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Family Engagement Resources & Updates - February 2024
Roadway stretching towards the horizon with 2024 stamped into the pavement
In 2024, we are thrilled to share our plans for fostering collaboration and strengthening relationships between families and educators. Our work underscores our commitment to supporting inclusive and welcoming environments, ensuring that all families, especially those with diverse linguistic backgrounds and with disabled family members, feel supported in navigating the educational landscape.

We are excited about the possibilities that 2024 holds for our educational community. Through our various initiatives, we aim to build capacity, foster collaboration, and create an environment where families and educators can navigate the year together, hand in hand.

Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to the success of every student!

Resources from MASFEC
Welcoming Families Communication Toolkit
In partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, our toolkit is a roadmap for effective family engagement, guiding educators through sequential steps from "Listen" to "Plan." It's not just a resource - it's a catalyst for stronger school-family partnerships, setting the stage for a robust finish to the academic year.

screen shot from the home page of the communications toolkit
Educator teaching students with text: Family Guide for Students with Disabilities in Boston Public Schools
Multi-language guide to student supports in BPS

Our partnership with Boston Public Schools has resulted in a new guide aimed at helping families navigate the special education system and related services within the school district. While some of the information is Boston-specific, many of the explanation apply to special education more generally.

Here are links to the Family Guide for Students with Disabilities in Boston Public Schools in multiple langauges:
Graphic indicating a starting point and end point with title School Navigation
School Options in Massachusetts
Looking for a quick overview of the many kinds of schools available in Massachusetts?

Career & Technical, Charter, Virtual Schools and more are covered in this blog post from the School Finder Help Line!
Lunar New Year!
The date of Lunar New Year differs every year. This year it falls on February 10, 2024. In preparation, check out our reading list of picture books about the Lunar New Year. Reading these books is a great way to learn about Asian cultures or to celebrate the traditions that your family already practices.

Workshops & Trainings
Hands coming together with a child in the background and text: Strengthening Partnerships Training of Trainers
Strengthening Partnerships
Join MASFEC for an in-depth exploration of the Massachusetts statewide framework for family engagement and learn how to bring this training back into your school, district, organization or community.

February 24, 2024 9am-5pm in person at the Schrafft’s Center. More details can be found on our website.

Positive Solutions for Families - photo of a child being lifted up by her family
Positive Solutions ToT
Through a grant provided by the Department for Elementary and Secondary Education, the Federation for Children with Special Needs is offering a FREE ten-hour training for educators and professionals interested in offering the Positive Solutions for Families program to families in their school.

  • February 20, 21, 22, 27, and 29: 4–6pm
  • March 19, 20, 21, 26, and 28th: 4–6pm
  • April 2, 3, 4, 9, and 11th: 1–3pm
  • May 7, 8, 9, 14, and 16th: 5–7pm

Family Engagement News!
Cover of Carnegie Report
Partnering with Immigrant Families to Promote Student Success
The Carnegie Corporation of New York commissioned a report outlining recommendations and best practices to build effective family-school partnerships with immigrant families.

The report details how, "All children deserve access to the best education possible, regardless of their racial and socioeconomic background or personal circumstances. Family engagement is a tool for social and educational justice and serves as the foundation for equity work."

English Learner Family Toolkit
The English Leaner Family Toolkit was created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs. U.S. educators, elementary and secondary school teachers, principals, and other school staff can also share the toolkit as a resource for English learners and their families.

The toolkit is available in English, Arabic, Spanish, and Chinese. Produced by the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition.

New Comprehensive Educator Modules
The City University of New York - Initiative on Immigration and Education (CUNY-IIE) works together with educators and community members to create professional development modules.

Each module features a set of activities and guides to help educators learn, act, and advocate in the classroom. Two new modules were produced in 2023:

Word cloud that includes the words MASFEC, Family Engagement, meaningful, partnership, active, supportive
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Massachusetts Statewide Family Engagement Center
529 Main Street, Suite 1M3 | Boston, MA 02129
617.236.7210 | www.masfec.org