In This Issue
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NGCP Updates:
Collaboration Institute in Seattle, WA
On September 17-19, 2017, team members from new and returning Collaboratives and others working with girls in STEM met to learn how to effectively lead NGCP activities in their regions. Participants engaged in multiple sessions designed to assist in outreach and implementation. The new leadership team members will begin hosting collaborative events across the nation soon. Watch this e-newsletter and the
NGCP website for event details. The NGCP currently
serves 41 states, that facilitate collaboration between
36,400 organizations serving
20.15 million girls (and 9.5 million boys).
NGCP Webinar Building Bridges: How to Partner Across In-School and Out-of-School October 18, 2017; 4:30 PM Pacific (7:30 PM Eastern) The NGCP has partnered with CS for All Teachers, an initiative funded by the National Science Foundation and managed by the American Institutes for Research to bring you this joint webinar. Designed to be useful for both in-school, formal educators and out-of-school time, informal educators, this webinar will first focus on the benefits for youth of bridging in-school and out-of-school time learning. After support for this approach is covered, practitioners who have successfully built this bridge in their communities will share their experiences and lessons learned. This will be a participatory webinar, and you are encouraged to come with your own successes and challenges to share with the group.
NGCP Webinar Universal Design for Learning: Strategies for Teaching to Students of All Abilities November 2, 2017; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern) Despite the fact that students with disabilities are a heterogeneous group of students, many share similar challenges with complex multi-step problem solving, limited persistence when frustrated, and curricula that is not designed for accessibility. Even with these challenges there is emerging evidence that students with disabilities can find success in K-12 CS instruction if they are provided with the necessary supports. In this one hour webinar, participants will learn about instructional strategies for supporting students with disabilities in K-12 CS instruction. These strategies will focus on increasing access, engagement, and learning.
Do You See Your Students in Future STEM Careers?
Collaborative Network Activities
STEM-tastic: Getting Girls Excited about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with SciGirls! Harsville, SC; October 6, 2017 SciGirls is a PBS Kids television series out to change how millions of tweens think about STEM! Participants are invited to attend this free professional development opportunity and discover how to engage young women (ages 8-13) through inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register.
SciGirls Professional Development Training St. Paul, MN; January 27, 2018 Based on the Emmy-award winning PBS KIDS television series SciGirls, local educators are invited to participate in this hands-on, minds-on professional development training hosted by the Great Lakes Aquarium and the Hartley Nature Center. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, leave with curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, learn how to modify activities to engage kids in STEM using the SciGirls Seven and discover additional online resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences for all kids. Register.
SciGirls Professional Development Training Duluth, MN; February 3, 2018 Based on the Emmy-award winning PBS KIDS television series SciGirls, local educators are invited to participate in this hands-on, minds-on professional development training hosted by the Great Lakes Aquarium and the Hartley Nature Center. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, leave with curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, learn how to modify activities to engage kids in STEM using the SciGirls Seven and discover additional online resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences for all kids. Register.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the
Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Litany Lineberry
Litany Lineberry. Litany received her Master of Science degree in computer science with a concentration in Information Assurance from North Carolina A&T University. Her area of expertise is in Cyber Security and Cyber Security Education for K-12. She was a part of the
Consortium Enabling Cybersecurity Opportunities and Research at Voorhees College where she created curriculum, trained other institutions, and taught summer and Saturday CyberPi Academies for high school and middle school students.
To learn more about Litany visit her FabFems profile.
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Upcoming STEM Events
ISEA STEM Expo 2017
Branson, MO; October 8-10, 2017
The International STEM Education Association (ISEA) supports STEM Educators in the K-12 classroom and promotes STEM Education as the cornerstone of innovation and excellence in educational experiences that are imperative for success in the technological world of today and tomorrow.
Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference
San Jose, CA; October 21-24, 2017
ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. The conference is full of professional development and networking opportunities. An
online Conference Program is available to browse.
Summer Changes Everything™ National Conference
Phoenix, AZ; October 23-25, 2017.
Presented by the
National Summer Learning Association, this event will focus on summer learning and afterschool solutions aimed at closing the opportunity and achievement gap. Participants will have the opportunity to join workshops focused on four strands: Effective Learning Approaches, Systems Building, Program Planning, and Policy & Advocacy. This year's theme "We've Got the Power" captures the critical work underway in programs, in schools, and communities across the country.
Lights On Afterschool
Nationwide; October 26, 2017
Lights On Afterschool draws attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering opportunities to learn new things such as science, community service, and robotics The events send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. Visit the
Lights On Afterschool website to find an event in your area.
