Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | November  2016
In this Issue

Upcoming Events 

November 4 - Second Mentoring Program Networking Breakfast

November 4-12 - NSU Homecoming

November 13- December 11 - Library to hold extended hours for exams | Hours

November 17th - Dean's Town Hall Meeting, Part-Time students

November 18 - Law Center Plus | Registration 
Online M.S. Program Launches Cybersecurity Concentration

NSU Shepard Broad College of Law has launched a brand new concentration in Cybersecurity Law for its online Master of Science degree programs for non-lawyers. The concentration is a response to increasing workforce issues, including massive privacy invasions, cybersecurity regulations, and threats to internal communications. The concentration will launch in January 2017 and offer courses including Privacy Law; Cyber Law and Modern Mass Communications Policy; Electronic Commerce and Digital Trade; and Cyber and Information Crimes. Additional courses are under development. For more information, read the full  Press Release.
Town Hall Meeting with Dean Garon
Full-Time students:  Thurs. Nov. 3rd,  11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Part-Time students Thurs. Nov. 17th,  5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
at the Faculty Study

Join Dean Garon for an update on the building construction, ABA site inspection, and new programs. Ask your own questions and provide suggestions to make the law school stronger. Town Hall Meetings are a great opportunity for students to hear from the Dean, ask questions, share your feedback, and offer suggestions that you have about the program, the college, and the university. The next Town Hall Meetings will be held on January 26, 2017. Save the date!
Mentoring Program 2016-2017

Next Networking Breakfast: 
Friday, November 4, 2016, 7:15 - 9:00 a.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law

Join NSU Law for its second annual Mentoring Program taking place throughout the 2016-2017 academic year. Unlike the traditional 1:1 mentoring models often used, the NSU Law Mentoring  Program uses a group mentoring model organized by practice area. Mentees (2L and above) can meet Mentors who practice in an area of the law that interests them. Networking breakfasts and interactive learning presentations for Mentors and Mentees are held every two months during the fall and winter semesters.  A special program for 1Ls to introduce them to the program for the following academic year will be held November 4th, 2016.  |   Learn More & RSVP Here

Save the Dates:
  • Friday, January 27, 2017
  • Friday, February 24, 2017 (Current 1Ls and   Mentors Only)
Registration still open! If you participated as a Mentor or Mentee last year, please register online for 2016-2017 because the groups have been reorganized. You can update or verify your contact information and change mentoring groups if you'd like. Mentees who graduated in 2016 are encouraged to become Mentors this year. If you have any questions, please contact Alumni Relations at
How to Achieve Financial Success, Fulfill Your Ethical Obligations,
and  Manage a Profitable Small Law Firm
Friday, November 18, 2016 | 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
Shepard Broad College of Law Atrium
Learn How To:

  • Create a Successful Business Plan
  • Gain Confidence
  • Attract Clients
  • Work Fewer Hours
L ive Web Streaming Available | Advance Registration is required

Presented by  RJon Robins , founder and owner of  How to Manage a Small Law Firm

The Florida Bar approved 2.0 CLE credit hours (including 0.5 hour Ethics)
for this seminar.  Check-in begins at 7:30 AM. The Seminar begins promptly at 8:00 AM. 
NSU Law featured in South Florida Legal Guide
Article written by Dean Jon Garon

In October 2016, NSU Law was featured in an article entitled, NSU Law Grows Entering Class, Clinics, and International Opportunities, in South Florida Legal Guide's 2016 Financial Edition. The article, written by Dean Jon M. Garon, gave an overview of the latest news and accomplishments of NSU Law, including orientation, global networking events and opportunities, and key areas of growth in the clinical and health law, and dual-degree programs.  Read the Full Article here  or view the Digital PDF here.
National Institute for Trial Advocacy
Depositions Skills at NSU Law

