Notes from Karl

Again: Thank you all for getting involved, volunteering, and applying to serve.

The Board has been busy. We hope to schedule another all-member meeting soon.

We have a few BIG announcements here. I want to keep this short and actionable.

  • We have over 400 members registered on the web site - - and over 500 on this mailing list.

  • We will be setting up a separate email list with the email address. Note that this means we will export this list from Constant Contact then re-import it into the new account. So don't freak out when you see that activity. And be sure to white-list the domain.

  • Note: If you donated $100 or more, we will contact you personally with information on joining the Professional membership at no additional charge.

Action Step: You can go now to the web site and officially JOIN or donate.
Board Update

  • The Board of Directors has set August 31st as the last day to apply to serve on the Board.

  • The Board has decided to fill FOUR additional seats at this time.

Committee Update

  • The Board of Directors has set August 31st as the last day to apply to serve on the initial committees they've identified.


  • The Board has created two membership levels. Additional levels and pricing may be determined at a later date. Note that the membership fee is low enough that there's no excuse for that to be a deterrent. Right now, we need numbers.

Professional Member (Annual Fee: $ 100)
  • Can access all “member content” on the web site, including Forums and downloads
  • Can serve on Committees (limit one named person per paid membership) 
  • Can vote for Committee positions and Board of Directors (limit one vote per paid membership) 
  • Limit one paid membership per company. Other employees may be Registered members. 
  • Requires two letters of character from either a client or paid level member of NSITSP (initial year only)
  • Can use the NSITSP Member Logo on web site, etc.

Action Step: Join as a Professional Member Today!

Note: If you registered on the web site already, we are considering you a Registered Member. To participate fully, please go sign up as a Professional Member.

Thank you.
Join Now: Register as a member at - and tell everyone on your contact to do the same!

Thank you for taking the time to join us.

  • Karl W. Palachuk, Executive Director
National Society of IT Service Providers