In This Issue
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NGCP Updates:
NGCP Webinar PLUM LANDING: Digital Support For Exploring Your Local Environment
August 22, 2017 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern)
 In this one hour webinar participants will be introduced to
PLUM LANDING digital resources, developed by WGBH for PBS KIDS, that help inspire kids (age 6-9) and their families engage in and explore the outdoors. Resources include Next Generation Science Standards-based outdoor, hands-on STEM learning activities, cutting-edge apps, games, webisodes, and online drawing tools, all centered around a loveable alien
 named Plum who sends kids on missions to explore and report on their outdoor observations.
NGCP Webinar Google-Gallup CS Education Data: Further Explorations of Underserved Communities August 15, 2017; 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific (2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern) To understand the landscape of computer science (CS) education, Google and Gallup have surveyed 16,000 students, parents, teachers, principals, and superintendents across the U.S. each year for two years. In this webinar, they will share further insights into underserved communities, including new data on those in rural areas and small towns, as well as insights on girls, Black students, and Hispanic students. With this data, they hope educators and advocates can realize the unique circumstances of these groups and better serve their needs for equitable CS education.
Do You See Your Students in Future STEM Careers? NGCP is pleased to be collaborating with the Educational Research Center of America, American Association of Physics Teachers, Destination Imagination, and National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity on a research project focused on high school students' perceptions of STEM careers. In previous research, we found that the majority of STEM students (51%) saw their STEM courses as "extremely" or "very important" to their future careers. Our ultimate objective is to stimulate a dialogue on career pathways among parents, teachers, and students. If you are a high school educator, you may receive a package of student surveys and instructions related to this research effort. We encourage you to have your students complete the surveys so their perceptions and experiences will be included. To receive the surveys fill out out a simple on-line form or email to make sure you are on the list. Thank you for your participation!
Collaborative Network Activities
SciGirls STEM training hosted by Concordia University Chicago River Forest, IL; August 12, 2017 Based on the Emmy-award winning PBS KIDS television series SciGirls, educators who work with middle and high school girls are invited to participate in this hands-on, minds-on professional development training. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, leave with curriculum that puts a creative twist on teaching STEM, learn how to modify activities to engage kids in STEM using the SciGirls Seven and discover additional online resources that enhance teaching and learning experiences for all kids. Register.
PA STEM Girls Collaborative Project CryptoClub Training Monroeville, PA; August 14, 2017 Teachers and afterschool providers are invited to take part in this training. The CryptoClub Project consists of classroom and web-based materials, which teach cryptography and related mathematics to students in grades 5-12 in both formal and informal settings. The CryptoClub curriculum was developed with National Science Foundation support and has been nationally field-tested. Register.
CryptoClub Leader Training (One or Two Day Training) Bothell, WA; August 22-23, 2017 The CryptoClub Project develops classroom and web-based materials to teach cryptography and related mathematics to middle-grade students in informal settings. It was developed with National Science Foundation support and has been nationally field-tested. Club Leaders will receive training for the curriculum, materials for implementing, and access to online resources as well as an active community of practice. Formal and informal educators, choose between the one day (less content) or two day training. Register for one day training. Register for two day training.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the
Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Lindsay Bridenbaker
Lindsay Bridenbaker. Lindsay received a bachelors in chemical engineering at Cornell University. After excelling in math and science her uncle suggested she consider engineering. She chose to major in chemical engineering because it has such broad applicability. After college Lindsay started working in the food & beverage industry and has been there ever since. She has helped design new products as part of Research & Development and loves being able to eat and drink what she works on. Lindsay has previously served as an afterschool STEM teacher for middle school students and has given STEM career talks to elementary and high-school students.
To learn more about Lindsay visit her FabFems profile.
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Upcoming STEM Events
2017 Astra STEAM Summit
San Jose, CA; August 17-18, 2017
For girls (grades 6-12) interested in STEAM subjects and entrepreneurship. This event marries mentoring by STEAM industry women and pitching ideas to a panel of experts to give girls additional self-confidence and the practical business experience of working in teams.
ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference
Atlanta, GA; September 20-23, 2017
The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to promote and celebrate diversity. This year's theme is "Diversity: Simply Smarter!"
