and beyond to serve our most vulnerable population. We are a happy, lively and vibrant place and encourage people to come to give some of their time in our many different volunteer areas. Putting a smile on someone’s face who truly appreciates everything you do for them is very rewarding at the end of the day. Reach out to the Twin Valley Senior Center online at www.twinvalleyseniors.org or call (802) 223-3322 for information.
You can buy seeds and plants!

3SquaresVT benefits can be used to buy seeds and plants at any retailer that accepts EBT. Growing your own fruits and vegetables can help stretch your food budget. To find out more about 3SquaresVT eligibility or using benefits to buy seeds and plants, visit vermontfoodhelp.com.

Medicare & You Workshops are offered regularly to help individuals who are new to the Medicare system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, CVCOA is offering Medicare & You sessions remotely using Zoom. Here are upcoming dates and times for April and May:

Tuesday, May 4, 1:30-3:30 pm
Monday, May 24, 5-7 pm
Wednesday, June 9, 10–12:00 pm
Monday, June 21, 5-7 pm       

If you want to participate, pre-register with us by calling
(802) 479-0531 or email tomedicareworkshops@cvcoa.org. When you call to register, you will receive information on how to join in the workshop session on Zoom.

Want to Learn More about Advantage Plans? Click Here
 Central Vermont Council on Aging toll free (877) 379-2600 or CVCOA Helpline (800) 642-5119