October 2023

Hello wonderful Patriots! 

Welcome to NWWP newsletter #4! Hopefully you are keeping warm as fall sets in and can find your way through the Christmas decorations to find the Halloween candy. This month, on October 10th, we have a fantastic group of gentlemen coming to Faith Fellowship Church for an evening of interactive awesomeness!

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


Tim Ramthun, Bill Savage, and Jefferson Davis will be talking and advising us on action steps that will make a change in Wisconsin. Having these three here is an amazing opportunity to learn and engage. We are super excited for this one!!

We will be serving chili at 5:30 with all the fixins for our guests!

If you missed the Dr. Frank event at Browtine on 9/27, you missed an amazing presentation! Dr. Frank is an incredible speaker and a wealth of knowledge! He has a way of explaining things that defies logic in its simplicity, considering his remarkable intellect.

Luckily, the entire event was captured on video and is available on the NWWP Rumble channel.

I want to switch it up a little bit this time from previous newsletters and talk about a time seemingly long forgotten. A time not so long ago when things made just a little more sense.

The first printed official ballots for elections in America were used in Massachusetts in 1888. These “secret ballots” were hand counted. The mechanical lever machines introduced in Lockport, NY in 1892 took the country by storm, and were the standard nationwide all the way through the 1996 presidential election. Each lever on these machines was assigned to a candidate and the machine kept track of how many times each lever was pulled, thus giving a tally at the end of the night. Electronic machines were introduced in Kern City, California in 1962 but were slowly introduced, only used consistently in the last 20 years.

I tell you all this only to remind you that in the grand scheme of things, electronic machines have only been around for a very short period, yet they are regarded as invaluable. They are considered by many officials and clerks to be the only possible way to efficiently count votes, yet the last few elections have been plagued with many problems, some of them taking weeks to sort out. I remember a time when we knew who won the elections well before we went to bed on election night. In fact, I think the ballots were counted by hand back then!


Speaking of things that used to make sense, do you remember when doing your own research used to be encouraged? It was called reading. Doing your own research now makes you a conspiracy theorist!

Now you’re told to “trust the science”, and trust the experts, even when these so called experts tell you that Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” while they normalize tv hosts passing out mid-sentence and healthy people dying in their sleep.

They’ve actually changed the definition of science. Science used to be theoretical, where each “theory” was challenged and scrutinized in perpetuity, always attempting to disprove. Now, science is defined as a branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts or truths. “Trust the science” is perhaps the most anti-science statement ever.

There used to be a time when the average citizen would be horrified to learn that the current

President’s family was given millions of dollars, distributed through over twenty shell companies while he was Vice President. The exposure of such blatant corruption would have people at the gates of the White House with pitchforks demanding answers, but the corrupt DOJ and FBI have shocked and scared the nation into compliance by tossing innocent citizens who legally protested on January 6th into prison and throwing away the keys.

When I was growing up, spending every day with my sister and neighbor girl, they used to dress me up in girl clothes and frilly hats, giggling at how silly I looked. I sure am glad my mom didn’t take that to mean that I had made my mind up at seven years old that I had decided to transition to a girl. I had girl classmates back then that had nearly every characteristic of a boy. Tough as nails and always dirty. We called them tomboys. They’d eventually show up on the first day of school in the fall surprising all the boys by wearing a skirt and makeup.

Those were the days! Back when you could tell the truth without being fact-checked and cancelled. A time when there was a flu season every fall that would help you build up your immune system. A time when Liberals were anti-war and didn’t re-define morality as any means necessary to get rid of the orange man because they know what’s best for the country & we need saving.

I’ll leave you with a quote I’ve seen more than once in the last couple of weeks. Once on social media, and another time during Dr. Frank’s presentation:

“One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” - Plato.

We need to start participating. We need to get involved and hold our representatives accountable!

Speaker McCarthy was just held accountable & ousted from his chairmanship in the US House of Representatives. Every single representative from town to federal needs to receive the same message: Do your job or suffer the consequences! It should be our battle cry!

Jay Calhoun

If you are interested in becoming more involved with NWWP please reach out to one of our leaders or reply to this email. We could use your help!


The Patriot Panel - Oct. 10th

Join us for a power packed evening with this expert interactive panel of patriots - and bring a friend!!!

**** Come early for Chili & Apple Cider at 5:30 ****

Special appearance by Rejani Raveendran who is running for US Senate.


Tuesday, 10/10/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

  • What are the next steps?
  • How do we move forward?
  • How can "We The People" help with the process?
  • How do we find the right people to run for office?
  • What does the process of running for office look like?
  • As a WI resident, have the election issues spurred you to get involved and make a change?

This meeting will focus on action steps and what the process looks like moving forward. You can ask questions and get answers from these extraordinary public servants.

Click here to view the Facebook event & Invite Your Friends!

We are very honored to be co-hosting this event with our local T.A.C.T.I.C.A.L. group and Mom's for Liberty Polk County. There will be a Silent Auction & Bake Sale to raise funds for Drew, so come early!

Click here to view the Facebook event & Invite Your Friends!