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference
Orlando, FL; October 4-6, 2017
The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is the world's largest gathering of women technologists. It is produced by the Anita Borg Institute and presented in partnership with Association for Computing Machinery. Due to high demand, general registration is sold out, but that does not mean you have to miss out. They will be streaming all keynotes. Visit their website for
more information.
ISEA STEM Expo 2017
Branson, MO; October 8-10, 2017
The International STEM Education Association (ISEA) supports STEM Educators in the K-12 classroom and promotes STEM Education as the cornerstone of innovation and excellence in educational experiences that are imperative for success in the technological world of today and tomorrow.
Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference
San Jose, CA; October 21-24, 2017
ASTC is an organization of science centers and museums dedicated to furthering public engagement with science among diverse audiences. The conference is full of professional development and networking opportunities. An
online Conference Program is available to browse.
Lights On Afterschool
Nationwide; October 26, 2017
Organized by the Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool draws attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering them opportunities to learn new things such as science, community service, robotics, Tae Kwon Do, and poetry. The events send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. Visit the
Lights On Afterschool website to get event ideas, register an event, access planning tools, and find an event in your area.
National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Conference
St. Louis, MO; October 26-27, 2017
The NCPN Conference provides an opportunity for secondary and post-secondary educators and members of industry to network and share best practices. This year's focus is on Career Pathways implementation at the state and local levels. Conference strands will be based on the Ten Components of a Program of Study and Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development.
Society of Women Engineers: WE17
Austin, TX; October 26-28, 2017
WE17 offers professionals, collegiates, and employers an opportunity to network, meet role models and mentors, find new talent, provide professional development to current employees and support women in engineering and technology. This year's theme is
"Always Connecting, Always Engineering".
The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in
The Connectory. The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families.
The start of the school year is a great time to showcase STEM. Parents, students, and teachers are energized after summer vacation and ready to dive in with enthusiasm. This month we feature two great back-to-school opportunities.
Back to School STEM Saturday: Kick off the school year at Girlstart's Back to School STEM Saturday! Get excited about STEM with hands-on activities for the whole family at the Girlstart STEM Center between 9:30 AM and Noon. This event is free (RSVP suggested).
The Future of Stem: Back-to-School Minority Opportunity Fair: Private and nonprofit organizations will provide information on opportunities for students. Former-teacher-turned-filmmaker Andre Robert Lee will present "Finding Your Place When You Feel You Don't Fit," a talk that details his journey to discovering his identity and purpose. He will host a panel discussion of STEM professionals from the Triangle who will share stories of their journey to STEM careers. Open to students in grades 5-12.
Have you added your K-12 festivals, afterschool programs, and community events to The Connectory? Get a jump-start on the 2017-2018 school year. Our
Getting Started Guide makes it easy.
Stay connected to The Connectory:

STEM Resources
ChickTECH ChickTech is a national organization facilitating hands-on technology-centric events and programs to empower, support, and increase the confidence of women and girls. Through events, they build community, empower participants to see themselves as leaders, and provide networking and mentoring opportunities in the rapidly growing high tech industry. Find a Chapter near you.
CoderGals CoderGals is an organization where female high school mentors teach elementary school girls how to code through free after school workshops. Their mission is to spark young girls' interest in coding through fun, creative, and collaborative projects. Visit their website for information on starting a chapter in your area. No prior coding experience is necessary for mentors.
NCWIT's Top 10 Ways Families Can Encourage Girls' Interest in Computing
Top 10 resource offers simple suggestions to encourage girls to study, and have a career in, computer science and related technology fields. Also available in Spanish.
The STEM Project
The STEM Project aims to increase diversity in the STEM fields with a mission to inspire, educate, and empower girls by creating positive awareness about STEM fields. They organize workshops on STEM topics and host an annual competition where middle school girls use their STEM skills to build something useful or conduct scientific research to solve a real-world problem. The
online competition is accepting applications in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Application deadline is September 17, 2017.
Who Wants to Be a Mathematician National Contest
The American Mathematical Society is organizing the 2018
Who Wants to Be a Mathematician contest where high school students (from U.S. and Canada) compete for cash and prizes by answering multiple choice mathematics questions. The first round of qualifying takes place September 11-25, 2017. There is no fee to participate.
Global Resources
Robogals conduct free engineering and technology workshops that focus on encouraging girls (primary to secondary school) to explore an interest, as well as cultivate self-confidence, in these areas. Robogals started in Australia and has grown to more than 30 chapters across the globe in over 10 different countries.