Risk Management Matters: Raise Your Standards This Summer
We’ve taken a cue from the weather and provided some insider information as hot as the forecast. Check out the latest tips for protecting your business – from your data online to your crews on site! As always, our team is here to help, no matter the season. Read on to learn more!

Low Security, High Risk
Peter Elliott, TIG President & CEO
Cyber threat actors have bad intentions for your business, looking carefully to spot vulnerabilities and weaknesses. These are exploited to gain access – and once hackers are in, all bets are off. Compromised cybersecurity can have a disastrous impact, not only putting your business at risk, but your customers too.

Water vs. Sports Drinks: Which Beverage Is Best?
Craig Rapp
Our last article included helpful hints about working in the heat, geared toward keeping crews safe through the sweltering summer months. OSHA’s approach of Water, Rest, and Shade is tried and true, but it leaves many wondering which beverage is best: water or sports drinks. That’s what we’ll explore here, so read on to learn more!
To learn more, contact Telcom Insurance Group today. Our team is dedicated to keeping yours safe!
Phone: 301-220-3200

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