August 2023

Hello fellow Patriots! 

Welcome to NWWP newsletter #2! Thanks so much for being a part of this group,and thanks for standing out in the crowd!

This month, on August 8 th , we have Dr. Duke Pesta coming to speak! Dr. Pesta is the Director of the Freedom Project Academy. He is an expert on the dangers of CRT, Common Core, and the evils of

government in education. You’ll find more details about that below.

Get Involved!

Are you wondering how to get more involved in the local fight for our freedoms?


We had a great time at the Polk County Fair! Thanks to all who came to help us out, and those who visited us. We talked to a lot of people and learned a bunch about the physical aspects of having a booth at the fair. A storm came through the first night and wiped out our whole operation, but God answered our prayers, people stepped up, and we were up and running on Friday just like nothing happened. We already have a bunch of ideas for next year to make it even more fun!

It always seems like the current day, week, or month we’re going through is so crazy that it just couldn’t get any more unbelievable, but then another day comes and surprises us even more. July was, I have to say, the craziest example of that so far. We had RFK call out Dr. Fauci for his crimes and call for an investigation into Biden, more deception from the “climate change” folks, and a call from the FBI for help in turning in criminals where the FBI themselves were the most turned in. We witnessed the left expose themselves as they lost their minds over the movie “Sound of Freedom”. The DOJ removed a whole section on child sex trafficking from their website. A California assembly’s response to the movie was to block a bill that makes child trafficking a felony! The Biden crime family was in the news almost every day, and the DOJ’s response was to run cover by indicting Trump over and over.

As the reality of Trump’s primary win sets in, I hear over and over that Trump can’t win & we need to choose a different, more palatable candidate. This is basically saying that we need to choose someone who the uniparty will “allow” to win. We at NWWP refuse to do that. Mr. Trump is the only candidate who has proven that he works for us, not the corporations or thugs in DC. We will not support any candidate, nationally or locally who chooses to remain silent on the stolen 2020 election. How exciting is it that the entire 2020 can of worms could be exposed during discovery at the trial for the most recent sham indictment by corrupt DOJ lawyer Jack Smith?

The other Republican candidates who are still in the ring, 50 points behind, must be hanging onto the belief that the DOJ will eventually be able imprison Mr. Trump. I don’t know why they would be on board with that and want to rule over the remains of a Republic whose leader brazenly attempts to jail the leader of the opposition party. These efforts are obvious attempts to sway the election and should be emphatically called out by every other candidate.

Our Governor reaffirmed his support for the trans community by blocking the “Save Women’s Sports Act” that would give biological girls equal access to athletic opportunities and safe competition by keeping boys out of girl’s athletics. It’s very sad to see that scholarships, awards, and long standing records will continue to be taken away from the best female athletes Wisconsin has to offer.

I mentioned in last month’s newsletter that people everywhere are waking up. How could the

absurdness of July not have woken up a million more? Every time I turn around there’s another

ridiculous shoulder shrugging act taking place. I mean, we actually got to witness the House Democrats vote to censor RFK during a hearing on censorship!

I’d like to leave you with a tweet from Dan Bongino (or is it a twix or xweet now?:-))

The democrats are correct:

Outside of the bank records, the suspicious activity reports, the wire transfers, the Privat bank

transactions, the LLCs, the texts, the emails, the WhatsApp messages, the photos of Joe with Hunter’s business partners, the voicemails to his son, the two business partners saying Joe is the “brand,” the “big guy,” and “the chairman,” the two whistleblowers testimony, the recorded phone calls between Biden and Poroshenko, the video of Joe Biden bragging about firing the Ukrainian prosecutor, and Hunter’s statements that he’s giving his dad half his income, there is NO evidence of Joe Biden being involved. Good call guys.

Thanks again for being a part of our ragtag group and taking the time to read through NWWP

Newsletter #2!

Remember – You, awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear!

Jay Calhoun

Our Unofficial Straw Poll

Our “Unofficial Straw Poll” for the Republican candidate for President was a big hit at the Polk County Fair. We had a total of 467 votes. 

