NGCP Updates: Congratulations to Champions of Change Laura Huerta Migas and Beth Unverzagt!
Recently the White House hosted a Summer Opportunity Workshop and honored Champions of Change. Among those honored were Laura Huerta Migas (NGCP National Champions Board Member) and Beth Unverzagt (Collaborative Lead for the Oregon Girls Collaborative Project). The event included the launch of the
Summer Opportunity Project, a multi-agency effort in partnership with the National Summer Learning Association and other collaborators to provide support to communities.
The Champions of Change were selected by the White House for their leadership on investing in, operating or advocating for high-quality summer learning, meals, job opportunities, and violence prevention. They recognize that the summer "opportunity gap" contributes to gaps in achievement, employment, and college and career success, particularly for low-income students.
For more details, including comments from Laura and Beth, visit the
White House Blog.
Updated NGCP Publication: Increasing Collaboration
High levels of collaboration among programs engaging girls in STEM increases the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall capacity of programs and therefore increases opportunities and improves experiences for girls. This recently updated publication,
available for download on the NGCP website, includes quotes and statistics from the 2015 NGCP Annual Survey and provides information on how the National Girls Collaborative Project increases collaboration.
Collaborative Network Activities
Habitat Connections: Exploring Your Local Environment through Birds and Citizen Science Shreveport, LA; April 9, 2016; 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Central
Participants will be introduced to a curriculum developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and will discover how to engage girls and boys ages 8-13 in learning through birds, citizen science, and local habitat improvement projects that benefit birds and other wildlife. Teaching materials are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core standards. The workshop is appropriate for both K-12 and informal educators; no experience with birds or citizen science is required. Registration closes on April 5, 2016.
BirdSleuth: Habitat Connections Ornithology Curriculum for Afterschool Programs
Wilsonville, OR; April 16, 2016; 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Pacific
Whether you are a teacher, afterschool educator, or an informal educator this free workshop will provide training and educational resources to engage children ages 8-13 in inquiry-based STEM activities. BirdSleuth connects youth to fun and engaging citizen science projects and inquiry-based outdoor experiences. Participants will take home a curriculum kit and have access to ongoing support provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Oregon Girls Collaborative Project.
Museum of Discovery SciGirls Professional Development Training
Little Rock, AR; May 2, 2016; 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Central
SciGirls Trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM.
SciGirls Full Day Workshop - Frisco Public Library
Frisco, TX; May 3, 2016; 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Central
Educators are invited to participate in SciGirls professional development opportunities and discover how to engage girls (ages 8-13) through research-based, high quality activities and resources. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM; experience hands-on STEM activities; and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching.
Texas Girls Collaborative Project (TxGCP) WaterBotics Educator Workshop
& Optional LEGO Mindstorms Bootcamp
San Antonio, TX: June 6, 7-8, 2016
LEGO Mindstorms Bootcamp (June 6, 2016) - This Bootcamp is offered to get participants up to speed prior to the WaterBotics workshop on June 7-8th. If you do not have familiarity with LEGO Mindstorms, it is highly recommended you participate in this bootcamp prior to the WaterBotics workshop.
WaterBotics Educator Workshop (June 7-8, 2016) - WaterBotics® is an intensive science and engineering experience based in a series of underwater robotics design and programming challenges. Educators across Texas are invited to attend this professional development opportunity and discover how to engage young women through research-based, high quality activities and resources. Participants will learn the technical skills and gender equity strategies necessary for implementing the WaterBotics program.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role Model Directory
to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Andrea Hawkins-Daarud
Meet Andrea Hawkins-Daarud, Informatics Specialist II at the Mayo Clinic. Andrea has always had an interest in mathematics and medicine. After graduation she took a position using mathematical models to study a particular form of brain cancer, glioblastoma. The goal: To tune mathematical models of tumor growth to individual patient data in order to provide additional insight for planning therapies. Andrea's advice to girls at all stages of their education is to pay attention to the things that keep you interested. She says, "There seem to be far more non-traditional careers than traditional ones! So, trying to fit into a traditional career should never get in the way of creating your own path!" To learn more about Andrea visit her profile.
Upcoming STEM Events
National Robotics Week April 2-10, 2016
Robotics Week is a series of events and activities created to celebrate the US as a leader in robotics technology development, educate the public about how robotics technology impacts society, advocate for increased funding for robotics technology research and development, and to inspire students of all ages to pursue careers in robotics and other STEM related fields. Search the website for activities, resources, and events near you.
