New Discounts for NAJIT Dues
Dear NAJIT members and friends:

During the February Board of Directors meeting, a motion was presented to add some discounts to the Association’s current dues. As reflected in the minutes, the Board completed the discussion of the motion by email, and have now unanimously approved the following permanent discounted rates for NAJIT members under the following categories:

  • Active Member 3-year renewal - $330 (a savings of $15/year, or a total of $45)
  • Household Discount - 2 active members (living at the same address) $215 (a savings of $35 for both)

NAJIT dues are still among the lowest for professional associations around the country, but knowing how we are all still suffering from the devastating effects of the COVID pandemic on interpreters and translators in every specialty field, we thought “every little bit helps.” You can take advantage of one or the other discount, and we certainly hope you will!

With best regards,
The NAJIT Board of Directors