President's Message:
Greetings NTMCA Members!
I hope this newsletter finds you all well as we wrap-up another fiscal year, both in our association and our individual cities.
FY16-17 has been a productive year for our Chapter. Early on we distributed a member survey and have since implemented improvements to the way we operate; not the least of which was adding a social media element (i.e. Facebook) to promote our organization and improve our preservation of historical documents and photos. We've created opportunities for new members to become more involved. Our more seasoned members continue to encourage and mentor. We've maintained a balanced budget while providing monthly education programs through a growing list of new professional coaches. This year's Professional Seminar was a success as attendees participated in an Athenian Dialogue on the book
rofiles in Courage
by John F. Kennedy. TMCA President Lydia Lopez joined us at our June Awards Luncheon where we honored 31 members for their work on our many committees and presented two members with Alyce Deering scholarships. Our very own Mary Kayser of Fort Worth was inducted as President of the IIMC and the Chapter helped establish a scholarship endowment fund in her name. We also expect to contribute to both the Dorothy Byrd and Dr Joyce Snay state scholarships in September. We are a very fortunate organization to be able to develop new skills, encourage new clerks, and fund valuable education opportunities. I applaud all of you for continuing to
support one another in these areas.
Many thanks to Laurie Garber for hosting our August meeting at the expansive Indian Creek Golf Club in Carrollton. We enjoyed a wonderful view and bright sunshine in the clubroom, as well as one of the heartiest burgers you can imagine! The meeting was very productive as we voted on next year's slate of officers, discussed changes to the By-Laws, and next year's budget. Thank you to the Nominating, By-Laws, and Budget Committees for their work this year.
President-Elect Sheila Morales has begun her search for committee volunteers. Please contact her with questions about how to serve. Remember, it takes all of us to achieve our common goals!
Our next meeting will be held on September 21
in Joshua. Please join us and support this new member city. Guest speaker, Daniel Rosser from Agent IT, will be presenting 'Cyber Crime and Backup Solutions'. We will be voting on Proposed By-Laws changes and the Proposed FY17-18 Budget, as well as administering the Oaths of Office to the FY17-18 Board Members.
This is my final newsletter as President. My tenure on the Board has brought me much joy and both professional and personal growth. It has been a true privilege to serve you and I thank you for the opportunity. I'd like to take a moment to personally thank each of our Board members. Vice-President Sheila Morales, Treasurer Amy Shelley, Secretary Laura Bell, and Historian Monica Solko have done a fabulous job this year! In addition to their 'real jobs' and families, these ladies put in numerous hours supporting the programs and events our members enjoy each month. It truly is a group effort and I have been honored to work with this team! Thank you for all your hard work, encouragement, and friendship! With the addition of Kristi Gilbert, I wish you the best as you carry the torch next year. I know you will all do great work on behalf of our members. Cheers!
And finally, thank you all for your support and continued service to our organization and each other. I appreciate each and every one of our volunteers, host cities, supporters, and members. May you always find joy in your daily work. God bless.
Respectfully Yours, Carol Borges, President
Committee Applications |
Calling all NTMCA Supporters!
Please consider serving on a committee ad/or serving as a chair of a committee this next fiscal year. NTMCA has nine committees to fill.
Below is a list of the committees, along with the "big picture' of each committee.
- Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund-Promote, Review and Award
- Audit (2018)*- Behind the scenes review
- Budget-Behind the scenes review
- Holiday Celebration (2018)*- Event Planning
- Membership/Communications-Promote, Communications
- Municipal Clerk of the Year-Promote, Review and Award
- Nominating- Promote & Nominate
- Professional Seminar- Event Planning
- Technology-Communications
*The 2017 Committees were filled last year at this time
The meeting schedule for the remainder of 2017 and through September 2018 has been set.
We now need your help! Please consider hosting a meeting.
Please email
Laura Bell if you are interested in hosting.
October 18, 2017- Copper Canyon
November 15, 2017-
Host City Needed
December 2017- TBD by
Holiday Committee
January 18, 2018-
Host City Needed
February 21, 2018-
Host City Needed
March 29, 2018-
Host City Needed
April 2018- Professional Seminar-TBD
May 2018- No meeting (Elections)
June 20, 2018-
Host City Needed Awards Luncheon (need a central location)
July 19, 2018-
Host City Needed
August 16, 2018-
Host City Needed
September 12, 2018-
Host City Needed
NTMCA is in the
process of creating SOP's for all NTMCA committees and would like your help. If you have served on a committee and have helpful tips on how to best prepare for the committee, please email Sheila Morales at
- Forms/Templates
- Sponsor/Contact Lists
- Sponsorship Letters
- Powerpoint presentations
- Timelines for tasks
Website Resource Page
The NTMCA Board is looking to create a page on the website as a Resource page for the membership. If you have any powerpoints, templates, forms or any "cheat sheets" that you feel would be useful to other members, please email them to Monica Solko.
- Powerpoint presentation on training election workers
- Talking points on why membership dues are important
- Proclamation templates/examples
Upcoming Meetings
Mark your calendars for these meetings!!
September 21, 2017- Joshua (Deadline September 15, 2017 @ 5pm)
October 18, 2017- Copper Canyon
November 15, 2017- Host City Needed
Meeting Reservations
Members we need your help! In order to be able to provide food for all that attend our monthly meetings, we need to know who will be attending, so please let us know your intentions by the RSVP date.
Deadlines are included in the invitation, and on the meeting webpage. The best way to take care of this is to plan to attend all of the meetings and RSVP when you receive the invite! Thank you for your cooperation! Carol Borges, President
Future Newsletters
If there is a topic of interest or subject that you would like to see addressed in an upcoming newsletter, please let any of the Board members know.
If you would like to contribute to an article for consideration, please submit it by email to
Laura Bell.
FY 2016-2017 Board Officers
Carol Borges, Southlake
Sheila B. Morales, Copper Canyon
Amy Shelley, Colleyville
Laura Bell, Addison
Monica Solko, Lake Worth
817- 237-1211 x105