National Summit for Educational Equity (NSEE)
Alexandria, VA; April 11-14, 2016
The NSEE will bring together leaders in educational equity to build capacity, knowledge, and skills to transform education and improve student success. The 2016 theme is "Solving the Education Equation: Access, Equity, and Diversity."
National Environmental Education Week (EE Week)
April 17-23, 2016
EE Week is a celebration of environmental education and inspires environmental learning and stewardship among K-12 students. This year, the theme is "Greening STEM: Rooted in Math". To take part in events or get ideas how to celebrate visit the
National Environmental Education Foundation website.
U.S. News STEM Solutions National Conference
Baltimore, MD; May 18-20, 2016
This conference will focus on the shortage of STEM-related skills in the American workforce and create a collective that will fill jobs now and advance the future STEM workforce. Breakout sessions include: Getting More Girls Into the Game, Building a Latino Wave in STEM, and Out-of-School Learning: Making a Difference for the Underserved.
Esri Education GIS Conference
San Diego, CA; June 25-28, 2016
Attendees will explore how geographic information system (GIS) technology fosters critical thinking skills and improves decision making. Participants will receive hands-on training, learn best practices, and receive updates on all things GIS for both inside the classroom and policy making.
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Annual Conference
San Diego, CA; July 10-12, 2016
CSTA 2016 is a professional development opportunity for CS and IT teachers/administrators who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, network, and interact, while exploring issues and trends relating directly to the classroom.

The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in
The Connectory. The Connectory is a free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers to find partners based on interests as well as a platform to showcase STEM opportunities to families. For April we are highlighting
STEM at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and opportunities with Math Awareness Month and Environmental Education Week:
UNI STEM Camps provide Iowa youth with exciting and fun opportunities to expand their STEM knowledge and skills while making new friends. Here are three of the more than a dozen great elementary, middle, and high school camps being offered this summer.
Beyond Frozen: Science, Math, and Art of Fractals - As Elsa sings, "My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around." The cool thing is that we can reproduce and generate fractals as art works by art and computer coding. Campers will observe and describe natural fractals and create their own.
Exploring the Tallgrass Prairie - Visit UNI's prairie preserves to learn about the plants and animals that live on the prairie and then create photographs, sketches, and other art inspired by the exploration. If you love being outdoors and learning about nature and art, this camp is for you.
Opening Doors to STEM - This camp will be organized around three themes - algebraic problem solving, the visualization of mathematics, and making connections between representations and ideas. Woven throughout the curriculum and teaching are the actions and messages that help campers develop a growth mindset. This camp is for middle school aged campers who may not excel at math now but want to.
The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.
Stay connected to The Connectory:
STEM Resources
April is Math Awareness Month Mathematics Awareness Month was created to increase public understanding of and appreciation for mathematics. This year's theme is "The Future of Prediction". At www.mathaware.org, find activities, resources, and information on how to order the theme poster.
CodeNow Computer Programming Workshops CodeNow partners with tech companies across the US to deliver fundamental programming skills to underrepresented youth. These free workshops serve as an introduction to computer science for high school students. Working closely with professional software engineers, students build five interactive games over three days. Upcoming San Jose workshops are on April 30, May 1, and May 14. The application deadline is April 13, 2016.
Earth Day Network Earth Day is April 22, 2016. This year's theme is "Trees for the Earth". The Earth Day Network website offers a collection of resources including and Earth Day Action Toolkit. Register an Earth Day event or search for an event in your area.
Everybody Code Now! Everybody Code Now! Is a non-profit organization that works to empower the next generation of leaders in computing to transform their future and help lead their communities towards a new era of technical expertise and entrepreneurship from exposure to basic programming skills. It offers programs, targeting girls aged 9-17, to introduce computer science and teach the basics of coding.
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Activity Guides These Activity Guides provide programs with hands-on interactive icebreakers and activities that allow youth to learn about the world of work and how their home and community lives are connected. Features a guide by Career Girls called Sparking AHA Moments that pairs lessons and activities with videos. Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day is April 28, 2016. NCWIT's By the Numbers The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) has released the latest version of Women and IT: By the Numbers. This free download presents the compelling statistics on women's participation in IT on a single page. |
Global Resources
International Girls in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Day Global; April 28, 2016 International Girls in ICT Day aims to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is celebrated every year on the 4th Thursday in April. The website includes a Toolkit for organizing a Girls in ICT Day event as well as a map to find an event near you.