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Dear Member,

As previously communicated, the NYS legislature has introduced bills (A7429 / S699-B) to prohibit uses of neonicotinoids. If enacted, this legislation would ban neonicotinoid use in turf and most applications on trees and shrubs. S699-B passed the Senate in June.

On behalf of NYSTA, Tom Kaplun (NYSTA Government Relations Chair) drafted a letter to Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee Chair Steve Englebright, as follow-up to his testimony given on September 20, 2021. This letter requests an exemption for golf courses. All New York Golf Course Superintendent Association chapters and several golf organizations have joined with NYSTA on this request.


Click here to view the letter

For your information, if you have not already watched, the following link will connect you to the testimony given at the September 20 hearing:


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