NGCP Updates
22 Under 22 Most Inspiring Women for 2015
National Champions Board Member and CEO of LabCandy
Olivia Pavco-Giaccia has been voted one of the
22 Under 22 Most Inspiring Women for 2015 by
Her Campus. This award recognizes college women who are influencers on their campus (and beyond) who demonstrate leadership, excel academically, are doing big things in an area important to them, and who have ambitious goals for their future.
Her Campus asked Olivia - What do you consider your greatest achievement to date? Olivia
 responded by saying, "My greatest achievements have come from helping young girls recognize their potential as future scientists and innovators. I've worked to accomplish this goal through a number of endeavors, including work with the National Girls Collaborative Project, as well as with
LabCandy. LabCandy makes educational toys that help get young girls interested in science." Congratulations to Olivia!
Support NGCP While You Shop AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for to support the National Girls Collaborative every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you find the same prices, selection, and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon donates a portion of your purchase price to the National Girls Collaborative! To shop at AmazonSmile visit http://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-1608990 on your computer or mobile device and click on the "Start shopping" button. Thank you for your continued support in advancing gender equity in STEM.
Collaborative Network Activities
PA STEM Girls Collaborative Project: SciGirls Training
Erie, PA; November 6, 2015
Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys), and underrepresented populations in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, receive curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, and learn how to modify activities to engage kids in STEM using the SciGirls Seven Strategies.
Habitat Connections: Exploring Your Local Environment through Birds and Citizen Science
Shreveport, LA; November 13, 2015
Participants will discover how to engage girls (and boys) ages 8-13, in learning through birds, citizen science, and local habitat improvement projects that benefit birds and other wildlife. This free full-day professional development opportunity includes hands-on activities (including a bird walk) and a 7-lesson curriculum and tool kit of teaching materials which are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core standards.
InventionX Educator Training
Bothell, WA; December 8, 2015
The InventionX five-stage invention process teaches students how to think, not what to think. The process and exercises can be applied to any area of STEM content. Participants will receive a copy of the InventionX Education Guide, experience the invention process though hands-on activities, and create strategies for implementing the process in their own program or classroom.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role
Model Directory to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Meet Leah Romero an aerospace engineer currently working on parachute design, modeling, and testing for NASA's Multipurpose Crew Vehicle called Orion. Leah knew she wanted to work in the human space flight industry after her father took her on a trip to Kennedy Space Center. After her college graduation, Leah found a job by attending a Jacobs Technology job fair. Visit Leah's profile to learn more.
Upcoming STEM Events
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Conference
Phoenix, AZ; November 19-21, 2015
The AISES conference brings together Native American STEM educators, professionals, and students for mentoring and networking, professional development sessions, and a career and education expo. This year's theme is "Strive. Rise. Thrive."
ACTE's CareerTech VISION 2015 New Orleans, LA; November 19-22, 2015
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) invites career and technical education professionals to learn about best practices and innovative programming, how to use technologies to enhance learning, ways to help students plan their secondary careers, and strategies for project-based learning.
Computer Science Education Week
Nationwide; December 7-13, 2015
Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about the impact of computing, the richness of computing careers, and the critical need for computer science (CS) education. CSEdWeek is a call to action to inspire students and colleagues about CS education, to employ new and better strategies for engagement, and to connect with the broader community about the need for and value of CS education.
Learn more.
21st Century STEM: Integrate to Innovate Conference
Phoenix, AZ; January 21-23, 2016
Designed by teachers for teachers, this conference highlights the integration of STEM into engineering, computer science, biotechnology, sustainability, and other CTE-based programs. The conference begins with field trips followed by two days of workshops and keynote addresses for teachers to develop their content and pedagogical skills for teaching. Early registration ends December 1, 2015.

The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in
The Connectory. The Connectory is a free, online collaboration tool for STEM program providers to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families. This month, in anticipation of CSEdWeek, we highlight
CU Science Discovery:
This STEM education outreach program is part of the University of Colorado, Boulder's Division of Continuing Education. CU Science Discovery coordinates an array of programs that connects K-12 students and teachers to current CU science. Programs are highly interactive and relevant, to engage students in the scientific process while connecting to the science and technology present in their everyday lives. Through hands-on summer and after-school classes, teacher workshops, school programs, and community outreach events, Science Discovery impacts more than 20,000 students, teachers and community members throughout Colorado each year.
Teen Science Cafe offers Colorado teens opportunities to meet and interact with local scientists in a fun and informal setting. It meets monthly in Boulder and Denver. Cafe topics span a wide range of STEM fields - from ecology to medicine to astrophysics. Topics and presenters are identified by a Youth Leadership Team, who guide the program and run the café events.
The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.
Stay Connected:
STEM Resources
America After 3PM Special Report on STEM The Afterschool Alliance has released a special report on afterschool STEM learning. Full STEM Ahead: Afterschool Programs Step Up as Key Partners in STEM Education is the first comprehensive look at parental perceptions of STEM programming offered by afterschool providers and examines demand, access and satisfaction both nationally and by state. Download the full report or the executive summary, view the interactive national and state dashboard and the America After 3PM Infographics.
Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge
The Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge provides an opportunity for student teams to develop solutions to some of the world's most complex problems in one of four categories: Aerospace and Aviation, Energy and Environment, Cyber Technology and Security, and Health and Nutrition. This competition is open to students ages 13-18, worldwide. Submission deadline is November 9, 2015.
Science Friday Science Friday is a non-profit dedicated to promoting a greater understanding of science and technology among the general public with the radio program Science Friday, fun videos, web articles, live events, and resources for parents and educators. The website features free hands-on activities and lesson plans anchored in engaging SciFri multimedia sortable by grade level, subject, and duration.
TECHNOLOchicas TECHNOLOchicas is a collaborative project of the National Center for Women & IT (NCWIT) and Televisa Foundation designed to raise awareness among young Latinas and their families about opportunities and careers in technology. The campaign features powerful stories of five Latinas from diverse backgrounds and environments who share a passion for technology and its power to change the world.
Global Resources
Global Education Virtual Conference November 16-19, 2015 The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. The entire virtual conference will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate platform. Sign up.