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“I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shovelling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.” - Shannon Hale, Newbury Award Winner
Writers' Night OUT! - Monday, April 15
Writers' Night IN! - Monday, April 29 (NOTE DIFFERENT DATE)
The Boston Steering Committee Needs You!
The National Delegate Assembly Needs You Too!
On Persistence
Grants Available to Low-Income Writers
Calling All Book Authors! Tune-In Wednesdays
Upcoming Events
Spread Your News on the Update and Our Website!
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MONDAY, APRIL 15 @ 6:00 P.M.
The days are getting longer and warmer, and what could be better than spending a Monday evening hanging out with other writers? Come celebrate Patriots’ Day, otherwise known as Marathon Monday, with the National Writers Union. We can run our own type of marathon discussing writing, books we’re reading, and plans for the summer. Contact Shannon O’Connor to RSVP.
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MONDAY, APRIL 29 @ 5:30-6:30 P.M.
NOTE DATE CHANGE. In observance of Passover, we'll be meeting on the 29th, the FIFTH Monday of the month, instead of Monday the 22d.
Greetings to friends and NWU colleagues:
This is the time of year when we charge through the day, wrapped up doing this and that, and suddenly notice, "Hey...sun doesn't set until almost 7:30!" The Winter That Wasn't didn't give us much in the way of snow, but it was still dark at 4:30. Great to have all the light.
Speaking of the sun, hope you all enjoyed the solar eclipse. When we get together for Writers' Night In we can share our experiences of the event.
As noted, we're bumping our Writers' Night In gathering to the following Monday, the 29th, in deference to Passover. "Hag Sameach" ("Happy Holiday) to those who celebrate it.
Hope to see you (virtually) then.
RSVP to Charles Coe for the ZOOM link.
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Do you like to work in groups? Are you an idea person? Is your commitment to the union strong?
Serving on the Steering Committee (SC) is a great way to add your ideas as we decide on programs and on the wise use of members’ dues. It’s also a great way to keep current with the latest trends in the publishing industry that affect writers' ability to earn a living.
The SC holds monthly meetings on the second Monday evening, usually on Zoom and occasionally in person with a call-in option. The basic responsibilities of the SC are to create the chapter’s budget and oversee finances, plan and deliver programs and activities, and work in collaboration with other writers' organizations and advocacy groups on behalf of the community of writers.
According to our bylaws, if we have fewer or as many candidates as available slots on the SC, all candidates will be seated. We have 11 available slots. In the case of a contested election (more than 11 candidates), we’ll hold an election and will inform members about that process. The deadline for nominations has been extended to WEDNESDAY, MAY 1.
To declare your candidacy for the Steering Committee, write a candidate statement on or before May 1 with your name, email and/or phone, plus up to 100 words about 1) you as a writer, 2) your past/current involvement in the union, 3) what you can contribute as a SC member (program ideas, lobbying, outreach, social networking, etc.). If you wish, specify whether you are interesting in serving as an at-large member of the Steering Committee or as an officer (Chair or Financial Secretary). The Steering Committee will elect these officers, but your preferences will be important in that determination.
Email your statement to chair Willie Wideman-Pleasants by May 1. Email Willie, too, if you have any questions.
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Do you support your National Writers Union’s commitment to improve working conditions for writers? Have you thought about getting more involved in the Boston Chapter? Here’s a great opportunity.
Watch this space for details of the upcoming Delegate Assembly, where decisions are made on the national level. It will take place in late summer or early fall, and may be partly in person but will have a Zoom component. Delegates are also asked to convene on Zoom and by email to vote on measures that arise between Delegate Assembly meetings, which take place every two to three years.
Email Willie Wideman-Pleasants now if you're interested in running for delegate, or if you have any questions. Our chapter will probably have between three and five delegates. If we have fewer or as many candidates as available slots, all candidates will become delegates. If we have more candidates than positions, we'll hold an election and will inform members about the process well beforehand. (No candidate statements will be necessary unless/until we hold elections.)
