Pictures of the girls celebrating our first Pentecost at FPC Covington in 2020!
I love Pentecost!
On this day especially, we as the church get to participate in the creative activity of God!!!
We celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit and proclaim Dance, Holy Spirit, Dance! 
How do you understand the Holy Spirit?
Interested in exploring more? Click HERE or on the image to watch a video about the Holy Spirit from the BibleProject.
Consider how the Holy Spirit might be igniting in you to join in the divine dance of God’s creativity. Then I invite you to reply to this email, because I would LOVE to know!
Do you have a burning for justice? 
Yes, I want to know more! 
Do you feel the winds of creation moving you to speak with compassion and gentleness? 
Yes, how? I want to hear your heart!
Does the divine breath of God desire to breathe hope through you? 
Yes, share what you hope for! 
How is the Spirit moving in our midst?
My painting from the Pentecost Paint Party last year!
This Pentecost, we will use our imaginations as we wonder together how the Spirit might be moving in our midst! We will affirm as one body that through the gift of the Holy Spirit we have been given gifts to use for the glory of God!
God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. We, church, have many gifts- our time, treasures, testimonies, and tithes, to give back to God!
What gifts do you feel you have been given to share with the church and our community? 
Have you filled out our Time & Talent form? Use your gifts to participate in the work of the Spirit at FPC!
If you would like to explore ways to use your gifts at FPC – let's have a cup of coffee! 
All are loved! All are valued! All are welcome!
Come to worship this Sunday for our Pentecost Celebration! 
Wear red!
We will sing happy birthday to the church! (and have cake!)
We will be Pentecost People as we pray for our church and our world! 
We will hear about the creative activity of God through an experiential scripture reading, the Word proclaimed, and our Prayers of the People.
You don't want to miss!
Come dance with the Holy Spirit with me!
Neeley Rentz Lane
If you want to know more about Pentecost as the birthday of the church then you can click HERE to read my Notions on Pentecost last year!
Sermon writing and worship preparations are a holy art. I prayerfully engage the living word with imagination, curiosity, and an openness for the Spirit to dance!
My hope as your pastor through “Neeley’s Notions” is to offer stories and perspectives to ignite your own imagination, curiosity, and openness to the Spirit. - this will be a periodical email offering as the Spirit leads!