December 2023

Hello beautiful and faithful Patriots! 

Hello, my fellow fantastic Patriots! Welcome to NWWP newsletter #6! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with loved ones during the Thanksgiving Holiday. Time to crank up the Mariah Carey tunes so we can shop for Christmas gifts and decorate our trees! I wonder if we’ll have a white Christmas this year?! I certainly hope so!

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


This month’s guests will be the crew from HOT Government! They are the true Guardians of Wisconsin, doing amazing research and keeping us informed of all the crazy, corrupt goings on in Wisconsin politics. They’ll be talking about Smurfing, Robin Vos, Meagan Wolfe, and much more at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, December 12th at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.

If you missed last month’s guest, Scott Schara, the event was captured on video and is available on our Rumble channel. Please like and share the videos there to help us get the word out!

This month’s newsletter is one with a good news / bad news theme. Wisconsin needs our attention more than ever before, so I’m going to be asking for all you wonderful America loving patriots to get involved and help save our state and our country! There’s no denying that if we don’t save our state in 2024, there may not be a state to save in the future.

Emilia Earnhardt once said that “the most difficult thing is the decision to act - the rest is merely tenacity.” I love that quote because it’s how, being a small business owner, I live my life. Once I make the decision to act, whether it be the decision to start a whole business, or just a day long project, the rest just falls into place, merely because I am tenacious, just like you! The reason I bring that up is the good news part! You have a real opportunity to make change in Polk County right now. NWWP has been working with the Republican Party of Polk County (RPPC) to re-write their constitution, and it has been written specifically to get more people involved. 

In the past, joining the party just meant that you would be invited to go to a couple of events during the year, but that’s about it. Now, our county party will be inviting its members to join committees to effect real change in the county and participate in open meetings, which has never been offered before. We need this more than ever leading up to what will undoubtedly prove to be the most tumultuous election cycle in history. All you have to do is make the quick and easy decision to join the RPPC. Your unique talents will be essential to one of the many committees and the rest will fall into place!!

The other incredible news is that RPPC has elected a new chairman, John Kraft, who is the former Chairman of the St. Croix County Republican Party.  He brings his vast leadership and growth skills plus his knowledge that will bring Polk County up to current standards of technology, an area that’s been in desperate need of attention.  Mr. Kraft was elected in RPPC’s first open meeting since the re-write of the constitution, where we had a fantastic member turnout!  I am very excited to see what comes of the partnership between Mr. Kraft and Previous Chairman Alan Walker as they each bring their unique talents to the table. 

Now on to the bad news, which, in reality, is good news. My time as President of NWWP has come to an end. I have enjoyed my involvement, and writing these few newsletter headers for you, but all good things must eventually come to an end. I have been called to another venture and have decided to throw my hat in the ring to represent the wonderful people of Assembly District 28, so I’ll be running (and asking for your vote) in 2024. 

Sometime in the last 30 or 40 years, maybe even longer, the citizenry stopped paying attention to what the political class was doing. Their lives were busy and going fine, and there was trust in government. That trust and indifference has come to an abrupt end in recent years, but still, Madison needs a wakeup call to show them who’s the boss, and we mean business! They have forgotten who they serve, and I can think of no better way to remind them than by taking my tenacity and integrity straight to the swamp to shake things up a bit.

My hope is that District 28’s citizenry will be the most engaged and knowledgeable people in Wisconsin when it comes to the policies that affect their lives. My intention is to use the new citizen engagement offered by the RPPC to inform and educate the people every step of the way. No more closed-door meetings where politicians decide how best to enrich themselves off your hard work while making it appear as though they’re working for you. 

For those who don’t know, District 28 is basically Polk County minus Clear Lake and goes south into St. Croix County through Star Prairie and grabs some of New Richmond and Somerset.

I would love to see people from every district seek out patriotic individuals from their own area and encourage them to run in 2024 to represent them all across Wisconsin. That way, the current representatives who no longer have our best interests at heart can be weeded out, or at the very least awakened to the fact that We the People will no longer tolerate their misrepresentation. The corrupt leadership in Madison, from top to bottom, needs to be replaced with selfless, godly people who want nothing more than to improve the lives and well-being of their neighbors. That’s how our beautiful Constitutional Republic was designed to work!

Jay Calhoun

*** If you are interested in becoming more involved with NWWP please reach out to one of our leaders or reply to this email. We could use your help! ***


H.O.T. Government Team- Dec. 12th


Tuesday, 12/12/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Come hear Harry Waite and his team tell us what's happening to secure election integrity and other state government concerns.

Bring a friend!

H.O.T. Wisconsin-Honest-Open-Transparent

A citizen’s movement to restore election integrity in Wisconsin.

If you want to know what's going on in WI, please follow!!!!

Rumble Channel

Telegram Channel

Sign up to their email list here!

Click here to view the Facebook event & Invite Your Friends!

Behind the Scenes: Indoctrination on our Liberal College Campuses

with Kristine Sposato

Jan 9th


Tuesday, 1/9/24

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Other Local Group Events

  • CPRN Meeting December Christmas Party: Sat., Dec. 9th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.



Scott & Cindy Schara

What an amazing family Grace had. We were very grateful that Scott and Cindy made the drive to come and share their story. Please pray for favor with their lawsuit.

Grace's story needs to be told. Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Deprogramming With Graces Dad

Stay Informed with the Legal Case


The Patriot Panel

We were so honored to have these amazing patriots come to Polk County!

Jefferson Davis, Tim Ramthun & Bill Savage

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Email Jefferson Davis to get on his email list

Subscribe to Bill Savage's Substack

Version with better details & slides


Long version with Q & A


Dr. Douglas Frank

We were so honored to have Dr. Frank speak on 9/27/23 at BrowTine in Amery, WI!

He shared the data on what's happening in WI and even in our very own Polk County! The manipulation is happening is at the top level with voter databases and trickles down to every county. After you see his graphs... you can't unsee it.

Please watch the video and share it with family and friends.

Follow the Data with Dr. Frank on Rumble

Video: Recent WI Counties

Video: WI Voter Rolls Update

Follow NWWP's Rumble Channel to watch past videos!

"North of 29"

Wisconsin Election Reform Movement

Watch the Dr. Frank video to find out what "North of 29" means!

Dr. Frank was accompanied by Stephanie & Scott from the "North of 29" Wisconsin Election Reform Movement.

This is a canvassing project that is being organized with the help of Mike Lindell in all 72 Counties in Wisconsin. There are 47 States across the USA that have also been participating, and the number of states continues to grow.

Some examples of things they have found: One bedroom trailer house with 20 registered voters, summer youth camp with 40 registered voters, a seasonal campground with over 100 registered voters, Dollar General Stores with registered voters, and it goes on and on.

A local group of concerned citizens from Polk County has been working with Stephanie on local canvassing. The time to get involved is NOW!

If you are interested in getting involved, please EMAIL Stephanie at

NWWP Recommends

Harbor Town Crafts

Scott and Jennie from Harbor Town Crafts are amazing, dedicated patriots and do fantastic work. They will get your order completed even if it means no sleep for them. We highly recommend them if you are looking for any customized merchandise.

When you purchase NWWP merchandise, you help to support our group and future events!



If you want to know exactly what's going on in WI, you must follow HOT Government!

Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.

HOT Government Meeting Sept. 27


This site is a must to follow!

Stay up to date on Smurfing, Meagan Wolfe and the WEC and learn about how ERIC is corrupting voter rolls in WI.

Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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