President's Message:
A big thank you to Zolaina Reyes, City Secretary, City of Watauga, for hosting our March meeting at the Foster Village Recreation Building. What a great venue and the food was fabulous!
We had the pleasure of having some of our members present to the group about issues and topics relevant to our work that we do every day. It was an incredibly fun and informative meeting!
Theresa Scott, Town Secretary, Flower Mound
Speaker: Theresa Scott, Town Secretary, Flower Mound: Open Records Request Data Redaction. She shared with the group about an email address collector software that has helped her tremendously with open records requests in Flower Mound. She said the software is about $30, but worth so much more! She said if anyone had any questions, they should give her a call or come by for a demonstration.
Art Camacho, City Secretary, Haltom City
Speaker: Art Camacho, City Secretary, Haltom City: Office Integrity. He shared some stories with the group about integrity, and said we should never let our integrity be questioned. He asked the group three questions: (1) Is integrity on the decline in our society, and especially in our workplace?, (2) Is the admission of a mistake a mark of integrity?, and (3) What are methods we can practice to insure our integrity?
Mary Kayser, City Secretary, Fort Worth
Speaker: Mary Kayser, City Secretary, Fort Worth: Parliamentary Procedure - Just For Fun. She shared some helpful tips about basic parliamentary procedures, and said that she views this fun! She said it is a good for City Councils to have rules of procedures in place, because often times, they will only follow Roberts Rule of Order as a general practice. She said she is always available if anyone has any questions.
We were so tuned into what Jesica had to say, we didn't get a picture of her speaking!
Speaker: Jesica McEachern, City Administrator, Bridgeport: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone. She shared how she has learned to step out of her comfort zone, especially with her promotion last year to city administrator. She said there are six benefits achieved by stepping out of your comfort zone: (1) You will let perfection go. (2) You will inspire others. (3) You will have no regrets at the end. (4) You will define yourself authentically. (5) You will gain control. (6) Your life experience will be fuller. You will be more creative and innovative.
At this meeting, the membership approved the following business items:
- February 18, 2016 meeting minutes; and
- Treasurer report for February 2016
Important dates for 2016
- TMCCP Seminar - Public Funds Investment, Lubbock, April 21-22
- No meeting in May - Elections
- NTMCA Awards Luncheon in Carrollton on June 8th
- TMCCP Seminar - OMA, PIA, Records, San Antonio, June 16-17
- NTMCA Monthly meeting in Argyle on July 21st
- NTMCA Monthly meeting in University Park on August 17th
- NTMCA Monthly meeting in Southlake on September 14th
Membership reminder:
We still have quite a few folks
who have not renewed their annual NTMCA memberships. Please renew as soon as possible. You will need to fill out the
2015-2016 application, and send it to Board Treasurer,
Sheila Morales. You will also need to submit your dues via PayPal or check.
***Moving forward, if your membership
has not been renewed, you will be required to pay the non-member fee for our monthly business luncheons. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!
Please don't forget Art has his membership drive going and has numerous incentives in place. If you are attend a meeting,
BRING A NEW CLERK! you will receive extra points, and will have a better chance of winning prizes that will be awarded at our August meeting!
We hope to see you all in Watauga!
2016 March Meeting Attendees Watauga
Mary Supino, President
Professional Seminar - Wednesday, April 6, 2016 |
We look forward to seeing you all in Grapevine at our Professional Seminar on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at the Grapevine Convention and Visitor's Bureau Headquarters.
Our Professional Seminar Committee (Tara Brooks, Chair; Christine Green, ad Jeannie Kenyon) have done a fabulous job planning the seminar, and have lined up some amazing speakers!
Registration and breakfast will take place from 7:15-8:00 a.m., and the program will begin at 8:30 a.m.
We are looking forward to hosting a Silent Auction at the Professional Seminar and have several great auction items. Our members are so generous. The funds raised will support the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund. This is a great way to show your support for the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund.
Remember to bring cash and checks to be able to win items separate from the Silent Auction.
