Thursday, April 20, 2023

In this week's N4N:

  • Message from the Meeting Haus: Sean Kessler
  • Parking Study Updates & Information -Tim Bibler
  • Save the Date! Caretaker Awards - May 18th
  • Haus und Garten PreTour - Patron Tickets on Sale Now!
  • April/May GVS Meeting Haus Schedule
  • German Village Community: Announcements & Ads

Thank You!

Sean Kessler | Executive Director

Seeing as it is National Volunteer Week, I want to take this opportunity to thank all those people and organizations that volunteer for the German Village Society. As you know, we are a small organization with limited resources, so we truly could not function without volunteer help. It takes a village… see what I did there?!

Staffing our Visitors Center, planning and staffing our many events throughout the year, our many committees, and our Board of Trustees (yes, they are volunteers too!). Countless hours go into these volunteer activities, and we cannot begin to repay you for the time you have given us and will give us in the future. Great communities and events are built on the dedication of volunteers, and we are lucky to have some of the best in our city. So, from the staff at the German Village Society, we thank you and we will do our best to make sure you feel our gratitude every day.

Now, I will take this opportunity to call on you for MORE volunteering opportunities! As you know, our signature event is the Haus und Garten Tour and we will need even more of you to fill these spots. House volunteers, house captains, Meeting Haus volunteers, bus docents, mail brigade, photography, etc. These are all positions that we will need to fill in the next two months, so keep an eye out for sign-ups soon.


Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers that make the German Village Society hum! Here are just a few of the many familiar faces that volunteer their time, talents, and voices on Committees, the Board of Trustees, the Visitors Center, and all the events. You are what makes this place the one-of-a-kind neighborhood it is. Thank you!

Opportunity to Contribute to City's Parking Management Plan

Tim Bibler | Board of Trustees & Parking Committee Chair

Here is an additional opportunity to express your thoughts regarding parking and mobility in the German Village area.  

The following link is to a map showing what was learned from the public meeting kickoff for the German Village Parking Management Plan on April 4th.


The stickers and Post-it notes are represented by color-coded points on the map. Clicking on the points will display the comment from the meeting. Additional comments can be added by clicking ‘Post comment’ in the upper right-hand corner of the website. 

Here is the link: 

Please note that this information will be used as one guide when the Division of Mobility and Parking does its comprehensive study.

To view more information about the City's Parking Plan for German Village, including a timeline for the study, area maps, virtual permitting information, and more visit German Village Parking Plan (

Save the Date!

The Annual Caretaker Awards will be held during

Preservation Month on

Thursday, May 18th at the Meeting Haus

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Want to be a Patron for this year's H&G tour?

Tickets are on Sale Now!

We can't put on this signature GVS event without the generous support of sponsors and patrons.

For $350, you get first dibs on your choice of private dinners, sponsorship recognition, enjoy the cocktail hour, and of course preview all the homes and gardens. Become a Patron here!

View GVS Event Calendar Here

German Village Community

Announcements & Ads

Enjoying Spring in Schiller Park

Jan Clark | Friends of Schiller

Hundreds of neighbors from throughout the South End enjoy getting back to nature in Columbus’s second-oldest city park. Caitie, far right, who lives in Schumacher Place, says Schiller Park is her dog Rosie’s favorite place in the world, and that they walk to the park daily. On Sunday, April 16th Caitie’s parents who were visiting from Cleveland went along for the walk as well. They agree with Rosie that we live in a beautiful neighborhood. 

Kick off the Farmer's Market Season at the Friday, May 5th Strassenwagen Markt!

588 S. Third St.

Help us celebrate the German Village Farmers Market's new home, at the GVS Meeting Haus, with a street food festival! Great trucks, local beer, and farmers' market vendors.


Enjoy dinner or treats from participating vendors!

Zaki’s Grill, Mangiamo Italian Street Food, Tito’s Asian Kitchen, Trading n Coffee, Machete Taqueria, Cotton Sugar (cart), and Drank Tank (cold brew and kombucha- cart). Beer for sale from Parsons North and Wolf’s Ridge Brewing.

If you are interested in being part of this fun neighborhood event volunteers are needed to help sell drink tickets from 5:30-9 pm, interested? Please reach out to Carol Ross.


Your membership sustains the German Village Society and supports our mission of preservation, advocacy, and community.

Thank you for your continued support!

Ask Me, Tell Me
The GVS and the Board of Trustees value the engagement of our members to achieve our mission as the Caretakers of a Legacy and seek continual and regular community input of information, ideas, suggestions, concerns and advocacy to advance that effort. A form is available here for all your inquiries. We look forward to hearing from you!
Share with Us, to Share with Others
Do you have information that other members would find interesting? We'd love to hear from you. Please send all submissions to The deadline each week is 5 p.m. Tuesday for that Thursday's newsletter. Submissions subject to editing and approval.
Link Kroger Rewards To GVS
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