NWCCOG Economic Development District

Resources Bulletin

March 13, 2024

All Resources Bulletins are archived HERE.

Registration is Open!

Thursday, May 2 |NWCCOG Regional Economic Summit | Silverthorne Pavilion

REGISTER HERE. Angela Belden Martinez, Denver Regional Office Director, U.S. Economic Development Administration will kick things off, followed by a presentation by Elizabeth Garner, State Demographer on regional, state, and national demographic and economic trends. The day will also includes speakers and interactive discussions on the most current and pressing topics impacting our regional economy. Registration is $25, includes coffee, continental breakfast and lunch.

Training Opportunities & Events

The Unintended Consequences of Construction Defects: An Economic Development Perspective

March 20, 2024 | 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Virtual – Register here. Offered by the Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC). Join us as we delve deeper into Construction Defects reform and the importance of housing diversity in Colorado communities. Together, let's create thriving, inclusive communities by incentivizing diverse housing options and finding meaningful ways to reduce the impact of construction defects litigation.

LEADING EDGE™ Strategic Planning Series: Redesigned with Rural Entrepreneurs in Mind

April 4 - May 23 | Details and Register here. This program is offered by the Colorado Small Business Development Center. The 8-week LEADING EDGE™ Strategic Planning Series includes: 10 on-demand learning modules; 8 live weekly forums hosted by expert SBDC consultants; Unlimited one-on-one, confidential consulting; 4-month subscription to LivePlan ($160 value). The LivePlan business planning software platform simplifies common challenges of traditional business planning templates. Participants will incorporate expert instruction, consulting, and cohort feedback with the intuitive functionality of LivePlan to develop a business plan they can confidently present to a lender or investor and use to guide their business. 

Downtown Colorado, Inc: In the Game 2024 Vibrant Downtowns Annual Conference

April 2 - 5, 2024 in Durango, CO. | Save the Date! More info here.

2024 NWCCOG Economic Summit

May 2, 2024 | Silverthorne Pavilion | Register here!

Colorado Municipal League Annual Conference

June 18-21 in Loveland, Colorado | Details here. CML's signature conference draws over 1,200 leaders throughout the state to share the latest information on accomplishments, growth, legislation, and policies that impact your municipality. 

Small Business Development Center

Full events and workshops calendar including webinars can be found HERE.

Funding & Technical Assistance

NWCCOG Regional Grants Navigator

NWCCOG has a Regional Grants Navigator on staff to assist with identifying appropriate grant opportunities, reviewing grants prior to submission, or helping to gather letters of support. Feel free to reach out to him for assistance: Jonathan Godes, NWCCOG Regional Grants Navigator -

Federal Opportunities

Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) Grants

Deadline: April 1 | Details here. USDA Rural Development. The RISE Grants program provides support to create and augment high-wage jobs, accelerate the formation of new businesses, support industry clusters, and maximize the use of local productive assets in low-income rural areas. Grant funds may be used to build or support a business incubator facility, provide worker training to assist in the creation of new jobs, train the existing workforce with skills for higher-paying jobs, and develop a base of skilled workers and improve their opportunities to obtain high-wage jobs in new or existing local industries.

State Opportunities

CHFA Direct Effect Awards

Round 1: Open April 1 and closes April 26. Round 2: Open August 19 and closes Sept. 17 | Details here. CHFA is pleased to announce the dates for its 2024 Direct Effect Awards. Direct Effect Awards are an opportunity for CHFA to recognize and support Colorado nonprofits whose missions align with our work to strengthen Colorado by investing in affordable housing and community development. In 2024, CHFA is celebrating 50 years of strengthening Colorado. To help commemorate, CHFA will additionally award up to five $50,000 Direct Effect Awards in each round of 2024. 

Colorado Creates Grant

The Colorado Creates Grant 2024 (FY25) will open March 1 through May 29. This grant provides two years of funded general operating support for arts nonprofits in Colorado. Grant awards are flat amounts based on your organization’s cash operating revenue for your most recently completed fiscal year. If you have questions, please email Emma Acheson at

More Housing Now Initiative

Deadline: April 1 | Details here. This is a funding set-aside through the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance (EIAF) program for local governments to adopt land use and other strategies to increase opportunity for affordable and attainable housing development. 

Other Funding & Technical Assistance Opportunities

Walmart Spark Good Local Grants

Applications are accepted quarterly during the following periods: March 1 to April 15, May 1 to July 15, August 1 to October 15, and November 1 to December 31, 2024 | Details here. Walmart’s Spark Good Local Grants aim to address the unique needs of the communities where Walmart operates. Grants support a variety of organizations, such as animal shelters, elder services, and community clean-up projects. Eligible applicants include 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations; state or local government entities, including law enforcement or fire departments; K-12 public or nonprofit private schools, charter schools, and higher education institutions; and churches or other faith-based organizations with a proposed project that benefits the community at large, such as food pantries, soup kitchens, and clothing closets.

Yampa River Fund: Grants for Water Supply Protection, Wildlife Habitat, Recreational Opportunities  

Deadline: April 1 | Details here. The Yampa River Fund is accepting applications for projects to local organizations that are working on protecting the water supply, wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities provided by the river. Projects that address these issues are critical to enhancing water security for communities, agriculture, the economy and the natural environment in the Yampa Valley. Grants may be used for three types of projects: water leases from reservoirs, stream restoration activities and infrastructure improvements. Eligible applicants include state and local government entities, public districts and irrigation entities, mutual ditch companies, homeowners’ associations and nonprofits.

Startup Colorado: Entrepreneur Grant Program

Details here. This grant awards $2,500 to startup founders and small business owners seeking access to education, technical assistance, and networking opportunities. 


Startup Colorado: Community Funding

Details here. Entrepreneur meetups, workshops, and startup weeks are integral to building a vibrant startup ecosystem. Startup Colorado supports events of all shapes and sizes across the state. Whether you’re a business support organization launching a networking power hour or a community organizer welcoming remote workers into the community, this opportunity is for you. Apply for a community funding sponsorship of up to $2,500 to elevate your startup events and networking initiatives.


Resources for Women Entrepreneurs

Learn about resources here. Every day, women entrepreneurs are driving our economy forward. According to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Business Survey, women-owned businesses generate $2.1 trillion in annual receipts. March is Women’s History Month and SBA is proud to observe the occasion by offering resources that make it easier for women entrepreneurs to access the marketplace—and maintain success once they get there.

Northwest Colorado Council of Governments
Economic Development District |

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