November 2023

Hello beautiful and faithful Patriots! 

Welcome to NWWP newsletter #5! It’s time to dig out the scarves, mittens, and hats, so everyone can enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Time for pumpkin spice!

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


This month, our guest is Scott Schara, a nationally recognized expert commentator on the global euthanasia agenda and the dangers of incentivized healthcare. Mr. Schara is the father of Grace Schara, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome who died at the hands of St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Ascension Health). Scott and his family are on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system. He has shared his insights, research, and personal story through hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances, and also hosts his own show, "Deprogramming With Grace's Dad," which can be found on Rumble and on all major podcast platforms. Come see Scott on Tuesday, November 14th at 6:00 at Faith Fellowship in Luck!

Last month’s meeting on October 10th was incredible! Tim Ramthun, Bill Savage, and Jefferson Davis dished out some incredible, mind-blowing information. If you missed it, you can catch up on our Rumble channel right here.

I want to concentrate the informational portion of this month’s newsletter on a small segment of the aforementioned Patriot Panel meeting. A small part of Jefferson Davis’s presentation where he talked about Smurfs. Not the little blue friends from a time long past. No, these Smurfs are not very Smurftastic at all!

Smurfing is perhaps the largest money laundering scheme in the history of our country. Involving politicians, PACs, committees, and campaigns, in the hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a uniparty operation – meaning that both Democrat and Republican interests are involved. The term “Smurf” was coined by drug gangs many years ago to refer to their money mules.

Large sums of foreign money is pumped into campaigns during each election cycle. To evade campaign finance limits, the money is split up into many small transactions, then distributed to certain candidates, PACs and 501c4 non-profits. To make it appear like the candidate has lots of support, donations are sent through many, even thousands of small donations using various donor names. The publicly accessible FEC website shows the people who are donating often do so very frequently, up to 50 times per day. The typical Smurf is an elderly retired or unemployed individual who occasionally donates to a political organization or candidate. These victims have no idea their name is being used to launder money to many different campaign coffers. 

For reference, according to Federal Election Commission data, A typical person who makes political contributions donates on average 1.4 times per year. Investigators are finding Smurfs who are donating up to 6,000 times per year, some for the last seven years. One person was found who was making 41 donations per day, 365 days a year.

These bad guys are so sophisticated, it has been found that often times, the same Smurf is making donations in several different states simultaneously. The donations are in the same amount, the same day, the same minute, the same name, but from numerous states. This is obviously the work of a computer algorithm.

An 84-year-old man from Whitewater donated a total of $856.75 to Janet for Justice, but he did it through 71 separate donations, some as small as $1.67 each. Federal Election Commission records show that he made a staggering 15,620 donations amounting to $62,410.01 over the past three election cycles.

Justice Protasiewicz is not the sole individual in Wisconsin employing smurfing tactics. Several other Democrats, including Tony Evers, Josh Kaul, and Jodi Habush Sinykin, who competed against Senator Dan Knodl, have also been associated with Smurfing. The list grows every day.

The great thing is that you don’t have to believe me, you can go to the FEC website and check for yourself. This is all public data! I’ve been able to find Smurfs with nearly every search I’ve conducted in our local area. Simply go to the FEC website, and click on the Campaign finance data drop down menu. From there, choose “look up contributions from specific individuals”. The list will have millions of donations, so you have to narrow it down. What I like to do is enter one or more local ZIP codes, and enter “retired” into the box that says “Occupation”. That will bring up much less data and chances are you’ll start to see individual names making many donations, usually several on the same day. This is just in our little area here. If you really want to get into it, try some larger cities. It’s happening all across the country.

James O’Keefe, the independent journalist, has been investigating the Smurfing scheme, and has some videos of him knocking on doors & talking with people who’s identities are being used unknowingly. Here’s one of them.

The Wisconsin Ethics Commission has launched and investigation into the Janet for Justice Campaign, and hopefully many more complaints are being made across the state and country. My hope is that this will be blown wide open and not go the way of the Hunter Laptop, Hillary’s server and dozens more buried corruption cases. Much more information about Smurfing is available at

Jay Calhoun

*** If you are interested in becoming more involved with NWWP please reach out to one of our leaders or reply to this email. We could use your help! ***

The NWWP team wants to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all our Veterans.

Salute to all of you who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Your bravery and integrity are an inspiration, and we thank God every day for you.


Our Amazing Grace - Scott Schara - Nov. 14th


Tuesday, 10/10/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Click here to view the Facebook event & Invite Your Friends!
Follow Scott's Rumble Channel

H.O.T. Government Team- Dec. 12th


Tuesday, 12/12/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Come hear Harry Waite and his team tell us what's happening to secure election integrity and other state government concerns.

H.O.T. Wisconsin-Honest-Open-Transparent

A citizen’s movement to restore election integrity in Wisconsin.

If you want to know what's going on in WI, please follow!!!!

Rumble Channel

Telegram Channel

Sign up to their email list here!

Refugee Resettlement Summit - Nov 11th

We strongly encourage anyone who can attend to go to this meeting on Saturday in Eau Claire!


Read and watch here.

Other Local Group Events

  • CPRN Meeting November Topic is Programming GSMR Radios: Sat., Nov. 11th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.



The Patriot Panel

We were so honored to have these amazing patriots come to Polk County!

Jefferson Davis, Tim Ramthun & Bill Savage

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Email Jefferson Davis to get on his email list

Subscribe to Bill Savage's Substack

Version with better details & slides


Long version with Q & A


Dr. Douglas Frank

We were so honored to have Dr. Frank speak on 9/27/23 at BrowTine in Amery, WI!

He shared the data on what's happening in WI and even in our very own Polk County! The manipulation is happening is at the top level with voter databases and trickles down to every county. After you see his graphs... you can't unsee it.

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Follow the Data with Dr. Frank on Rumble

Video: Recent WI Counties

Video: WI Voter Rolls Update

Follow NWWP's Rumble Channel to watch past videos!

"North of 29"

Wisconsin Election Reform Movement

Watch the Dr. Frank video to find out what "North of 29" means!

Dr. Frank was accompanied by Stephanie & Scott from the "North of 29" Wisconsin Election Reform Movement.

This is a canvassing project that is being organized with the help of Mike Lindell in all 72 Counties in Wisconsin. There are 47 States across the USA that have also been participating, and the number of states continues to grow.

Some examples of things they have found: One bedroom trailer house with 20 registered voters, summer youth camp with 40 registered voters, a seasonal campground with over 100 registered voters, Dollar General Stores with registered voters, and it goes on and on.

A local group of concerned citizens from Polk County has been working with Stephanie on local canvassing. The time to get involved is NOW!

If you are interested in getting involved, please EMAIL Stephanie at

NWWP Recommends

Harbor Town Crafts

Scott and Jennie from Harbor Town Crafts are amazing, dedicated patriots and do fantastic work. They will get your order completed even if it means no sleep for them. We highly recommend them if you are looking for any customized merchandise.

When you purchase NWWP merchandise, you help to support our group and future events!



If you want to know exactly what's going on in WI, you must follow HOT Government!

Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.

HOT Government Meeting Sept. 27


This site is a must to follow!

Stay up to date on Smurfing, Meagan Wolfe and the WEC and learn about how ERIC is corrupting voter rolls in WI.

Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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