The results are as follows:

Donald Trump - 380 votes for 81.4%

Ron Desantis - 42 votes for 9.0%

Vivek Ramaswamy - 19 votes for 4.1%

Nikki Haley - 12 votes for 2.6%

Mike Pence - 7 votes for 1.5%

Tim Scott - 3 votes for 0.6%

Larry Elder - 2 votes for 0.4%

Chris Christie - 2 votes for 0.4%

Asa Hutchinson - 0 votes

Doug Burgum - 0 votes



Tuesday, 8/8/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Faith Fellowship Church 2497 WI-35, Luck, WI 54853

Get Directions

Dr. Duke Pesta - Aug. 8th

Attention Parents: This is one you won't want to miss!

Let's support our local Polk County Republican Party!

WHEN: Thursday, August 10, 2023, from 6-9 PM

WHERE: Garfield Town Park

776 130th St, Amery, WI 54001 SW Corner of Lake Wapogasset, off of County Road F.


Tuesday, 9/12/23

6:00-8:00 pm


Milltown Bearing Park

HWY 35 Milltown, WI

Patriots in the Park with

Marvin Munyon - Sept 12th

*** We are serving Root Beer Floats & there's a Playground for the Kids!

  • Overview of current issues facing America & Wisconsin
  • Trusting in God & keeping our eyes on Him

Marvin plans to do an overview of the many issues we are facing, like voting integrity, Wisconsin state issues, Child trafficking, Federal Reserve and digital currency.

Marvin also wants to stress the fact that we must trust the Lord and keep our eyes on Him throughout whatever is going on and what is happening.

Note: Will meet at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck if there is bad weather.

Other Local Group Events

  • CPRN Meeting August Topic is on Food & Food Prep: Sat., Aug 12th at 9:00 a.m. Community Response Preparedness Network (CPRN) meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m at Faith Fellowship Church in Luck, WI.
  • Faith Community Festival: Sat., Aug. 26th, 2:00-6:00 p.m. at Skonewood Christian retreat Center. This event is organized by the TPUSA Faith Group of Faith Fellowship Church.


July 2023


On July 11th, we were honored to have Matt Bocklund, the previous Chairman of the Republican Party of St. Croix County as our guest speaker.

Matt spoke about how they implemented new strategies to bring enthusiasm and new members to the party.

Republican Party of St. Croix County

June 2023


On June 13th, Mark Bishofsky was our guest speaker.

Mark shared a presentation that started with his experiences as a respiratory therapist during covid, witnessing the lies that were being told and his journey to holding rallies for medical freedom.

Stop The Mandate MN

The Truth Expedition Podcast


Harry Wait Update

Harry Wait is the President of H.O.T. Government in Racine, WI. Last summer he proved vulnerabilities in our election process by requesting several ballots online and receiving them in the mail. 

This was a sting operation with no intention of ever using the ballots and he went straight to the sheriff to report what happened. Instead of investigating or fixing the problem, Harry is facing 13 years in prison. Ryan and Michelle attended Harry's last hearing on June 12th in Racine where they set a trial date for March 19th 2024.  

Harry has made some improvements since his stroke on June 13. Harry does not believe that the court case is related to his stroke and that he went through any stress, which he denies. Since then, Harry can walk somewhat with a walker and a gait belt, and a person walking behind him very difficult time his right leg, and his right arm are basically non-responsive at this point but tiny strides have been made. Harry has his mind in full capacity although his speech is so much slurred but has made improvements there. He has no movement and his right side fingers or toes. 

Keep sending your prayers and words of encouragement!

Contact Michelle at if you would like to send a card.


Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight. Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion. H.O.T. has filed multiple lawsuits and open records requests seeking the truth.             

Here they are.


Little White Schoolhouse

Watch this video about the history of the Little White Schoolhouse and the Freedom Flame.

Our mission is to generate awareness, to restore the LWSH to it's rightful place in history and to safeguard the legacy it represents for future generations. Together we can make an impact on our heritage. We need to contact our County Chairs and representatives to join us in putting pressure on the City Council of Ripon. You can also reach out to AJ from the Ripon Rabbit Hole podcast at who is leading this crusade in saving our history.


Thanks for reading & we'll see you at the next NWWP Event!

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