Bridge work continues to progress along U.S. 69 at several locations. As of last month, 139th Street and 143rd Street reopened to traffic after a three-month closure for bridge reconstruction. This work included bridge widening and adding hiking trails and sidewalks. This week, crews placed new bridge girders over 119th Street and continued bridge deck work on four new bridges near College Blvd and two new bridges in the 135th Street interchange area.
Noise wall construction is advancing across the project area. Along northbound U.S. 69, from 151st Street to 143rd Street, noise wall post installation is nearing completion. Once all foundations and posts are installed, crews will place and paint panels. At 139th Street, several noise walls have been completed. A few more walls will be installed in this location, and then crews will move to other locations along northbound U.S. 69.