Give Your Pickups a Boost This Fall!

If you’ve noticed there is an ebb in food donations from your neighborhood, here are some tips for increasing the flow:

  • Once a year, send an email to all of your neighbors reminding them about this very simple way to participate in local hunger relief.
  • Find 10-15 families who are willing to participate by donating food each month. Inundating the neighborhood listserv isn’t nearly as effective as identifying your core group and reaching out to them directly to remind them about PORCH dates. (We recommend using the listserv a couple of times of year to promote a special PORCH food drive, however!) 
  • Go door-to-door with PORCH postcards that include your contact information. We are working on providing these in the coming weeks. 
  • After each neighborhood drive, add a personal note to PORCH’s thank you email, recognizing your neighbors’ loyal participation. Pictures are a nice addition, too.
  • From time to time, consider handwritten thank you notes to generous neighborhood donors.
  • Put out your PORCH yard sign(s) each month, two or three days before the scheduled pick-ups, to remind neighbors that it’s time to purchase a few extra items at the grocery store to help restock the shelves of local pantries.
  • If someone is new to the neighborhood, be sure to introduce yourself and PORCH! Get to the heart of your “why” – why is this work important to you? Why do you set aside time each month to help PORCH? Your neighbors will respond well to you telling your story. 
  • Ask each loyal participant to try to recruit one additional neighbor by sending a personal introductory note. 
  • Remind your listserv from time to time that you’re the PORCH Neighborhood Coordinator – and make it easy for folks to contact you if they want to get involved. 
  • Share a compelling PORCH social media post (we’re on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) from time to time, reminding your network about who we are and what we do within the community. Help keep us top of mind!