NaRCAD e-news, Fall 2018 edition
-Dr. Jerry Avorn asks (and you answer!): 
-3 weeks left until the  NaRCAD2018 Conference , c heck out our new Partner Map, clinical topic  Detailing Directory , & more.
Here's the good news:   academic detailing is becoming so widely accepted that everyone wants to help provide the evidence that is disseminated.  That's also the bad news; worrisome examples range from the grotesque to the sinister. One eminent health policy expert wanted to know how much it would cost to put together a nationwide academic detailing program (my heart leaped) that would be underwritten by the pharmaceutical industry (dammit). Read more.

Joseph Leishman, Academic Detailer, NaRCAD Alumnus
Center for Clinical Management Research,  Ann Arbor VA
University of Michigan School of Public Health
Lung cancer screening can be more complex  and complicated compared to other preventative services, and most primary care physicians have very limited time to discuss lung cancer screening with patients.  There are a number of potential downsides to screening - false positives, overdiagnosis, invasive procedures, and complications from invasive procedures. The benefits of the screening outweigh the challenges, and we have developed a tool for doctors to quickly evaluate a patient's lung cancer risk, facilitate shared decision making, and make personalized screening recommendations. Read more.
Only 3 weeks left to register!

(And along  with making new friends & connections in the field,
you'll get some #AD-inspired swag.)

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National Resource Center for Academic Detailing
Div. Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacoeconomics
Brigham & Women's Hospital | Harvard Medical School
419 Boylston Street, 6th Floor | Boston, MA 02116
p. 857.307.3801 | |
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