Nevada GEAR UP Digest
 August 2021
It is August already! And yep, we are back in school! We hope you enjoyed your summer!

Although we know that times are still quite uncertain, we are hoping that we will be able to provide in-person services beginning very soon! We will be kicking off this year together with our partners from Student Success Agency. The first week of the new grant year should be full of excitement and anticipation! Look for our Kick Off Events at your school! Whether virtually or in person, we hope to see you there!!
This month's blog was written by GEAR UP ASPIRE Director, Nicole Stella. Read it here!

NCCEP Capacity Building Workshop - San Antonio Bound!
This coming February, NCCEP will hold it's annual Capacity Building Workshop. The NCCEP website shows that the Capacity Building Workshop will be held in San Antonio, TX on February 13-16, 2022!!
If you are lucky enough to be able to attend, registration will open in November!

October 17-20, 2021
As of this writing, we are expecting registration for GEAR UP West, a regional conference that includes Nevada, to open sometime in August. At this time, it will be an in-person event to be held in Billings, MT. We will be watching for updates and will include them in the Digest as they are released.

Social Media
(For all students, parents, staff and supporters)
Don't forget to like and follow @gearupnv on any or all of our social media platforms! You can use the icons above to access the GEAR UP accounts. Here's a tip! Rumor has it there will be another social media drawing for all new followers!

NSHE Institutions Welcome the First GEAR UP College Freshmen!
The start of a new school year is always an exciting time. It can also be filled with trepidation too as change can be difficult for some people. Sometimes that is felt by a student that steps foot on a college campus for the first time. It is a BIG step after all. Fortunately for our GEAR UP students, if they enrolled at one of the seven NSHE institutions, we have staff on hand to help them find their way and learn how to be a successful college student. This fall we are welcoming approximately 150 students to our campuses. Our team of First Year College Advisors have a variety of services and learning opportunities planned throughout the year to help them through their first year of college and beyond.
Welcome Donovan and Shannon!

That's right! Our GEAR UP family is growing! With the addition of the two new high schools to the program, that means we have two new GEAR UP Specialists at those schools. We are pleased to welcome Donovan Smith at Durango High School and Shannon Smith at Clark High School.

Donovan has been with CCSD for 14 years. He previously worked as a school counselor and in special education before joining GEAR UP. Donovan is working on his third master's degree. The first one was from UNLV (Special Education), the second from Touro (School Counseling), and his current program, Educational Administration, is through National University.
Shannon Smith is the new GEAR UP Specialist at Clark High School. Shannon grew up in the beautiful resort town of Whitefish, Montana and attended the University of Montana, Missoula for an undergraduate degree in Psychology. She moved to Las Vegas with her family in August of 2000 and completed her master’s degree in Educational Counseling from the University of Phoenix, Las Vegas in October 2002
National GEAR UP Week!
This year National GEAR UP Week is the week of September 20th. Usually GEAR UP programs across the nation have big plans to celebrate!

We will be celebrating In Nevada too! During National GEAR UP Week, the NSHE colleges and universities will hold their Kick Off events. We are planning an NSHE College and Scholarship Fair at each of our GEAR UP high schools! Come on by and say "hi" to the team, pick up some swag, and get your college questions answered too! Below is the schedule:
  • Tuesday, 9/21 at 11:00 - Bonanza High School
  • Wednesday, 9/22 at 11:00 - Durango High School
  • Thursday, 9/23 at 11:00 - Pahrump Valley High School
  • Friday, 9/24 at 10:45 - Clark High School.
If not otherwise noted, questions regarding content in this Digest should be directed to: 
Janet Stake, NSHE GEAR UP Director, Programming and Outreach
Funded by USDE Nevada State GEAR UP Grant #P334S190009