June 2, 2024

For Immediate Release
Georgia Division, 
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Press Release  

The Sons of Confederate Veterans Erect a New Bronze Confederate Soldier Monument in Higgston, Georgia, Montgomery County

For Immediate Release:


The Robert A. Toombs Camp #932, Sons of Confederate Veterans of Montgomery County is pleased to announce the erection of the Bronze Confederate Soldier Monument at the intersection of Hwy. 280 and Hwy. 15 in Higgston, Ga. on the Camp's property.

The Camp announces that this is the first phase of the Veterans Park project that is underway. Currently, memorial brick pavers are being sold for the plaza that will surround the Veteran's monument. By December 2024 memorial walls will be erected that will list the names of all of Montgomery County's Confederate Veterans and the names of the Camp's membership Confederate Ancestors. (See below rendering and memorial brick information).

The Bronze Confederate Soldier was provided by the Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, the name of the Soldier is Old Al, after recently departed Division Officer Al Perry who was the founder of the Youth Camp in Georgia.

Georgia Division Commander Tim Pilgrim indicated that this was the (5) fifth Bronze Confederate Soldier Monument that the Sons of Confederate Veterans organization has placed in Georgia in the last 10 years. He stated that when these woke Municipalities and Counties illegally take down our Georgia Veteran Monuments not only do we file a lawsuit against them we also look for new locations to erect new monuments to honor Georgia's Confederate Veterans. The memories of our Southern Heroes will not be eased, they will always be remembered for their valor and sacrifices.

For further information contact:

Martin K. O'Toole

Spokesman, Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans 

Cell: 678/232-8638

Media contact: or 678.232.8638
The Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Inc.
P.O. Box 1083, Macon, Ga 31202 | | 1.866.SCVINGA

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