If you have any questions, please contact any one of the Alyce Deering Scholarship Committee members:
Thank you for being a part of NTMCA!!
We hope to see you there!
I still need one volunteer to Chair the 2016 Holiday Committee. If you are willing to serve on this committee, please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated!! We all look forward to getting together at the holidays to celebrate, have fun visiting with our colleagues, and giving back to our community. We need your help to put together an amazing event for all of us to enjoy!
Mary Supino, President
Membership Drive |
If you paid your dues before December 31, 2015, your name will be placed in a drawing to have your 2017 membership dues paid. The drawing will take place at the February NTMCA Chapter meeting held in Flower Mound.
In addition, I am personally offering the following for the 2016 Membership Drive:
1. For each meeting attended from December 2015 through August 2016, each attendee, who has already paid their 2016 membership dues, will have their name put in a drawing for a pair of Dallas Cowboy tickets for the 2016 fall football season, to be drawn at the end of the August 2016 NTMCA Chapter meeting. If the Chapter member brings a new clerk with them to the Chapter meeting, that same Chapter member will receive an additional 5 drawing chances for their invitation, and their invitee will receive 1 drawing chance. If the newly-invited clerk joins the NTMCA Chapter, they - and the Chapter member who invited them - will each receive an additional 5 drawing chances at the next Chapter meeting.
The current 2016 Membership Drawing gift basket items and values include:
- Dallas Cowboy 2016 game tickets - $160
- Subway gift card - $15
- Darden restaurants gift card - $15
- Hobby Lobby gift card - $50
- State seal - $45
- Yeti 30 oz. Rambler - $45
- Texas Rangers v. Houston Astros - 9/3/16 game tickets - $30
- Golf for (2) at Iron Horse Golf Course with golf cart - $60
- (1) dozen Noodle golf balls - $15
- Target gift card - $15
- Home Goods gift card - $15
- NTMCA 2017 Dues - $20
- Texas shaped cutting board - $30
- Chili's gift card - $25
A current value of $510, and still growing!
Please take the time to complete the membership application and submit your dues today. If you pay your membership dues by
, please notate that on your membership application. You must print out your PayPal receipt and attach it to your application. Mail both to the Chapter Treasurer, Sheila Morales, Town of Copper Canyon, 400 Woodland Drive, Copper Canyon, TX 75077.
Membership Special!!
Each attendee at the
June 8th meeting in Carrollton (NTMCA Awards Luncheon), will have their current points automatically doubled!
Membership Committee Chair
Art Camacho
Historical Spotlight - Carrollton Town Square |
In 1900 George Myers and his brother J.S. filed a plat for property on what would become the east and south sides of the Carrollton Town Square. Then in 1901, they filed a plat for property to the west, and the town square began to take shape. By 1913 the town square was the center of a thriving community. The Carrollton Mercantile Company, besides being a dry goods and general store, offered hearses for funerals - your choice of black or gray, with matching horses owned by Arch Fyke. With the convenience of being located near the railroads, Carrollton Town Square developed where it did because of its abundant water supply. A creek ran through the middle of the square. Eventually a pump was installed, and water was piped to stores and a few homes. The water works and a hand-pushed fire hose cart were concealed in the bottom of the bandstand that was erected in the middle of the town square where the current-day gazebo now stands. Due to the efficient water supply in the area, Carrollton's first ice wagon delivery business began in 1904 or 1905. There was one delivery of ice each week except when the weather grew hotter - then two deliveries a week were made. Ice tea was usually a Sunday treat along with homemade ice cream. Before ice was available, a family built shelving or boxes made of wood or brick for submerging in a spring or creek so the milk and butter would stay cool and fresh. If a spring or creek was not close, wet cloths were wrapped around the milk pails and butter dishes and placed into the windows so the breeze would keep the dampened cloths cool. Perishable fruits and vegetables were canned, preserved, or pickled, and meat was cured with smoke or salt and kept hanging in a smokehouse. The gazebo in the middle of current-day Carrollton Town Square was built in 1921. Concerts by the town band, speeches by political candidates, and Saturday dances provided entertainment on the square. The first theater in Carrollton was an outdoor, makeshift screen stretched across the side of the George F. Myers Grocery Store. The Plaza Theater was built in 1949 and still stands today. This theater served patrons from a 10-mile radius until the 1970s. The town square is still an active retail area. Visit Old Downtown Carrollton Association website.
