Nevada GEAR UP Digest
January 2022
Happy New Year 2022!
Welcome to January and a new year!! Although we are already a few weeks into January, we want to wish a happy and healthy new year to anyone reading this! We hope you achieve all of your goals and more! We are very excited about the spring term! It won't be long before we will be talking about graduation!! So make sure to stay up to date with our social media for the latest activities, events, news, and deadlines!

With all that is happening and the crazy snow/weather we have had in northern Nevada, we are hoping you are all staying safe, healthy, and warm!
This month's blog was written by First Year College Advisor at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) - Jairon Castellanos! You can read it here!

NCCEP Capacity Building Workshop
The NCCEP annual Capacity Building Workshop will be held in just a few weeks on February 14-16. It will be a virtual conference. Registration is open. For more information or to register, visit their website:

2022 Nevada ACT/CoNVerge Virtual Conference
February 24 & 25, 2022
For 2022, Nevada ACT State Organization and the Nevada CoNVerge Conference have partnered to provide a timely and relevant professional development opportunity to education, counseling, college access, and workforce professionals. Registration is open! The cost is only $35 for this two-day event. Visit the website for more information or to register:

2022 NCCEP National Conference, Washington DC
July 17-20, 2022
This conference will be held in Washington, DC! If you have never been to the national conference, you won't want to miss it! Registration will be opening in May. Here is the link with more information:

Social Media
(For all students, parents, staff and supporters)
Don't forget to like and follow @gearupnv on any or all of our social media platforms! You can use the icons above to access the GEAR UP accounts.
So Long and Farewell to Our Dear Friend, Lori!
After many years with the Nevada State GEAR UP grant, Lori Botelho is moving on to another position and program at Nevada Department of Education (NDE). Lori was the assistant director for GEAR UP for ten years! She served during three grant cycles! We could not be any more grateful for her dedication and service to GEAR UP, the staff, and students! We will miss working with her everyday but we wish her the best of luck in her new role!
Good-Bye to Ruth!

We are also sorry to see Ruth Gomez-Martinez leave the GEAR UP family as well. Ruth has been one of our student workers/Communications Specialists in the Reno office. Ruth is a junior at UNR and will be moving on into a position that better aligns with her future goals. We wish you the best of luck in school and in your new job Ruth!
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NDE Training in Reno!

This coming Monday, January 24th, the entire GEAR UP Nevada team will be descending onto the Western Nevada College (WNC) campus for a full day of training. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have not had many opportunities to see each other in-person. This will be the first time everyone from around the state will be together! It will be wonderful to meet each other, some for the first time! It will also be a great opportunity for collaboration for upcoming events!
GEAR UP Nevada Bound!
Andrea Saavedra
We are very excited that a group of seniors from each of our GEAR UP high schools, will be traveling to Reno on February 9th for a GEAR UP dedicated Nevada Bound experience at the University of Nevada, Reno! Thanks to GEAR UP First Year College Advisor, Andrea Saavedra along with many others in getting this trip organized.

Nevada Bound is a total campus experience that UNR has been offering prospective students for several years. It is an all-day event where students fly up to campus, get a tour, hear about many of the services offered, eat at a campus dining hall, see the residence halls, shadow current college students, learn about student life, visit a college class, and so much more!
We Have a Lot of Strengths!

The NSHE GEAR UP Team recently completed a professional development session on Strengths-Based Leadership. This information is based on a program from the Gallup organization. It emphasizes identifying and utilizing individual strengths to many areas, such as team work, approaching projects, and even in advising students. The strengths-based approach is preferable to a more typical deficit-based approach when it comes to working with students.

The session was led by our very own, Nicole Stella, Director of the GEAR UP ASPIRE program. Nicole had a background in being a strengths facilitator. Before the actual session, all team members took the assessment which identified our top five strengths. It is probably no surprise that the team scored very high in the relationship building area! Thank you to Nicole for a fun and informative session!
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College and Career Fairs Coming this Spring!

The Career Exploration Committee proposed a large grant-wide event for the spring. We will be having a College and Career Fair at each of our high schools in April. We are hoping that the 8th graders will be able to attend as well! In southern Nevada, the fairs will be held the week of April 18th. The timing for Mineral County will be determined in the coming weeks.

All NSHE colleges will have tables to meet with students and answer questions. We also plan to have many local employers and/or organizations attend as well. We are hoping to introduce students to new career options and employment opportunities. We will plan to have multiple educational representatives to assist students with finding the correct educational or training path for their future career goals. It should be an exciting and fun-filled day for students and staff alike!
If not otherwise noted, questions regarding content in this Digest should be directed to: 
Janet Stake, NSHE GEAR UP Director, Programming and Outreach
Funded by USDE Nevada State GEAR UP Grant #P334S190009