On October 13-15, 2016, NSU Law hosted The National Institute for Trial Advocacy's (NITA) annual Florida Deposition Program. The program offers training to lawyers in mastering the art of taking and defending depositions. Program faculty included NSU Law alumni Maxine Streeter (JD 1991) and Christopher Sprague (JD 2006), as well as several other local and nationally renowned litigators and trial lawyers. In addition, the program utilized the skills of a number of law students who served as witnesses for the program.  According to Program Director and Professor of Law Michael Flynn, "The program was well received by the participating lawyers and successfully trained each lawyer in the skills of deposition practice." The program was hosted by  NSU Law Professors  Michael Flynn Kate Webber , and  Jayme Cassidy  hosted the program, along with experienced NITA professors.
NSU Law Holds 2016 Law Review Symposium
Regulating Innovation in Healthcare:
(L to R) Renard Murray, Marilyn Uzdavines, Dean Garon, Kathy Cerminara, and Daniel Dawes
Protecting the Public or Stifling Progress?

On October 14th, 2016, NSU Law welcomed nearly 100 participants for t he 2016 Nova Law Review Symposium. The symposium did a tremendous job of bringing together a wealth of expertise from around the country, as well as the NSU community, to talk about some of the most interesting challenges in the transformation of healthcare. Healthcare is a huge portion of our economy today, and politically one of the most contentious areas in our federal discourse. Yet it effects people's lives in a very personal and immediate level. Although t hese are very difficult issues to address, having this interdisciplinary approach of bringing in the medical, public health, and legal communities, allows the healthcare field to ignite a real transformation together. | Event Page | Event Photos

Our distinguished guests included: 
Sai Balasubramanian, JD - Strategy Consulting; Alison Barbiero - Nova Law Review; Kathy Cerminara, JD, JSD, LLM, NSU Shepard Broad College of Law; Daniel Dawes, JD - Morehouse School of Medicine; Mark Fleisher, JD - Modernizing Medicine; Stephanie A. Gernant, PharmD, MS - NSU College of Pharmacy; Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, NSU College of Health Care Sciences; Christopher Kersbergen, Keiser University; Fazal Khan, JD, MD - University of Georgia School of Law; Candice Lerman - NSU College of Law
Katherine Macfarlane, JD - University of Idaho College of Law; Renard Murray, PhD - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Ana Santos Rutschman, JD, LLM - DePaul University College of Law; Cason Schmit, JD - Texas A&M College ofPublic Health
Stacey Tovino, JD, PhD - University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law
Marilyn Uzdavines, JD - NSU Shepard Broad College of Law; Jackson Williams, JD, MPA - Dialysis Patient Citizens.
Student News
NSU Law Students Attend HNBA/ Microsoft IP Law Institute

On June 5-10, 2016, Alberto Mujica and Mariana 
Intellectual Property Law Scholars in Washington, DC
Muci  traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend 
the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA)/Microsoft IP Law Institute. Alberto and Mariana were specially selected by Microsoft and HNBA to attend the Institute and become Intellectual Property Law Scholars. Over the course of the institute, Alberto and Mariana learned from top IP lawyers, including attorneys for Disney, Microsoft, and Pfizer. The pair also traveled to various government agencies to meet with prominent IP regulators, administrators, and jurists from both the Hispanic community and otherwise. During their trip, Alberto and Mariana had the privilege of meeting Judge Jimmy Reyna from the Court of Appeals, and Danny Marti, White House Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator. 

Charles University Alumna and NSU Law Dual Degree Participant appointed Assistant of the Supreme Admin. Court Judge 

Charles University alumna and NSU Law Dual Degree participant Barbora Homolkova has been appointed Legal Assistant of the Supreme Administrative Court judge, doc. JUDr. Zdeněk Kühn, Ph.D., LL.M., S.J.D, in Brno, Czech Republic. Barbora's ultimate goal is to become a judge in the Czech Republic. 

Barbora has already received a Masters Degree in September 2016 from Charles University. Subsequently, she was admitted to continue her studies at Charles University through the Doctoral Study Program, Theoretical Legal Science. Using her knowledge acquired at NSU Law, she chose the following topic for her doctoral thesis: Judge Made Law in Common Law Countries. 
PILS Host Halloween Carnival for Women in Distress
PILS Students serving the community

On Thursday, October 20th, students from the Public Interest Law Society hosted a Halloween Carnival for residents of Women in Distress. 15 student volunteers from NSU Law attended the event, including members and non-members of PILS. The carnival hosted approximately 100 children, and the NSU Law students assisted with games, arts and crafts, face painting, and passing out costumes. They also provided goodie bags for each child. See photos from the event here.  

