Happy Spring Jo,

How can I pray for you?

Today is the National Day of Prayer.

Pray Fervently in Righteousness and Avail Much.

James 5:16b

The National Day of Prayer is the first Thursday of May and its history goes back to 1952 when it was co-founded between the United States Congress and President Harry S. Truman.

Spend some time today in reflection and below are some suggestions to pray for. Please add your additional ones. How can I pray for you?

  1. Our Churches.
  2. Our Families.
  3. Our Government, Federal, State, and Local.
  4. Our Military.
  5. Our Media.
  6. Businesses.
  7. Educational system.


Meet my new friend and sister in the Lord,


Life brings people into your life that are inspirations.

At rehab, after my emergency surgery in April, I met a woman, Julieanne, who was a resident there for fourteen years. We met at the Sunday morning service and became friends. Her story is one of faith, inspiration, strength, and hope.

This is a small glimpse into her story. I wrote the following from some notes taken while in rehab.

Julieanne was nine when she was at a Christian summer camp. One beautiful day, a pastor spoke about how Jesus died for them on the cross and through the power of the Holy Spirit rose from the grave, so we could have eternal life with him. He spoke about the love that Jesus has for them, no matter what they had done or said. She sat with her heart beating faster and wanted to know more about Jesus. Thoughts of her living as an abused child spurred her to want to know more about Jesus. The man asked if anyone wanted to give their lives to Jesus. Julieanne was like an Olympic runner. She sprinted to the front and was the first person there. Many other children followed her and it changed their lives that day. I think her courage led many others to go forward.

She married very young and had a four-month-old daughter. Sadly, Julieanne’s husband committed suicide by shooting himself. Her life spiraled downwards. Her thoughts went to scripture and knew God was with her.

Later, she remarried and gave birth to another daughter. Julieanne was involved in a car accident with her young daughters. One daughter was injured. Julieanne was completely paralyzed and in a coma for four months and in the hospital for a year. They said she would probably never walk or talk again. Her second husband divorced her.

She went into rehab facilities as her new home for twenty-six years before being moved to her present facility where she has lived for the past thirteen years.

She has had years of speech, physical and occupational therapies, which include inhalation therapy. She has fine motor coordination problems along with some depth and distance perception issues.

There is overwhelming joy in seeing Julieanne fly down the hallways in her wheelchair with a smile on her face and a word of encouragement to everyone.

All her life, God has been her rock.

She came to my room one day and recited Psalm 139. Yes, from memory.

She continues to be a beacon of light with her smile, strength, and faith. It has changed my life by knowing this wonderful woman of God.

We found many scriptures we loved and kept going

back to this one.

Deut. 31:6  Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you. Msg.

I'd love to hear from you.

Upcoming events.

Jo will be interviewing the authors below,

live on Facebook.

Karen Whiting on Monday,

May 15th at 2:00 p.m.

Visit Karen's website.

Meet author Rontee Marshall on Friday,

June 16th at 8:00 p.m.

Visit Rontee's website.

I'm working on an interview with friend and author, Michelle Ule. Her newest book is

a must-read.

Visit Michelle's website.
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