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by Jean Trounstine
Persistence is defined as “the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people.” If you are a writer, grab on and don’t let go.
Agents once told me that BOOK A was too academic to be published by a trade press. So, agentless, I shopped BOOK A to an academic press. Then, a year and a half later when a new director of the press decided that BOOK A wasn’t academic enough, they dumped me. It took another year and a half but finally, a small reputable trade press published BOOK A. When I told that press I was considering writing short stories, they said they’d never publish them because I had no reputation as a fiction writer.
I wrote the book. It didn’t take long to get an agent. But she couldn’t sell my book. A year after we began, she told me I should move on.
I didn’t give up. I sent the book to a bunch of small pubs, ones that guaranteed distribution. A few bites but no offers. And then, finally, two years later, I stumbled upon the amazing Concord Free Press which recently released Motherlove, my book of short stories about the mothers of teens who’ve killed other teens.
Talent? Maybe. Elbow grease? Definitely. Shakespeare had it right: persistence is all.
[Jean Trounstine is a writer (Shakespeare Behind Bars, Boy with a Knife) professor, and social-justice activist. Motherlove, her short-story collection, was published by Concord Free Press March 21,2024.]
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The Boston Chapter Steering Committee is offering $100 grants to up to five NWU members in good standing. These grants are available to those who face challenging financial circumstances and would like to attend a writing conference or workshop (one of those listed below or one of your choice), or to take advantage of some other professional development opportunity.
If you would like to apply, or would like more information, please contact Steering Committee Chair Willie Wideman-Pleasants.
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Royalty, Compensation, and Distribution Issues for Book Authors
Join a discussion about the most pressing issues for book authors today. Share your experience and knowledge, and advance your career, in this virtual event hosted by Book Division Chair Dan McCrory and NY Member Timothy Sheard. Planned topics for the next several sessions are listed here.
To REGISTER for the Zoom program, email chair Dan McCrory.
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CHARLES COE recently gave a talk on "Using the Tools of Poetry in Genre Fiction" to the Mystery Writers of America.
SHANNON O'CONNOR has had two flash fiction pieces published: in Gonosko Literary Journal and 365 Tomorrows.
JEAN TROUNSTINE'S short story collection, Motherlove, was published by the Concord Free Press on March 21.
MARTHA ZWEIG's "Another Terminal Love Poem" was chosen as Poem of the Week by The Yale Review. The publication introduced it: "it’s the only poem we’ve ever encountered that features the phrase 'hot buttered fun.'"
Please send any news of a publication, award, or writing-related appearance that has already happened to editor Barbara Mende. (A piece on your own blog or website doesn't qualify.) Send 50 words or less, plus your name and a link to the publication, event, or website where readers can find more info about you or the happening. Don't send notices of work that will be published in the future. Do send news of future events, but see the "Upcoming Events" block for that.
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Are you speaking or reading from your work in the near future? Do you want to publicize an event that writers would be interested in zooming in to? Can you provide a service, such as editing or indexing or publicity, for your fellow union members? Do you just want to introduce yourself to the NWU membership?
Our Boston Chapter website, which you can reach at or, is here for you to use. Not only that, but if you send us an announcement of a specific event by the second Monday of each month, we'll try to include it in these updates.
Please send us news of any upcoming events that you'd like us to publicize, along with Zoom links or PDF posters if you have them. If you'd like to promote your services, plug your latest book, tell us about something writing-related that happened to you, or post anything else you can think of, we'll try to give it a place on the website.
And we'd love to hear from you if you'd like to contribute to these updates. Do you have information or a viewpoint on some phase of writing or publishing that you'd like to pass along? Do you have tips that you'd like to share with your fellow writers? Send them in! And don't forget, if you've published something or participated in an event or made an appearance, we'll post it under Kudos.
Send all your news for the Update and website to your webmaster.
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Chair: Willie Wideman-Pleasants
Editor and Webmaster: Barbara Mende
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