National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Conference
St. Louis, MO; October 26-27, 2017
The NCPN Conference provides an opportunity for secondary and post-secondary educators and members of industry to network and share best practices. This year's focus is on Career Pathways implementation at the state and local levels. Conference strands will be based on the Ten Components of a Program of Study and Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development.
Society of Women Engineers: WE17
Austin, TX; October 26-28, 2017
WE17 offers professionals, collegiates, and employers an opportunity to network, meet role models and mentors, find new talent, provide professional development to current employees and support women in engineering and technology. This year's theme is
"Always Connecting, Always Engineering".
Invent it. Build it.
Austin, TX; October 28, 2017
Invent it. Build it. is an experience designed to encourage middle school and high school girls to choose a career in engineering. Students participate in a hands-on engineering experience with members of the Society of Women Engineers. While the girls are having fun building and inventing, parents and educators learn about engineering careers, scholarships, college admission, and resources. Registration deadline is October 14, 2017.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Conference
Kansas City, MO; November 1-5, 2017
The SHPE conference brings together STEM professionals, pre-college students, undergraduate students, graduate students, educators, government representatives, and corporate representatives to empower the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support and development.
Supercomputing Conference (SC17)
Denver, CO; November 12-17, 2017
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC17) features a Student Cluster Competition, Student Volunteers Program, HPC for Undergraduates program, and a Doctoral Showcase. Additionally, events for students including a Job and Opportunity Fair, a Mentor/Protégé Program, networking events, and full access to the conference. Early bird registration ends October 15, 2017.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in
The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers helps them find partners based on interests, as well as showcase STEM opportunities to families.
This month we are turning the spotlight on the
Afterschool Alliance, one of The Connectory's founding collaborators. A leading voice for afterschool programs, the Afterschool Alliance is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and to advocating for more afterschool investments to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs.
The Afterschool Alliance recognizes that afterschool programs play a major role in providing meaningful STEM learning experiences to diverse groups of youth - that excite and sustain interest, build real skills, help youth connect STEM to their lives and communities, and introduce youth to a diverse array of professionals.
October 26, 2017 marks the
18th Annual Lights On Afterschool. This nationwide event celebrates the important role afterschool programs play in the lives of children, families, and communities. Have you planned your event for October 26th yet? If so, be sure to
add it to The Connectory to maximize your promotional efforts.
The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.
Stay connected to The Connectory:

STEM Resources
Careers with Code Magazine Careers with Code is a magazine for high school and college students that explores the careers available in computer science (CS) through CS + X - where 'X' is a student's passion, goals, and interests. The magazine contains quizzes to help students discover their CS + X goals, unearth new career directions, and browse resources to help them take steps towards CS camps, classes, and programs. With a strong focus on diversity, Careers with Code features 16% Hispanic and 22% Black American representation.
Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge Students (ages 13-18) are invited to work together in teams of 2-5 members to use STEM, innovation, and entrepreneurship to develop viable solutions to benefit our world in one of four categories: Aerospace & Aviation, Cyber-Technology & Security, Energy & Environment, and Health & Nutrition. Registration deadline is October 16, 2017.
Earth Science Week The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Earth Science Week Toolkit contains educational materials for all ages that correspond to this year's theme, "Earth and Human Activity." Learning resources and activities engage users in exploring the relationship between human activity and the geosphere (earth), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (life). Earth Science Week will be celebrated October 8-14, 2017.
National Chemistry Week (NCW) NCW is October 22-28, 2017. NCW encourages chemists and chemistry enthusiasts to build awareness of chemistry at the local level. The American Chemical Society website includes the following educational resources: lesson plans, classroom activities, video demonstrations, books, and guided information for the classroom.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
October is
National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Designed to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity, provide tools and resources needed to stay safe online, and increase the resiliency of the Nation in the event of a cyber incident. Each week has its own theme.
The Stop.Think.Connect. Toolkit provides resources to help you stay safe online and host your own cyber event. Materials include ready-made cyber presentations and tip cards.
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors high school women who are active and interested in computing and technology, and encourages them to pursue their passions. AiC award recipients are chosen for their demonstrated interest and achievements in computing, proven leadership ability, academic performance, and plans for post-secondary education. Applications deadline is November 6, 2017.
Shine For Girls Through kinesthetic learning, girls (grade 6-8) combine action and intellect to more effectively understand and retain material. More importantly, girls become excited about math, and change their attitudes about their own potential.
Global Resources
Global Gaming Women (GGW) The mission of GGW is to support the development and success of women in the international gaming industry through education, mentorship, and networking opportunities. GGW brings together women from all segments of gaming in an effort to enrich their professional and personal lives. Visit the website for a complete list of upcoming events and/or start a discussion with your peers by joining a Lean In Circle.