Working Together to Save Nearby Nature
NVCT owns a 2-acre undeveloped waterfront property on Hunting Creek in Fairfax County, and faces upkeep problems like landowners everywhere.
Much to our dismay, a county maintenance crew had to clear an area surrounding a storm drain discharge on the property this spring. While our first reaction was concern over our stewardship of the property, we realized that the new clearing created an exciting opportunity. By working with the community, we opened a connecting path that provides river access with amazing views of the water. Easier access also means NVCT can better get into the property to control invasive plants.
NVCT is obligated to keep the property in its natural state, but that doesn't mean doing nothing. Invasive plants crowd out the native plants that offer better habitat and food for birds and other native wildlife. This week we're working with community members to clear the trail and pull invasive multiflora rose and aggressive vines from the conserved land. A positive outcome for a potentially difficult land management issue! --
By Rentz Hilyer, NVCT Land Stewardship Specialist