On behalf of President Wilkerson and the SAAAAC Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for the positive responses we have received during these unprecedented times!

Summary of Tentative Agreement:

Compensation Package (Effective July 1, 2021) is as follows:
  • 1.38% COLA added to the base of the salary schedule; To view a draft salary schedule, click here.
  • One (1) Step for eligible bargaining unit members in FY22;
  • One (1) “Back Step/“Catchup Step” will be provided to eligible Unit IV employees who did not receive a step in the 2011-2012 academic year as called for in their applicable Negotiated Agreement based on the following criteria: 
  1. “Back Step"/"Catchup Step" is defined as an employee who was an employee as of June 30, 2011, and missed a step or step equivalent in FY2012 due to negotiated step freezes.
  2. The employee is still with the District and has not changed units or has changed units without an appropriate placement on the salary scale per a bargaining unit agreement.
  3. Employees who have reached the top of the salary scale for their unit are not eligible for the "Back Step"/"Catchup Step." 
  4. Employees who left employment during this time and came back at a later date are not eligible for this "Back Step"/"Catchup Step."
  • One (1) “Back Step”/“Catchup Step” will be provided mid-year to eligible Unit IV employees who did not receive a step in the 2012-2013 academic year as called for in their applicable Negotiated Agreement based on the following criteria: 
  1. “Back Step"/"Catchup Step" is defined as an employee who was an employee as of June 30, 2012, and missed a step or step equivalent in FY2013 due to negotiated step freezes.
  2. The employee is still with the District and has not changed units or has changed units without an appropriate placement on the salary scale per a bargaining unit agreement.
  3. Employees who have reached the top of the salary scale for their unit are not eligible for the "Back Step"/"Catchup Step." 
  4. Employees who left employment during this time and came back at a later date are not eligible for this "Back Step"/"Catchup Step."
  • Employees who reached the top of the salary scale and were not eligible for the 11-12 "Back Step"/"Catchup Step, will receive a one-time $850 payment if they meet the remaining criteria in paragraph 3. 
  • Employees who reached the top of the salary scale and were not eligible for the 12-13 "Back Step"/"Catchup Step, will receive a one-time $850 mid-year payment if they meet the remaining criteria in paragraph 4. 

  • Other Changes
  • Teacher Assistant work hours; A workgroup composing of union and management will meet no later than October 1, 2021. The goal of the workgroup is to discuss the feasibility of increasing TA work hours. There also will be an examination of potential "duties" that could/would be performed during the increased time period. Recommendations from the workgroup would be forwarded to each negotiations team to potentially be presented during the next negotiations. Teacher Assistants can expect a survey from SAAAAC in the very near future regarding this subject.
  • Article 7.2; the second paragraph of the article speaks to a probationary period for promoted employees. The length of the probationary period is to be extended from six (6) months to nine (9) months. To view the document, click here.

ALL of the above is subject to the ratification (approval) of SAAAAC Membership.

  • Four Day Work Week (not subject to the ratification vote)
  • Will run from June 23 to August 17, 2021.
  • No changes were made regarding process, procedure or practice.
  • To view the MOU and calendar, click here.

I will be sending a separate email for those who wish to attend the virtual Question & Answer session. We ask that you RSVP. Only those who RSVP will be sent the link to the virtual Q&A. Again, attendance is not mandated in order to cast a ballot. Ballots will be sent out at the conclusion of the June 3rd, 2021 Q & A session. Voting will end June 8th at noon.