October 30, 2020 | Announcement

Planning to attend Virtual Language Advocacy Day 2021? Preview the preliminary schedule and register before November 1st, 2020 to save 30%!

During the three day advocacy event, language educators and professionals will unite for the unique opportunity to learn about the federal programs that impact the Language Enterprise, understand the role of advocacy in advancing collective policy priorities, and gain skills to become successful advocates for world languages.

Advocacy Report

In total, 98 language advocates from 23 states took action.

Visit the JNCL-NCLIS Legislative Action Center for updates on both proposed rules and for more opportunities to advocate for policies that affect the Language Enterprise.

October 30, 2020 | Tom Udall Press Release

Today, U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-N.M.), vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) commemorated the 30th anniversary of the Native American Languages Act (NALA) with the announcement of new bipartisan legislation, the Durbin Feeling Native American Languages Act of 2020, to ensure the federal government is living up to policies and principles set out in NALA three decades ago.

The NALA, which was led by Senators Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Frank Murkowski (R-Alaska), and others, was enacted on October 30, 1990. For the first time in U.S. history, federal law formally rejected past policies that sought to suppress use of Native American languages and recognized the rights and freedoms of Native Americans to use their traditional languages. 

The new bill announced by Udall is named after Durbin Feeling, a renowned Cherokee linguist and Vietnam veteran who passed away on August 19, 2020. It would direct the president to review federal agencies’ compliance with NALA requirements and make recommendations to improve interagency coordination in support of Native American languages. It will also authorize a federal survey of Native language use and language revitalization program unmet needs every five years. These surveys will serve as “health checks” to allow Native communities and Congress to improve targeting of federal resources for Native American languages.

October 21, 2020 | Washingtonian

The sound-and-touch activated exhibits aim to be both educational and entertaining, often with a social justice bent. Founder Ann Friedman is a former Montgomery County public school reading and writing teacher, and the museum’s interactivity is an extension of her classroom style, making use of costumes and competitions to immerse students in language.

“This is a descriptive language museum, not prescriptive,” says Friedman. “That means we describe how people use words in language and celebrate that diversity. We don’t say, ‘No, that’s wrong, you should talk like this.’ ”

“We were always trying to boost literacy and create a nation of readers and writers and people who appreciate words, the language and have the empathy for their fellow citizens and fellow Americans, and how they talk and their differences are appreciated, not ridiculed,” says Friedman.


Deadline: October 30, 2020

The National Association of English Learner Program Administrators (NAELPA) is excited to announce an upcoming professional learning opportunity for LEA staff offered in conjunction with the US Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA). This 90-minute live webinar is intended for local education agency staff working in the administration of EL programs.

OELA will provide federal updates and guidance including issues for presumptively identified ELs, and reclassifying ELs who previously tested proficient. Following this, a panel of LEA EL program leaders will discuss distance learning topics pertaining to supporting students with limited access, family engagement for low SES ELs, and instructional practices to support peer-to-peer interactions.


Date: Starting February 6, 2020

The CCFLT is organized for the purpose of the advancement of the study and teaching of languages in the schools, colleges, and universities of the state of Colorado and surrounding areas. As a part of this mission, the CCFLT offers biannual conferences with the goal of providing educators at all levels of instruction with high-quality professional development opportunities. Compelling conference sessions address the needs of today’s language learners and educators by focusing on innovative strategies, emerging trends, and research-informed practices.

Notice ID:W911S0-21-R-DLIW
Location: N/A
Response Date: October 30th
Notice ID:N4008420R0058
Location: JPN
Response Date: November 6th
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