STEM-tastic: Getting Girls Excited about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math with SciGirls! New Orleans, LA; March 21, 2015 SciGirls trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on activities, and receive free materials for video-enhanced activities with a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register SciGirls Professional Development Copperas Cove, TX; March 28, 2015 SciGirls trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on activities, and receive free materials for video-enhanced activities with a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register SciGirls Training at the University of Albany Albany, NY; March 28, 2015; 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Participants will learn how to re-shape current lesson plans to engage a wide variety of learners using 21st century skills, learn how to use media in the classroom, and explore circuits using play dough and other hands-on science activities aligned to New York State Learning Standards. Register STEAM Powered Collaborations for Girls: Celebrating the Successes! Lafayette, LA; March 28, 2015; 9:00 AM-3:00 PM Attendees will connect with like-minded participants, hear how LaSTEM Girls Collaborative Project mini-grant recipients have enhanced STEM opportunities for girls in Louisiana, become inspired to make a positive difference for girls, and learn how to create positive collaborations. Register CoCoSTEM Role Models Matter Training The Role Models Matter program provides participants tips and practical strategies for communicating effectively with young girls and inspiring them in STEM careers. At this event, participants will learn how to break the ice, share their stories, and effectively facilitate hands-on engineering design challenges. - Durango, CO; April 10, 2015; Register Durango, CO; April 11, 2015; Register CoCOSTEM SciGirls Training Durango, CO; April 10, 2015 SciGirls trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on activities, and receive free materials for video-enhanced activities with a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register Engaging Youth in STEM with SciGirls! A PNWGCP Professional Development Forum Seattle, WA; April 25, 2015; 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register  Oregon Girls Collaborative Project Engaging Girls Forum This forum will provide an introduction to the National Girls Collaborative Project and the Oregon Girls Collaborative Project, information about what exemplary practices can help us do, and strategies for implementing them in your program. We will present examples of engagement techniques and strategies, give participants time to discuss and ask questions about strategies, and provide time for participants to work together. Bend, OR; May 8, 2015; Register Newport, OR; May 15, 2015; Register |