January 2024

Hello Patriots! 

Welcome to NWWP newsletter #7! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas as we celebrated the birth of our Savior and spent time with family and friends. We are gearing up for a very exciting 2024!

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


A message from Bruce Paulsen:

Whenever you wonder how our country could get so far from its Biblical roots, here’s my view on how it happened.

In Proverbs Chapter 6 starting with verse 16, we find the 7 things God hates, which are an abomination to Him. Vs. 17 – Haughty eyes, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood. Vs. 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, vs. 19 a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.

If we really hated the things that God hates, would we have elected the people that represent us?

I think not. As long as it’s “our party” that does the 7 things that God hates, we look the other way!

I’ll wrap it up with a scripture from 2 Thess. 2:10-12. (this chapter talks about the antichrist.) Verse 10 says with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth to be saved. Vs. 11 And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false. Vs. 12 In order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

I really believe that this is where we are at today. Generally speaking, haven’t we become a deluded people, and doesn’t it seem we are believing what is false? Otherwise, how can you explain how supposedly good people, in both parties, can be so evil?

As a matter of fact, all that it takes for evil to prevail, is when good men (& women) do nothing.

Please get involved & join us in the fight!

*** We need your help! If you are ready to become more involved with NWWP please reach out to one of our leaders or reply to this email. ***

The Northwestern Wisconsin Patriots want to take some time to recognize all of the amazing patriotic sponsors that have donated their time, products, services and funds to our past events.

Please support these wonderful businesses and organizations; most, but not all, are listed below. If you are one of these patriots, please send us a write up about your business/organization, products and/or services and we will share with our readers. Email nwwp23@protonmail.com.


Behind the Scenes: Indoctrination on our Liberal College Campuses with Kristine Sposato

Tues., Jan 9th


Tuesday, 1/9/24

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Kristine Spasato Website

Click here to view the Facebook event & Invite Your Friends!

Patriot Roundtable - Feb. 13th

with the NorthWestern Wisconsin Patriots Team


Tuesday, 2/13/24

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Bring your questions, concerns and ideas for discussion.

There is going to be a job for everyone in 2024. What are you good at? Putting up signs? Phone calls? Social Media? Outreach? Events?

Other Local Group Events

  • CPRN January Meeting: Sat., Jan 13th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.



HOT Government

Jim Spodick from H.O.T. Government talked about Smurfing and showed us in real time how it is happening. Contact them if you or someone you know has been a victim of Smurfing.

We also heard an update from Barron Co Chair Jim Swenson.

Rumble Channel

Telegram Channel

Sign up to their email list here!


Scott & Cindy Schara

What an amazing family Grace had. We were very grateful that Scott and Cindy made the drive to come and share their story. Please pray for favor with their lawsuit.

Grace's story needs to be told. Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Deprogramming With Graces Dad

Stay Informed with the Legal Case


The Patriot Panel

We were so honored to have these amazing patriots come to Polk County!

Jefferson Davis, Tim Ramthun & Bill Savage

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Email Jefferson Davis to get on his email list

Subscribe to Bill Savage's Substack

Follow NWWP's Rumble Channel to watch past videos!

"North of 29"

Wisconsin Election Reform Movement

Watch the Dr. Frank video to find out what "North of 29" means!

Dr. Frank was accompanied by Stephanie & Scott from the "North of 29" Wisconsin Election Reform Movement.

This is a canvassing project that is being organized with the help of Mike Lindell in all 72 Counties in Wisconsin. There are 47 States across the USA that have also been participating, and the number of states continues to grow.

Some examples of things they have found: One bedroom trailer house with 20 registered voters, summer youth camp with 40 registered voters, a seasonal campground with over 100 registered voters, Dollar General Stores with registered voters, and it goes on and on.

A local group of concerned citizens from Polk County has been working with Stephanie on local canvassing. The time to get involved is NOW!

If you are interested in getting involved, please EMAIL Stephanie at patriotsunited2021@yahoo.com.

NWWP Recommends

Harbor Town Crafts

Scott and Jennie from Harbor Town Crafts are amazing, dedicated patriots and do fantastic work. They will get your order completed even if it means no sleep for them. We highly recommend them if you are looking for any customized merchandise.

When you purchase NWWP merchandise, you help to support our group and future events!



If you want to know exactly what's going on in WI, you must follow HOT Government!

Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.

HOT Government Meeting Sept. 27

Follow ElectionWatch.info

This site is a must to follow!

Stay up to date on Smurfing, Meagan Wolfe and the WEC and learn about how ERIC is corrupting voter rolls in WI.


Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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