Road Chatter

From the New York State LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program

September 2024

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. Benjamin Franklin

I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did. Yogi Berra



Fall is a time for large yellow vehicles to be going up and down the road. Not just school buses, but also highway trucks getting ready for winter. Checking out your route is part of getting ready.

Another way to get ready is to learn from others. This fall we are offering six snow and ice classes scattered around New York State as well as workshops on four other important topics (listed below). We hope to see you at one of our workshops or an upcoming conference.

Why is going back to school still important after years of experience? In our workshops you will learn something new; you will build up your network of peers; and with those peers, you will share and learn on topics completely unrelated to the class. You may be able to get the information from a book (and I like to read for that reason), but nothing can replace the network that is there later when you have a question, or you have a need. 

View from the Road

David P. Orr, PE, Director

Stay up to date with the NYS LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program.

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Check out our fall line up and register!

The 30th Statewide Conference on Local Bridges

The 2024 conference will be held in Albany on October 23 and 24, with the training sessions on October 22.


Visit our website for more information.

Final Summer Webinar

Join us on September 10, 2024, for the last of our summer webinars! This webinar will discuss how snow and ice control is the primary responsibility for road and street agencies across New York State. David Orr, P.E., will discuss why this duty is so critical and gain insights into ways to prepare for this coming winter.

Anticipated to be worth 1 Engineering PDH credit.

Don't forget to register!

Upcoming Events and Conferences

Roadway Safety for People Experiencing Homelessness

September 4, 2024 - 1:00 pm

This FHWA webinar series is designed to share equitable strategies and tools that can be integrated into transportation programs and projects to close disparities in roadway fatalities on the way to our shared goal of zero deaths. In these sessions, State, regional, and local transportation professionals share innovative examples to inspire transportation professionals to equitably implementation transportation improvements.

2024 Walk, Bike, & Roll New York Symposium

September 16 - 18, Binghamton NY

This event attracts more than 150 local, state, federal and private agency professionals devoted to building strong communities where people of all ages and abilities can safely and comfortably walk, bike, and roll.

This symposium will bring together people from various disciplines and provide participants with the tools to work together to create safe and inclusive transportation in the state of New York.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024,

7:30am - 3pm

Learn the latest strategies and see the newest technologies for reducing winter road salt use — saving your municipality or business money, while protecting the environment.

The free full-day event includes speakers, presentations, demos, & panel discussions with experts in the field, municipal leaders, politicians, and vendors dedicated to the reduction of winter road salt use. 

Adirondack Champlain

Regional Salt Summit

New Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Clearinghouse Website Now Available

The website contains resources, trainings, and more that will help you successfully navigate your SS4A grant and maximize its impact.


This one-stop-shop makes it easy to:

  • Access SS4A training materials and webinar recordings
  • View answers to frequently asked questions
  • Register for upcoming Community of Practice events and webinars
  • And much more!

Pavement Management Quarterly Webinar

September 26, 2024, at 2:00 pm

Data Management - Support efforts to

private industry, and academia improve data processes and management.

A Coffee and Conversation with FHWA on Nighttime Visibility

Join the Connecticut LTAP Center and FHWA on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, (10:00am to 11:00am EST.) to discuss the importance of improving nighttime visibility.

Check out the Connecticut LTAP Centers Safety Brief on Nighttime Visibility.

Transportation for Individuals With Disabilities; Adoption of Accessibility Standards for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way

DOT is proposing to amend its rules implementing the transportation provisions under Title II, Part B, and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by adopting as regulatory accessibility standards the Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG) issued by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) on August 8, 2023.

NYS LTAP Center - CLRP Resources

Flagger Tutorial

Looking for something to help your crew freshen up for flagging? Check out the revamped NYSLTAP-CLRP flagging tutorial. Broken down into 4 lessons; the MUTCD, Work Zone Safety Responsibility, the Work Zone and Flagging, Equipment and Procedures.

Check out the tutorial.

Community Corner Infographics

These infographics were created to help highway and DPW crews communicate effectively with the community on items of concern.

Click here to view our Community Corner Series.

On the road and have a question?

Check out our new question submission section! Send us a picture or drop us a note! Let us know what we can do to help you.

We are one click away!

Healthy Highway Habits

Find a hobby!

Hobbies aren’t just for leisure; they can be as varied as reading a book to hunting. Whatever your interest, engaging in a hobby can significantly benefit your mental and physical health, enhance your social life, and even boost your career.

Read about all the benefits of having a hobby.

New York State LTAP Center -
Cornell Local Roads Program
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