Faculty News
Dean and Professor Struffolino Promoted to  Associate Dean of Students

Professor Struffolino has been promoted to Associate Dean of Students as of October 21, 2016. This new title is well-deserved and compliments her promotion earlier this year to Full Professor. As part of this promotion, all Student Services staff will now report to her. Please join us in Congratulating Associate Dean Struffolino!
Staff Attorney Jayme Cassidy  has been invited to serve as a panelist for the ABA CLE series, Representing Service Members and Veterans on November 21, 2016. Approximately 8,000 attorneys are expected to participate in the webinar. 

Professor Phyllis Coleman   accepted an offer of publication for her most recent article , We Say "Tomato," They Say "Woof": The Argument for Abandoning "Provocation" In Dog Bite Statutes, 47 U. Mem. L. Rev . __ (forthcoming).

Professor Michael Dale is spending fall semester teaching in London, England. On September 22, 2016, Prof. Dale was featured in a CNBC International segment entitled, The London battle bus to stop Trump. On October 20, 2016, he gave a speech to Charles University faculty entitled, The Hague Convention on The Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction - The American Perspective

Professor Olympia Duhart contributed to the Fall 2016 AALS Section on Teaching Methods newsletter with an essay entitled, Bringing Games into the Classroom as an Effective Formative Assessment Tool

Professor Areto Imoukhuede served as a panelist at the annual SEALS Conference on August 6, 2016. The presentation was entitled, Workshop on Constitutional Law: Boundaries of the Right to Bear Arms, and focused on the current scope of Second Amendment doctrine. Prof. Imoukhuede served as a panelist at the SALT conference on September 30, 2016. The panel presentation was entitled, The Trouble with "Resiliency" and "Grit" in Reshaping Legal Education: Race, Class and Gender Considerations, and focused on the trouble with applying resiliency and grit in the law school classroom. Prof. Imoukhuede was a feature speaker at Suffolk University Law School's Faculty Presentation and Workshop Series on October 20, 2016. The presentation was entitled, Lochnerism and the Second Amendment, and focused on the on the recently revised Second Amendment doctrine and its historical antecedents. On November 3, 2016, he will speak at the Seventh Annual Constitutional Law Colloquium at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. His presentation is entitled, Affirmative Action and the Rebirth of Separate but Equal and will be on the rebirth of a separate but equal approach to equality in the context of affirmative action.
Professor Bob Jarvis  was featured as a "baseball expert" in WalletHub's article, 2016's Best Baseball Cities , on October 25, 2016.

Professor Shahabudeen Khan was a featured speaker on October 28, 2016 at St. Thomas University Law School's Symposium, Right to Bear Arms? An interactive forum challenging speakers and participants to engage in mutual dialogue on gun control. Khan also accepted an offer of publication for his latest article, One Decade Later: Florida's Stand Your Ground Law Alive and Well, Despite Recent Efforts by the ABA Calling for Reform" to be published in Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.

Associate Dean and Professor Elena Maria Marty-Nelson presented Breaking into Administration: New Roles and Responsibilities at the 2016 SALT Teaching Conference Sept. 30 at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago. She also served as the Faculty Speaker on Oct. 13 for the Susie and Alan B. Levan Ambassadors Board Breakfast Meeting at Nova Southeastern University. Her speech entitled Generating Innovation through Diversity, Inclusion and Equality of Opportunity discussed the economic case for diversity and inclusion coupled with the social justice goal of equality of opportunity and the role of the law in creating change.

Professor Joel Mintz was quoted in the Huffington Post article, The Clean Air Act Was Supposed To Protect Us. Here's Why It's Not, on October 11, 2016.

For questions, suggestions, and to submit news, please contact:

Lynn Acosta, Assistant Dean for Student Services
at |  954-262-6127

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