FROM: Asset Management, Management & Development Division
SUBJECT: New Budget Form
DATE: September 16, 2016
Asset Management has revised the budget form, instructions and rent schedule. We believe this new form will aid all of you when preparing your annual budgets. Our hope is that it will eliminate a lot of back and forth between you and your Asset Manager.
Some of the changes to the spreadsheet include a column for you to fill out with the prior year's budget amount for each line item. The column to the right of this will calculate the change for each line item for those items having a change of +/- 10% which will show up in red. There is another column added for you to provide the rationale for any line item that has the +/- 10% change from the prior year.
This form is effective immediately and any budget submission to be submitted to this office must be on this form and/or in this exact format.