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April 8, 2024 | Issue 11

Sunday, April 14, 2024

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Monday, April 8, 2024

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

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Secret Church 2024

Secret Church is a fast-paced livestream event hosted at Crossroads. During this 6 hour deep dive into scripture, Pastor David Platt will teach on the book of Ruth and the relevance this has for us today. Secret Church serves to further challenge viewers in their personal relationship with God and

encourages evangelism beyond the church. By attending this event, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about relevant topics in our world and how we should respond to them as Christians. Anyone middle school age and up are welcome to join. Come with your life group, your Rush small group or make it a family event!


Years ago, David Platt taught and ministered among underground Asian house churches where believers were forced to gather in secret, sometimes at the risk of their own lives due to hostility from the government, from the surrounding community, and even

from their own families. Secret Church is an opportunity for us to gather and intensely study the Bible and pray like and for our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world.

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that happens annually.

Encouraged by our persecuted brothers’ and sisters’ example, we will meet for nearly 6 hours for intense study of God’s Word and passionate prayer for the persecuted.


STUDY: Take a 6 hour deep dive to study God’s epic tale of redemption in the story of Ruth. It’s a story that reminds us that each of our lives–no matter how ordinary they may sometimes seem and no matter how difficult they may sometimes be–is indeed a part of a plan much larger than ourselves and much

more thrilling than we could ever imagine.

PRAY: This year we will explore the story of the persecuted church in North Korea, considered by many the most hostile-to-Christians country in the world. Together we will pray and support our brothers and sisters in North Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia and other persecuted places.

ACT: We will be challenged to live on mission–in our neighborhoods and to the nations.

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