September 2023

Hello fellow Patriots! 

Welcome to NWWP newsletter #3! I hope that you are holding up and staying sane with all the happenings as of late. Every day brings more and more craziness.

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


This month, on September 12th, we have Marvin Munyon coming to speak! Mr. Munyon has spent much of his life fighting for and defending family values. He will be speaking about a broad range of current issues we are facing today.

You’ll find more details about that below. This event was originally intended to be at Bering Park in Milltown, but due to a chilly and rainy forecast, Mr. Munyon will be speaking at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck. We will still be serving root beer floats for our guests!

Also this month, we have the amazing Dr. Douglas Frank speaking at The Browtine on the 27th from 6:00-8:30 pm. Dr. Frank is the creator of “Seven Steps to Taking Back Our Elections”. He will be going over action steps we can take to actually make a difference in our elections. This will be an amazing event!

August was another month of crazy disclosure. It’s as if we are being trolled to death! There’s an article in Forbes that the esteemed psychopath Bill Gates is investing in Kodama Systems, a company that has plans to chop down entire forests and bury the trees in order to reduce carbon dioxide in the air. I learned in elementary school that trees absorb and thrive off carbon dioxide & then give off oxygen. I guess August was opposite month. I saw another article on where scientists analyzed satellite images and found that the earth has had a roughly 14% increase in green vegetation over the last 30 years! Those who are climate agenda driven always fail to mention the benefits of Co2 in the atmosphere. Another ignored article has 1600 scientists who say that there is no climate emergency.

On the election integrity front, there has been progress across the nation. Trump re-Truthed the Jan Halper-Hayes interview where she confirmed that the US Space Force “has it all”. We had Mike Lindell’s Election Summit where my favorite, David Clements exposed election night reporting with Edison Reporting, and the “PID Control” cheating method. Massive fraud was uncovered in Michigan where an estimated 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters. This was the resurfaced story from October 2020 that the FBI buried after taking it over, where police found pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers, and burner phones in temporary facilities in several states. VoterGA found evidence of fraud in Georgia, and Kari Lake continues to expose more and more fraud in Arizona.

Don’t forget to stop by one of our events and sign the petition we have going to get rid of electronic voting machines in Polk County. We will be handing that information to the Sheriff Waak and the Polk County Election Clerk later this month.

Joe Rogan had an eye-opening segment on his show where he talked about the fact that Trump

supporters simply will not vote for any other candidate & broke down all the great things Trump did during his four years, and how multiple corrupt government agencies were recruited to thwart his re-election in 2020.

Fanni Willis and her Trump deranged grand jury finally released their indictment for President Trump and 19 others in Fulton County GA, further confirming the new motto of the Democrat fascist regime: “We’re going to cheat, and if they say we cheated, we’re going to arrest them.” I can’t recall another instance where a lawyer was arrested for defending their client, but this is a brave new world where anything can happen! Trump headed to the Fulton County Jail & got his famous mugshot taken and we got to watch the left melt down because he didn’t seem scared enough!

Joe Biden’s economy is still in full force. A little bit of research will show that the cost of living and wages are currently worse than during the height of the Great Depression. In more Biden related news, the National Archives admitted that they have over 5,400 emails related to Joe’s many pseudonyms. Why would a normal honest person need to use fake names when communicating back and forth?

You can find links for these stories below.

The deep state figured out long ago that if they can divide us, they can weaken us. They divide us by race, religion, class, politics, and culture. They know that we are strong when we are united! I would like to encourage each and every one of you to look beyond our differences and concentrate on loving everyone you meet. Keep our Father God at the front of our minds always, and there’s nothing we can’t do! If you have a chance to help someone or bless them in some way, I encourage you to do exactly that. Defy the demons who want us divided and tell someone how beautiful they are. Encourage your friends and enemies alike to aspire to love God, and love one another. I’ll leave you with a reminder that the evil which surrounds us will be dealt with in God’s time, not ours.

When I get discouraged, I try to remember the things that have happened in the past that can’t be explained unless you know that there is a plan, and it is in motion. I remember the time that Her Majesty, the Queen of England let President Trump walk in front of her. The time President Trump visited Saudi Arabia and was presented with the King’s sword. How about the photo of the Pope and Trump where their expressions are as if they were eight-year-old brothers and Trump just stole the Pope’s popsicle and ate it in front of him. Don’t forget Putin famously handing Trump the soccer ball at their press conference. Remember – Biden just extended Executive Order 13848 for a third time!

Thanks for reading through NWWP Newsletter #3. We sure do value each and every one of you!

Jay Calhoun

No climate emergency:

Chop down trees to save the climate:

We have it all:

David Clements:

Fraud in Michigan:

Voter GA:

Joe Rogan:


Biden Pseudonyms:

Executive order 13848:

If you are interested in becoming more involved with NWWP please reach out to one of our leaders or reply to this email. We could use your help!



Tuesday, 9/12/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Patriots in the Park with

Marvin Munyon - Sept 12th

*** NOTICE *** The location has been moved to the Faith Fellowship Church in Luck due to the expected chilly weather! We are still serving Root Beer Floats!

  • Overview of current issues facing America & Wisconsin
  • Trusting in God & keeping our eyes on Him

Marvin plans to do an overview of the many issues we are facing, like voting integrity, Wisconsin state issues, Child trafficking, Federal Reserve and digital currency.

Marvin also wants to stress the fact that we must trust the Lord and keep our eyes on Him throughout whatever is going on and what is happening.


Wednesday, 9/27/23

Social Hour 5:00-6:00 pm

Event 6:00-8:30 pm


Browtine Event Center

1361 100th Street, Amery WI

Get Directions


Dr. Douglas Frank - Sept. 27th

"Seven Steps to Taking Back Our Elections"

& What You Can Do to Make a Difference!


Tuesday, 10/10/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

The Patriot Panel - Oct. 10th

Join us for a power packed evening with this expert interactive panel of patriots - and bring a friend!!!

  • What are the next steps?
  • How do we move forward?
  • How can "We The People" help with the process?
  • How do we find the right people to run for office?
  • What does the process of running for office look like?
  • As a WI resident, have the election issues spurred you to get involved and make a change?

This meeting will focus on action steps and what

the process looks like moving forward. You can

ask questions and get answers from these

extraordinary public servants.

Brought to you by:

T.A.C.T.I.C.A.L., NorthWestern Wisconsin Patriots & Moms for Liberty - Polk County WI

WHEN: Thursday, October 19th, 2023, 6:30 PM

WHERE: Apple River Community Church

942 US-8, Amery, WI 54001

Get Directions

Other Local Group Events

  • CPRN Meeting October Topic is on Alternative Health Solutions: Sat., Oct. 14th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.


August 2023


On August 8th, we heard Dr. Duke Pesta speak about CRT, SEL, Extreme Sex Ed, the government takeover of education in America AND how to fight back.

Freedom Project

Freedom Project Academy

July 2023


On July 11th, we were honored to have Matt Bocklund, the previous Chairman of the Republican Party of St. Croix County as our guest speaker.

Matt spoke about how they implemented new strategies to bring enthusiasm and new members to the party.

Republican Party of St. Croix County

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Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.


Public Hearing

On August 29, 2023, Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection held an informational hearing followed by a public hearing on the following:

Wolfe, Meagan of Madison, as Administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2027

Watch Part 1
Watch Part 2

Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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