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School Budget

Happy New Year! 

Tonight, January 16th, the school committee continues to review the budget for the 2018-19 school year and taking public comments.  Hear more about next year's budget and share your thoughts, questions and concerns.  Please note the school committee listens, but cannot respond, to questions or comments during the hearing.  The meeting begins at 7pm at Broadmeadow School.

More information about the budget, ways to view the meeting and ways provide feedback are below.  The school committee wants to hear your thoughts on the budget.

Hope to see you there!

~Citizens for Needham Schools
Learn More about the Budget 
The 2018-19 Budget Proposal is available on the Needham Public School's website.  View the budget presentation here and visit Dr. Gutekanst's blog here.

Can't make the meeting?  Tune into the Needham Channel tonight for live-streaming or check online in the next week to see the video. Send feedback to the school committee at
Stay informed 
General information about the Needham School Committee including meeting dates, agendas, and minutes are available on the Needham Public School website

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Citizens for Needham Schools

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