Quick clip from "Stress" Webinar
Susan and John answer webinar
participants question:
"Why am I so distracted and clumsy, right now? What's the matter with me?

Next "Stress" Webinar April 21

Webinars Coming April-May  UPDATED

1.   Surviving Your Stress and also Surviving the Stress of Others     
     You have told us, it is not just  your  stress making you crazy.  
 It is the stress of those around you too family, friends, co-workers, 
 bosses and direct reports First we will look at how to analyze 
 and manage your stress and then create strategies for dealing with the stress of the others in your life. 
    Tuesday April 21  9-10:30 AM PST

2.  Creative Retirement  
    How do you want your retirement to be?
    Afraid it will happen  to  you? 
    What do you want from this thing that you 
    have been working toward for 40 years and 
 how to get it?  Susan and John lead a retirement seminar for 
  Digital  many years ago-learn how to build your life after work.
     Friday April 24  9-10:30 AM PST

3.  Starting your Own Business
     Learn why the psychology of starting 
     and owning your business is the hard 
     part and what to do about it. Take 
     advantage of Susan and John's 41+ 
     years of running a small business.   
      Tuesday April 28 9:00:-10:30 AM PST
4.   What will your new normal look like? 
   In your job, in your family, in your community?
     We all know we aren’t going back to the way things were. 
     Learn what predicted the trends and uncertainties are and 
     how you can take advantage of them.
     Friday May 1 9:00-10:30 AM PST
5.   Worried your job is disappearing? Creating your next job.
     Are you afraid Covid 19 is taking your job away? Or just realizing 
you don’t want to keep it, this Webinar will help you kick start    
     creating what you really want in your next job!
      May 6 9:00-10:30 AM PST
6.    Returning to work Coping With The Open 
Office after working from home.
    Commuting again? All that noise? 
    What to do.
     Friday May 22  9:10:30 AM PST
Each webinar costs $295. If two+ attend cost is $215. If you register for all 6 Webinars cost is: 
$995 ($165 per webinar). Click here to Register: SVVCI® Website

Three Videos #3 is NEW!
A message from Susan and John to help survive these challenging uncharted waters. A little humor too of course!

Video #2 Susan and John show you how to get amazing food from the safety of your own home! Alaskan Salmon to papaya from Hawaii...
Susan and John with advise about Prolonged togetherness with your family.
How do you put 40 YEARS of living your Purpose in 10 minutes? Well, here it is...

Watch for our Youtube Channel with additional Videos, coming soon!

Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.®
An International Consulting Company
31416 Agoura Rd. Suite 255, 
Westlake Village, CA 91360, USA
PHONE (303) 660-5206