Submitted by Laura Bell, Historian
Future Meetings
May - No meeting
June 8
July 21
August 17
University Park
September 14
TMCCP Scholarships
As you plan your seminar schedule for next year, take a look at these TMCCP Scholarship opportunities: TMCCP Seminar Registration Fee Scholarships or TMCCP Seminar Travel Stipends
If you meet the eligibility requirements, apply and let TMCA pay for your TMCCP seminar or your travel/lodging expenses for a TMCCP seminar this up coming year!
Please apply no later than 10 business days prior to the desired seminar.
Submitted by
Mary Supino,
NTMCA President
Meeting Reservations
Members we need your help! In order to be able to provide food for all that attend our monthly meetings, we need to know who will be attending, so please let us know your intentions by the RSVP date. Deadlines are included in the invitation, and on the meeting webpage. The best way to take care of this is to plan to attend all of the meetings and RSVP when you receive the invite! Thank you for your cooperation! Mary Supino, President
NTMCA Clerk of the Year Nominations
We get one shot a year to honor City Secretaries/Clerks in our chapter for their relentless efforts, and that way is to nominate them for the NTMCA Clerk of the Year.
Municipal clerks are always up for any challenge and it is through our recognition programs that our professional profiles continue to grow.
This is the perfect opportunity to show a fellow clerk that their hard work and dedication to their city, and our chapter is truly appreciated.
This year's submission deadline is
May 13, 2016, and the
nomination form, and a list of nominee qualifications are available
Nominating Committee - 2016-2017 NTMCA Board
The 2016 Nominating Committee is seeking applications for individuals wishing to serve on the NTMCA Board. Board Members include the offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Historian. Board Members must be willing to commit to attend 10 monthly meetings throughout the year, as well as three officer meetings. Board Members also typically dedicate two hours per week of their time to NTMCA duties.
Detailed descriptions of duties and commitments can be found by viewing the NTMCA Bylaws. Over the years we have had many committed individuals serve us. Please take time to consider getting out of the comfort of your chair and giving back to our organization through service on the board.
2016 Nominating Committee:
Kristi Gilbert, Chair
Shannon Montgomery
Mary Supino, Board Liaison
Seeking Alyce Deering Scholarship Applications
The North Texas Municipal Clerks Association encourages professionalism and the continuing education of Texas Municipal Clerks by administering a
scholarship program that pays up to $500 for travel and registration costs incurred while attending a seminar sponsored by the Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc., and/or Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program.
We are currently seeking applications for the 2016 Alyce Deering Scholarship. The full summary of the program is available
HERE. To apply, you must complete the
application and provide a copy of your TMCCP transcript and a letter of commitment. The application deadline is
May 1st.
Calendar Wheels
These wheels are an excellent tool for counting deadlines with ease and precision. They are great for calendaring events/tasks associated with elections, requests for public information, budget, public hearings, legal notices, etc.
The calendar wheels will be available at the monthly meetings for $5.00 each. Monies raised from the sale of the calendar wheels will benefit the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund. The calendar wheels come in two colors-purple and green.
If you are not at a monthly meeting, and would like to purchase a calendar wheel, please contact Monica Solko at 817.427.6062 or via e-mail
Future Newsletters
If there is a topic of interest or subject that you would like to see addressed in an upcoming newsletter, please let any of the Board members know.
If you would like to contribute to an article for consideration, please submit it by email to
Amy Shelley.
FY 2015-2016 Board Officers
Mary Supino, Arlington
Carol Borges, Westworth Village
Sheila B. Morales, Copper Canyon
Amy Shelley, Colleyville
Laura Bell, Addison