WHEN: Thursday, October 19th, 2023, 6:30 PM

WHERE: Apple River Community Church

942 US-8, Amery, WI 54001

Get Directions


Tuesday, 11/14/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Our Amazing Grace

Scott Schara - Nov. 14th

  • Nationally-recognized expert commentator on the global euthanasia agenda and the dangers of incentivized healthcare.

Scott Schara is the father of Grace Schara, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome who was killed by St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension Health), Scott and his family are on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system.

He has shared his insights, research, and personal story through hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances, and also hosts his own show, “Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad,” which can be found on Rumble and on all major podcast platforms.

October 13th Candlelight Vigil - A Celebration to Remember Grace

6:15 pm-7:45 pm

1725 S. Oneida St., Appleton, WI 54911

Visit OurAmazingGrace.net

Follow Scott's Rumble Channel

A Call to Condemn Political Persecutions of President Trump

On October 3, 2023 the NorthWestern Wisconsin Patriots put out a statement.

Click on the image below to enlarge and/or save it.

Other Local Group Events

  • Republican Party of St. Croix County Reagan Reunion Dinner: Sat., Oct 14th at 5:00 Find more information here.
  • Keynote Speaker – Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Ivan E. Raiklin
  • Special Guest – U.S. Congressman Tom Tiffany
  • Special Video Message – U.S. Senator Ron Johnson
  • Master of Ceremonies – Mike Grajeda
  • CPRN Meeting October Topic is on Alternative Health Solutions: Sat., Oct. 14th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.


Version with better details & slides


Long version with Q & A


Dr. Douglas Frank

We were so honored to have Dr. Frank speak on 9/27/23 at BrowTine in Amery, WI!

He shared the data on what's happening in WI and even in our very own Polk County! The manipulation is happening is at the top level with voter databases and trickles down to every county. After you see his graphs... you can't unsee it.

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Follow the Data with Dr. Frank on Rumble

Video: Recent WI Counties

Video: WI Voter Rolls Update

"North of 29"

Wisconsin Election Reform Movement

Watch the Dr. Frank video to find out what "North of 29" means!

Dr. Frank was accompanied by Stephanie & Scott from the "North of 29" Wisconsin Election Reform Movement.

This is a canvassing project that is being organized with the help of Mike Lindell in all 72 Counties in Wisconsin. There are 47 States across the USA that have also been participating, and the number of states continues to grow.

Some examples of things they have found: One bedroom trailer house with 20 registered voters, summer youth camp with 40 registered voters, a seasonal campground with over 100 registered voters, Dollar General Stores with registered voters, and it goes on and on.

A local group of concerned citizens from Polk County has been working with Stephanie on local canvassing. The time to get involved is NOW!

If you are interested in getting involved, please EMAIL Stephanie at patriotsunited2021@yahoo.com.

Follow NWWP's Rumble Channel to watch past videos!

New NWWP Coffee Mugs!

We just received a new shipment of coffee mugs from Harbor Town Crafts! Scott and Jennie are amazing, dedicated patriots and do fantastic work. They will get your order completed even if it means no sleep for them. We highly recommend them if you are looking for any customized merchandise.

When you purchase NWWP merchandise, you help to support our group and future events!


There has been some interesting news on the WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe front. After her removal from her position, and well past the end of her term, she still refuses to leave. Robin Vos and his right hand man, “Representative” Joel Kitchens are outright lying to the citizens of Wisconsin. Vos is lying by saying that they need a supermajority in the Assembly to impeach and kick her out once and for all, which is not true. They only need 50 of 99 votes.

Kitchens is lying and telling his constituents that Governor Evers has the right to appoint her replacement if she’s impeached. Obviously, Vos has ordered the Wisconsin Assembly to yet again go against the will of the people in an effort to keep Meagan Wolfe in place. The dirty WEC is Vos’ meal ticket, so why would he want her gone?

Another story in Wisconsin news lately is that Judge Janet Protasiewicz and her campaign are being investigated by the Wisconsin Ethics Commission for her role in the “Smurfing” money laundering operation that funded her campaign. She is also still refusing to recuse herself from the redistricting cases where she made comments during her campaign about the matter, basically pre-judging the cases. We’ll keep an eye on these cases and keep you posted.


If you want to know exactly what's going on in WI, you must follow HOT Government!

Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.

HOT Government Meeting Sept. 27

2020 Election Denial Conference in Cuba City WI

September 23, 2023: '2020 Election Denial Conference' organized by the Southwest Wisconsin Patriots in Cuba City, WI. This event witnessed an impressive gathering of multiple speakers from various corners of the country, all united in their shared skepticism towards the outcome of the 2020 election. Multiple speakers expressed their concerns and discussed potential irregularities in the electoral process. Speakers included: Seth Keshel, Ivan Raiklin, Dr. Douglas Frank, Jefferson David, James Tesauro, Brandon Maly and more.


Follow ElectionWatch.info

This site is a must to follow!

Stay up to date on Smurfing, Meagan Wolfe and the WEC and learn about how ERIC is corrupting voter rolls in WI.


Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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